Charlie Fincher
After Park's brother and hearing is taken he is forced back into a violent and disturbing life he once tried to run away from.
In 3025 ODDITYs plague the earth and it is Wayne's job to keep them in check. but when the Wayne's ODDITY is stolen he starts questioning the system he works for.
Costume Design
Theodore, a lonely country man, has to deal with the guilt and repercussion's of killing his brother.
Theodore, a lonely country man, has to deal with the guilt and repercussion's of killing his brother.
Doug es vive solo al cargo de sus hijas, Katie y Bonnie. Cuando Katie cumple 15 años, y aprovechando un viaje de negocios de su padre, decide ir a un salón de belleza y cambiar completamente su 'look'. De este modo se convierte en una preciosa joven que será objeto del deseo y la admiración de los jóvenes. Sin embargo, su padre no ve con buenos ojos ese cambio de su hija, porque conoce a los hombres...
Features a hip original soundtrack, exciting choreography and a theme song performed by Alyssa herself. Kids will dance with her, work out with her, and just hang around and laugh with Alyssa and her friends.