Ben Masters

Ben Masters


A proud Texan, Masters is a filmmaker and writer specializing in wildlife and adventure stories. Most known for directing the documentary The River and The Wall (SXSW Award Winner) and for producing Unbranded (Mountainfilm Audience Award Winner), Masters studied wildlife biology at Texas A&M and founded Fin and Fur Films, a production company specializing in shorts featuring wildlife research, conservation, and activism.


Ben Masters


Deep in the Heart: A Texas Wildlife Story
Dirigida por el galardonado cineasta Ben Masters, Deep in the Heart es una celebración visualmente impresionante de los diversos paisajes de Texas y la notable vida silvestre que no se encuentra en ningún otro lugar. Contada a través de los ojos de especies de vida silvestre que van desde el misterioso bagre ciego hasta el escurridizo león de montaña, la película sigue nuestra relación en constante cambio con el mundo natural y cómo lo afectamos. Narrado por el amado tejano, Matthew McConaughey, la película tiene como objetivo salvaguardar nuestros lugares salvajes restantes y reconocer la importancia de la conservación de Texas a escala continental.
Deep in the Heart: A Texas Wildlife Story
Dirigida por el galardonado cineasta Ben Masters, Deep in the Heart es una celebración visualmente impresionante de los diversos paisajes de Texas y la notable vida silvestre que no se encuentra en ningún otro lugar. Contada a través de los ojos de especies de vida silvestre que van desde el misterioso bagre ciego hasta el escurridizo león de montaña, la película sigue nuestra relación en constante cambio con el mundo natural y cómo lo afectamos. Narrado por el amado tejano, Matthew McConaughey, la película tiene como objetivo salvaguardar nuestros lugares salvajes restantes y reconocer la importancia de la conservación de Texas a escala continental.
American Ocelot
American Ocelot tells the story of one of the most endangered and beautiful wild cats in the United States — a species so elusive that high-quality images and video have never been captured until now. With fewer than 100 individuals remaining in the US, the ocelot is critically endangered, genetically isolated, and only exists in Texas.
The River and the Wall
Five friends embark on a 1,200 mile journey along the US-Mexico border from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico to learn first hand what effect a border wall will have on the natural landscape and the wild animals roaming the land.
The River and the Wall
Five friends embark on a 1,200 mile journey along the US-Mexico border from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico to learn first hand what effect a border wall will have on the natural landscape and the wild animals roaming the land.
Return of the Desert Bighorn
After all native desert bighorn sheep were eliminated from Texas by the 1960s, conservationists began the long fight for their return. Now, after many years of hard work and trial and error, healthy populations roam parts of the state. Return of the Desert Bighorn follows wildlife biologists as they capture, collar, and relocate desert bighorn to restore populations in West Texas.
Return of the Desert Bighorn
After all native desert bighorn sheep were eliminated from Texas by the 1960s, conservationists began the long fight for their return. Now, after many years of hard work and trial and error, healthy populations roam parts of the state. Return of the Desert Bighorn follows wildlife biologists as they capture, collar, and relocate desert bighorn to restore populations in West Texas.
Return of the Desert Bighorn
After all native desert bighorn sheep were eliminated from Texas by the 1960s, conservationists began the long fight for their return. Now, after many years of hard work and trial and error, healthy populations roam parts of the state. Return of the Desert Bighorn follows wildlife biologists as they capture, collar, and relocate desert bighorn to restore populations in West Texas.
Unbranded (Mustangs sin marcar)
Cuatro jóvenes vaqueros emprenden un arriesgado viaje a lomos de un grupo de 'mustangs' (caballos salvajes norteamericanos), atravesando el salvaje oeste desde México hasta Canadá y cruzando las Montañas Rocosas. Esta travesía épica -de cerca de 5.000 kilómetros y más de cinco meses de duración- los llevará a conocer paisajes espectaculares, a atravesar peligrosos puertos de montaña y a enfrentarse a la enfermedad, a las heridas y a su propia capacidad de resistencia. El documental "Unbranded (mustangs sin marcar)" muestra este maravilloso viaje que marcará sus vidas para siempre y pondrá a prueba su valor, su fortaleza y su amistad.