Emil Adamík

Nacimiento : 1914-02-06,

Muerte : 1992-04-02


Život na úteku
Do posledného dychu
Milosrdný čas
Farm Co-op Deputy Chair (voice)
Deň slnovratu
Field Lilies
Villager by the Fence
The second, and unfortunately. the last feature film made by a unique talent among Slovak filmmakers, Elo Havetta, is one of the most originial pictures of Slovak cinematography. The film was conceived as a paraphrase of Vincent Šikula's prose, the tragic episodes of which screenwriter Lubor Dohnal and Havetta composed into a dramatic story. The main characters are veterans coming home from the First World War. And while they feel a need to find A home and settle down, they are also driven by a passion for a vagrant's free life.
Dosť dobrí chlapi
Čisté ruky
The Seventh Continent
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise, leaving their parents and other adults baffled on all remaining continents.