Ray (Philip Broadbent) is a washed-up musician with nearly nothing left to live for. Only the broken-down relationship with his daughter Joanna (Lydia Lakemoore) keeps him going. Plagued by insomnia Ray drinks to numb the flashbacks of another life; a life that had a future, where a daughter loved her father, where his wife lived on. Determined to change before he loses Joanna too, Ray takes Pandora, a mysterious sleeping pill from the dark web. It works. Then Ray wakes to a nightmare he could never have imagined. From the shadows of Ray's tormented life now come new demons. Demons that are not in his head. Demons that want revenge.
¿Qué pasó a bordo del vuelo Dubai-París antes de que se estrellara en los Alpes? Mathieu Vasseu, un técnico de la BEA, la autoridad responsable de las investigaciones de seguridad en la aviación civil, es el investigador jefe en este desastre aéreo sin precedentes. ¿Error del piloto? ¿Fallo técnico? ¿Acto terrorista? El cuidadoso análisis de las cajas negras empujará a Mathieu a realizar su propia investigación en secreto. Aún no sabe hasta dónde le llevará su búsqueda de la verdad.