Odile Antonio-Baez


Executive Producer
Cruz is a grandma who's spent years, decades actually, without having an orgasm. Religiously devout, it wasn't something that she considered particularly important, or that she'd even given much thought to... until, one day, while surfing the internet, she again starts to feel those desires and sensations she had believed were long gone. Now she is faced with a dilemma: how can she balance her religious beliefs with this new sexual and sensual awakening that has suddenly come back into her life?
El universo de Óliver
Executive Producer
Año 1985. Óliver, un niño con una imaginación desbordante, se muda con su familia al rincón más al sur de Europa, justo cuando está a punto de pasar el Cometa Halley. Estos acontecimientos marcarán un antes y un después en la vida emocional de Óliver, que buscará en las estrellas la solución a sus problemas en el nuevo colegio, en el barrio y en casa. Para colmo, su abuelo, apodado “el majara” se anima ayudarle a interpretar el mensaje del cometa y dar un paso al frente en su nuevo Universo.