Martin McGrath


Blind Ambition
The inspiring story of four Zimbabwean men who form their country’s first Wine Tasting Olympics team and the mission that drives them to compete.
Corre como una chica
Director of Photography
La historia de Michelle Payne, la primera mujer jinete en ganar la Copa Melbourne.
En 1978, cuando el impulso para despenalizar la homosexualidad se ha estancado, un grupo de activistas decide que deben hacer un intento final para celebrar quiénes son. Liderados por el ex jefe del sindicato, Lance Gowland, obtienen un permiso policial y corren la voz. En una helada noche de invierno, se visten con disfraces, se unen y desfilan por la calle Oxford. Pero no tienen idea de que la policía enojada está al acecho, y el coraje que encuentran esa noche finalmente movilizará a la nación.
Single mum Meera is an Australian of Indian origin. Smart and independent, she has carved out a successful life for herself and her daughter...despite family pressure to find a 'nice Indian match'. Then Meera meets Will, a blonde, blue-eyed Aussie charmer. But falling in love with an Australian is not only scandalous - it's unIndian! Does she do what her family wishes, or follow her heart?
Jack Irish: Dead Point
Director of Photography
Jack Irish is thrown into a world of club owners, drug dealers and killers when he is hired by a judge to find a mysterious red book.
Around the Block
Director of Photography
Una historia contemporánea de amor, venganza, y triunfo; un joven aborigen se debate entre su amor inesperado por la actuación y la desintegración de su familia. Mientras tanto, su profesor de teatro del instituto le anima a practicar lo que aprende, si desea tener éxito en su vida personal y profesional.
Jack Irish: Black Tide
Director of Photography
Jack Irish has no shortage of friends, but family members are few and far between. His wife was murdered by an ex-client and his father is a fading photo on the pubs football wall of fame. So when Des Connors, the last link to his dad, calls to ask for help in the matter of a missing son, Jack is more than happy to lend a hand. But sometimes prodigal sons go missing for a reason... As Jack begins to dig, he discovers that Gary Connors was a man with something to hide, and his friends are people with yet darker and even more deadly secrets.
Jack Irish Bad Debts
Director of Photography
Jack Irish (Guy Pearce) es un hombre que recupera su vida juntos otra vez. Un ex abogado criminalista cuyo mundo implosionó, él ahora gasta sus días como un investigador de media jornada, cobrador, ebanista del aprendiz, jugador y algún día amante - el hombre completo realmente. Jack es un experto en el descubrimiento de aquellos que no quieren encontrarse - muertos o vivos. Echa una mano a sus compañeros evitando el pasado. Esto es hasta que el pasado le encuentre.
The Last Confession of Alexander Pearce
Director of Photography
Eight men escape from the most isolated prison on earth. Only one man survives and the story he recounts shocks the British establishment to the core. This story is the last confession of Alexander Pearce.
Director of Photography
Sophie, una ilustradora de prestigio, está angustiada porque tiene que entregar un trabajo y se aproxima la fecha. Además, su matrimonio tampoco funciona y se entera de que su marido le engaña con una compañera. Inquietante drama con toques de thriller que gira en torno de una mujer, interpretada por Susan Sarandon, que es una madre cariñosa y trabajadora, cuya vida cambia cuando empieza a notar que pasan cosas extrañas e inexplicables en su casa
Everything Goes
A young couple offer to buy the furniture of a middle-aged man whose wife just left him - but they end up with more than they bargained for. Hugo Weaving, Abbie Cornish and Sullivan Stapleton star in an adaptation of a Raymond Carver story.
La Hija de Mi Jefe
Director of Photography
El joven ejecutivo Tom Stanisfield espera ansiosamente que su rígido jefe Jack Taylor lo ascienda en la empresa. Al mismo tiempo, centra toda su atención en la atractiva hija de Taylor, el ojito derecho de su padre. Cuando se le presenta la oportunidad de cuidarle la casa a su jefe, Tom se dispone a demostrarle su capacidad y, de paso, intenta acercarse a su hija.
The Pact
Director of Photography
En la playa
Director of Photography
Miniserie de TV. 3 episodios. Versión televisiva de la novela de Neil Shute, ya llevada al cine en 1959, en una memorable película con Gregory Peck. Aquí Rachel Ward y Bryan Brown interpretan a dos amantes que encaran la muerte por radiactividad luego del estallido de la guerra nuclear y la posterior llegada de la nube mortal a Australia.
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation, though homosexuality is also hinted at) which affect his relationship with a woman who comes to love him. It is set mainly in London in 1914, when Grainger's mother Rose was ill (she would later jump to her death in New York, upset by ill-founded rumours of incest with her son).
Director of Photography
A champion high school rugby player has a secret desire to be a ballet dancer, having spent 11 years in ballet school. Seizing an opportunity to audition for a local company's presentation of "Romeo and Juliet", he nonetheless fears what will happen to his reputation if the other kids in his school find out. Adding the practices to his already burgeoning schedule quickly starts to create problems with his friends, his teachers, his coach, his play director, and his ballet partner. Of course, it all comes together on the stage of the Sydney Opera House.
In The Winter Dark
Director of Photography
Fear of an unidentified livestock predator unites an Australian couple, an outcast, and an abandoned woman.
Director of Photography
A first date: he shows up at her flat, several stories up in her building. She's finishing getting ready, so she introduces him to her dog, which loves to fetch a small red rubber ball with blue stars. He tosses the ball to the dog a few times, somewhat distractedly, looks through a book ("Do I have to be me?") on her coffee table, opens the French doors to her balcony, sits down and continues to toss the ball. It takes a deadly carom, but when she emerges from her bedroom ready to go, he stays mum. Outside the building, a crowd has gathered. Will he tell her what happened, or leave it for her to put together? Is there any way out for him?
The Sound of One Hand Clapping
Director of Photography
Tasmania, 1954: Slovenian migrant Melita abandons her husband and young daughter, Sonja. Sonja's distraught father perseveres with his new life in a new country, but he is soon crushed into an alcoholic despair, and Sonja herself abandons him at the earliest opportunity. Now, nearly 20 years later, a single and pregnant Sonja returns to Tasmania's highlands and to her father in an attempt to put the pieces of her life back together.
Director of Photography
In New South Wales, Jared surfs with his mates and has a first girl. He hosts a beach party for his older pal, Ricko, and witnesses four of his mates gang-rape a 15 year old. He does nothing, and the next day, she's found murdered. At school, the boys and the girls react: the girls with anger at the perpetrators, the boys with jeering at the dead girl's morality. The students' parents have their own responses. Jared retreats into angry silence, disgusted that he did nothing to help the dead girl. Meanwhile, his mother wants to talk to him about her impending cancer surgery, the police want to know what he saw, and his friend Ricko wants an alibi. Jared's cracking under the pressure.
Hijos de la revolución
Director of Photography
Pocos son los que saben que el dictador Joseph Stalin pasó la última noche de su vida en brazos de la ardiente comunista australiana Joan Fraser. Fruto de esa fugaz relación nacería Joe Welch, un hijo en común que mucho tendría que ver en el desencadenamiento de la Guerra Civil Australiana. Pero todo eso fue durante los años 50. Ahora, en 1990, Joe se ha convertido en un distinguido político que se verá inmerso en serias dificultades...
Little White Lies
The public facade and private life of an aspiring politician and his wife. This film reveals the little white lies that lead to revenge, blackmail and a fight for life.
The Seventh Floor
Kate Fletcher has the perfect apartment. Everything is computer controlled. It is the home of her dreams until a psychotic man begins to execute the violent orders he hears from his long dead sister.
La boda de Muriel
Director of Photography
Muriel es una chica con sobrepeso que vive en un mundo de fantasía, canciones de ABBA y catálogos nupciales. Sueña con un príncipe azul que algún día la liberará de su odiosa familia y de sus burlonas amigas. Cansada de esperar su llegada, decide irse a la ciudad y buscarlo. Uno de los mayores éxitos del cine australiano de los noventa.
Singapore Sling
Director of Photography
John Stamford, an expatriate Australian, now a private detective in Singapore, becomes involved in a fake pharmaceuticals case and a dangerous love triangle.
Clowning Around 2
Director of Photography
Sim, now a member of the Winter Circus in Paris, befriends Eve, another young clown. Drawn to an experimental style of clowning used by Circus Oz and Cirque du Soleil, the techniques get them both fired, but when Sim returns home to Australia, he finds that he is now the inheritor of a share in the Rathnow Circus.
Wet and Wild Summer
Director of Photography
A property developer wants to take over an Australian beach for a high rise resort. He sends his son to Australia to check out the situation, posing as an exchange lifeguard. He falls in love with a woman who owns the land his father needs for the development and finds himself sympathising with the locals.
Come And Get It
Director of Photography
Doc, an American Vietnam vet, travels to Australia to discover his friend John has been murdered by a mysterious crime boss known as Pirate. Doc inherits John's nightclub and finds it staffed by beautiful women. Finding himself at war with thugs trying to take over the club, he hatches a plan to expose Pirate's identity, save the club, and allow him to get it on with the babes.
La prueba
Director of Photography
Martin toma fotografías guiado por las percepciones y descripciones de los otros. Martin es ciego y, con esta rara práctica para un invidente, él prueba que el mundo es realmente cómo los otros se lo describen. A pesar de su carácter prepotente y autosuficiente, Martin necesita de los cuidados de Celia, una atractiva mujer que lo ama desde hace tiempo y con quien mantiene una sádica relación. La llegada de Andy, un fornido y solitario lavador de platos de un restaurante a la vida de Martín, hace que estos personajes se involucren en un triángulo de relaciones en el que alternadamente se abusan y aman entre sí...
Weekend with Kate
Additional Photography
This breezy sex comedy follows ex-journalist turned rock promoter Richard Muir (Colin Friel), who is pulled in two different directions by the women in his life -- his vivacious wife, Catherine (Catherine McClements), who wants to have a baby -- and Carla (Helen Mutkins), his ambitious mistress, who wants to have Richard.
La danza de las sombras
Director of Photography
Dos estudiantes compiten una noche en un juego para ver quién es superior. Pero cada vez, la competición se irá poniendo más peligrosa...
Shark's Paradise
Director of Photography
David Reyne y Sally Tayler protagonizan este clásico clásico de 'Ozploitation' de los 80. Un hombre loco amenaza con atraer a cientos de tiburones a la playa en Surfers Paradise Australia al comienzo de la temporada turística, su precio para detener a los tiburones es de $ 2 millones. Nuestros héroes hacen todo, desde escapar de la cárcel hasta arriesgarse a morir en una fábrica química, para detenerlo.