Mark Sangster

Mark Sangster


Mark Sangster


Sidney Bernstein
It’s murder putting on a new musical – literally! The star of a new Broadway-bound musical has been murdered on stage on opening night! The entire cast and crew are suspects. Time to call in the local detective, Frank Cioffi. With a nose for crime and an ear for music, Frank tries to find the killer whilst giving the show a lifeline.
Council Officer
Sarah Taylor es una joven de quince años que cuida de sus hermanos pequeños y de su madre que sufre transtornos mentales que la obligan a permanecer gran parte del tiempo en cama. Sarah se ve obligada a trabajar a tiempo parcial además de sacar adelante su curso escolar y cuidar de su familia. La joven encontrará una inesperada vía de escape para su frustración y su exceso de responsabilidades.
Father Clemence, a man burned by his faith, has taken in search of retribution. Along the way, he is joined by Maria, a hitch hiking punk, who is fleeing her home in Mexico City. Together, the odd couple embark on a roller coaster of adventure that is at times both harrowing and heart warming.
Instinto básico 2: Adicción al riesgo
Court Reporter 1
El doctor Michael Glass, un reputado psiquiatra criminalista de Londres, es invitado por el detective de Scotland Yark, Roy Washburn, para que evalue a la novelista Catherine Tramell, una polémica y atractiva escritora de éxito que se se ha visto de nuevo envuelta en otro turbio asesinato.