James Gleason

James Gleason

Nacimiento : 1882-05-23, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1959-04-12


James Gleason was born in New York City to William Gleason and Mina Crolius, who were both in the theatre. He was married to Lucile Gleason (born Lucile Webster), and had a son, Russell Gleason. As a young man James fought in the Spanish-American War. After the war he joined the stock company at the Liberty Theater in Oakland, California, which his parents were running. James and his wife then moved to Portland, Oregon, where they played in stock at the Baker Theater. For several years afterward they toured in road shows until James enlisted in the army during World War I. When he returned he appeared on the stage in "The Five Million." He then turned to writing, including "Is Zat So", which he produced for the NY stage. He also wrote and acted in "The Fall Guy" and "The Shannons on Broadway." Next he wrote The Broadway Melody (1929) for MGM. He collaborated, in 1930, on The Swellhead (1930), Dumbbells in Ermine (1930), What a Widow! (1930), Rain or Shine (1930) and His First Command (1929). He and his wife were then contracted to Pathe, Lucille to act, and James (or Jimmie as he was known) as a writer. Probably his most famous acting role was as Max Corkle, the manager of Joe Pendleton who was wrongly plucked from this life into the next, in the hit fantasy Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941).


James Gleason


A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Hollywood My Home Town
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
El último hurra
Cuke Gillen
En un mundo cambiante en el que la televisión se ha convertido en la principal fuente de información, Adam Caulfield, un joven periodista deportivo, es testigo de cómo su tío, Frank Skeffington, un veterano y honesto político, alcalde de una ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, intenta ser reelegido mientras banqueros y empresarios conspiran en la sombra para colocar en el ayuntamiento a un candidato débil y manejable.
Dinero, Mujeres y Armas
Henry Devers
Un veterano buscador de oro es asesinado por tres bandidos tras hacer un impresionante hallazgo. No obstante, antes de morir se las ingenia para acabar con la vida de dos de los atacantes y para dejar un mensaje escrito en el suelo, su última voluntad. Meses después, el jefe Silver Ward Hogan investiga el suceso intentando localizar a los herederos legítimos del viejo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Once Upon a Horse...
Having gained a measure of TV fame by 1958, the nightclub comedy duo of Dan Rowan and Dick Martin decided to give movies a try with Once Upon a Horse. Dan and Dick play Dan Casey and Doc Logan, a pair of nitwitted cowboys who turn to outlawry because they can't make a go at any honest profession. Stealing a valuable herd of cattle, the boys' dreams of financial security are dashed when they're forced to raise money to feed their stolen bovines. Martha Hyer costars as Miss Amity Babb, a resourceful saloon hall owner who applies 20th century business methods to her 19th century operation.
Yo soy el padre y la madre
Doc Simpkins
Carla Naples (Marilyn Maxwell) es una famosa actriz que, a punto de protagonizar una nueva película, informa a su manager que está embarazada. Siendo necesario, para cuidar su imagen, deshacerse de esta “nueva adquisición”… los trillizos que Carla van a parar a manos de su eterno enamorado y amigo de la infancia Clayton Poole (Jerry Lewis), un buenazo dispuesto a ser padre y madre para salvar a las criaturas. Con la ayuda de Sandy (Connie Stevens), la hermana de Carla, y del abuelo Naples, Poole hará más llevadero su “sacrificio”.
Man or Gun
Sheriff Jim Jackson
Gun-slinging drifter "Maybe" Smith's Colt .44 pistol and shooting skills are put to the test shortly after his arrival in the New Mexico frontier town of Dusty Flats. After outdrawing wanted outlaw Buckstorm Corley in the saloon, Smith finds himself up against the entire corrupt Corley clan -- who've been running roughshod over the fearful townsfolk for years.
The Female Animal
Tom Maloney
Vanessa Windsor es una estrella de cine que es salvada de un accidente en el estudio por un apuesto joven, quien tras el feliz encuentro va tras ella. En su casa de la playa conocerá a la hija de la actriz, Penny, una joven sexy y alcohólica, por la que se sentirá atraído.
Sangre en el rancho
Hank James
En la pequeña población de Spurline, dos hombres que trabajan para un ranchero manipulador y poderoso llamado Renchler, dueño de la hacienda Golden Empire, son acusados de haber matado a un hombre mexicano. El sheriff Sadler luchará contra muchos obstáculos en su decisión valerosa de encontrar a los asesinos e impartir justicia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Loving You
Carl Meade
Elvis interpreta a Deke Rivers un empleado de una gasolinera que es descubierto por Glenda, una publicista, y Tex, un músico country. Ambos andan a la búsqueda de nuevos talentos ofreciendo fama y fortuna.
Spring Reunion
A spinster finally finds the right man when she returns to her alma mater after 15 years for a class reunion.
El último sol
Orval Jones
El sheriff de Gunlock pretende ahorcar a un hombre llamado Hall, acusado de matar a tres granjeros. La gente desea linchar al asesino antes de que sea rescatado por sus amigos, pero el sheriff quiere antes sonsacarle información y enterarse de quien lo contrató para cometer el crimen.
The Girl Rush
Ether Ferguson
When her compulsive-gambler father dies, leaving her with an inheritance that amounts to zip, single gal Kim Halliday jumps at a caller's claim that she's part-owner of a Las Vegas "hotel." But hilarity ensues when she flies to Sin City to see it. While a wealthy casino owner eyes her dilapidated property, she takes a chance and tries to sell it to an hotelier's wealthy son.
La noche del cazador
Birdie Steptoe
Tras realizar un atraco en el que han muerto dos personas, Ben Harper regresa a su casa y esconde el botín confiando el secreto a sus hijos. En la cárcel, antes de ser ejecutado, comparte celda con Harry Powell y en sueños habla del dinero. Tras ser puesto en libertad, Powell, obsesionado por apoderarse del botín, va al pueblo de Harper, enamora a su viuda y se casa con ella.
De repente
Peter 'Pop' Benson
Suddenly es un pequeño pueblo de California donde nunca pasa nada. Un día, la noticia de que el tren del Presidente de los Estados Unidos hará una parada en el pueblo, provoca un gran revuelo. Unos gángsteres planean asesinarlo desde la ventana de una casa donde viven un jubilado del Servicio Secreto, su nuera viuda y el hijo de ésta. Los rehenes intentarán impedirlo.
Por siempre mujer
Eddie Woods
Él (William Holden) es un autor teatral de gran fama, y ella (Ginger Rogers) una veterana estrella de la interpretación, que se encuentra en el momento culminante de su carrera, pero que tiene que hacer frente a la competencia de las jovencitas. Una de ellas, Sally (Pat Crowley), trata por todos los medios de ganarse la simpatía del escritor.
El precio de la gloria
General Cokely
Francia, 1918. El capitán Flag tiene a su cargo una compañía de marines de mala reputación, en la que, además, el nuevo sargento primero es su viejo enemigo Quirt. Ambos se enfrentarán para conseguir los favores de Charmine, la hija del tabernero; pero esta rivalidad cambia completamente cuando ella muestra su interés por casarse. Finalmente, la compañía es llamada al frente y, a partir de ese momento, sus cómicas disputas darán paso a la cruda y cruel realidad de la guerra
The Story of Will Rogers
Bert Lynn
Biography of humorist and movie star Will Rogers
No estamos casados
El juez de paz Melvin Bush casa a varias parejas antes de que su ingreso en la magistratura sea oficial. Años después, esos matrimonios se enteran de que sus bodas no son válidas.
Te veré en mis sueños
Fred Townsend
Historia del escritor de canciones Gus Kahn (Danny Thomas), centrada en la relación del compositor y su mujer Grace (Doris Day).
Come Fill The Cup
Charley Dolan
Alcoholic newspaperman Lew Marsh hits bottom, loses his job and is rehabilitated by Charley Dolan. After six years on the wagon he gets his job back and devotes himself to other recovering alcoholics.
Joe Palooka in Triple Cross
Knobby Walsh
Joe Palooka and two friends are taking hostage by three criminals.
Two Gals and a Guy
Max Howard
A singing couple gets their own television show, and the strains of putting on a TV show every week starts to jeopardize their relationship.
Joe Palooka in the Squared Circle
Knobby Walsh
Joe Palooka encounters gangsters and tries to alert the law.
Cuidado con los inspectores
Harry Summers
Cuenta la historia de un individuo felizmente casado, con trabajo y dos niños, cuya vida cambia radicalmente cuando gana un concurso radiofónico de preguntas y respuestas, convirtiéndose en una celebridad.
Lo quiso la suerte
Racing Secretary
Un entrenador de hípica que pasa por una mala racha pone toda su confianza en su caballo para la próxima competición. No obstante, éste se escapa de su cuadra. Los problemas se complican cuando el sheriff del condado reclama a Dan su caballo al no haber hecho frente al pago de unas facturas. A medida que se acerca la hora del Derby, cuando tenía previsto competir su caballo "Broadway Bill", los nervios atenazan a Dan Brooks, quien una vez que ha recuperado a su caballo se encuentra con un nuevo imprevisto.
The Yellow Cab Man
Mickey Corkins
Pirdy is accident prone. He has been denied insurance from every company in town because he is always getting hit or hurt in some way. On the day that he meets the lovely Ellen of the Yellow Cab Co., he also meets the crooked lawyer named Creavy. Pirdy is an inventor and when Creavy learns about elastic-glass, his new invention, he makes plans to steal the process. With the help of another con man named Doksteader, and the boys, he will steal this million dollar invention no matter who gets hurt.
Las llaves de la ciudad
Sergeant Hogan
Durante una convención de alcaldes de ciudades norteamericanas celebrada en San Francisco, dos de estos mandatarios acaban enamorados, con un pequeño problema: mientras que Clarissa gobierna en una pequeña localidad de Maine, Steve es el alcalde de otra comunidad al norte de California. Así que, cuando acaba el congreso, ambos parten para sus respectivos lugares...
Miss Grant Takes Richmond
Timothy Gleason
A bookie uses a phony real estate business as a front for his betting parlor. To further keep up the sham, he hires dim-witted Ellen Grant as his secretary figuring she won't suspect any criminal goings-on. When Ellen learns of some friends who are about to lose their homes, she unwittingly drafts her boss into developing a new low-cost housing development.
Un paso en falso
Captain Gledhill
El profesor Andrew Gentling está en Los Ángeles buscando una nueva universidad. Allí se encuentra a una antigua pareja suya, Catherine Sykes. Al día siguiente, Catherine desaparece, y su amiga Martha convence a Andrew de que él es el primer sospechoso. Andrew decide investigar el caso antes de que le arresten, pero esto sólo le pone en peligro.
The Life of Riley
Inspired by the popular '40s radio show of the same title, director Irving Brecher's 1949 comedy stars William Bendix as a hard-working husband-and-father with no shortage of family problems.
Bad Boy
A lawman tries to find the source of a juvenile delinquent's bad behavior.
When My Baby Smiles at Me
Lefty Moore
Bonny Kane and 'Skid' Johnson are vaudeville performers in the 1920s. The two of them suffer marital difficulties when Skid gets an offer to appear on Broadway while Bonny gets left behind on the road. Things get worse with Skid's increasing drinking problem and the fact that the press has reported him to be spending a lot of time with his pretty co-star.
Tío Willie
Uncle Willie Ramsey
Tierna y simpática comedia al más puro estilo norteamericano, que narra cómo una encantadora jovencita está totalmente convencida de que su caballo es en realidad la reencarnación de su tío Willie.
The Dude Goes West
Sam Briggs
Daniel Bone is aiming for success. A Brooklyn gunsmith by trade, he figures the place to be is where the guns are. So off he goes into the West and becomes the foe of the notorious Pecos Kid, the captive of Paiutes, the target in a saloon showdown, and the lone source of the whereabouts of a fabulous gold strike.
Smart Woman
Sam Corkle
A crusading DA falls for a defense attorney with a criminal past.
Hombres de presa
Pop Mathews
John Monroe (John Wayne) es un ingeniero contratado para determinar el trazado de un ferrocarril en un complejo minero en Los Andes. La empresa encargada de realizar la obra pertenece a Frederick Alexander (Cedric Hardwicke). Las diferencias entre éste y Monroe sobre cómo salvar el desnivel del terreno se agravarán cada vez más, especialmente cuando el ingeniero comienza a cortejar a la hija del empresario, la bella Maura Alexander (Laraine Day). (FILMAFFINITY)
La mujer del obispo
El espítiru navideño parece dominarlo todo, pero no tiene cabida en el hogar del obispo Henry Brougham. En su lucha por recaudar fondos para construir una nueva catedral, el joven clérigo ha desatendido de tal manera a su afectuosa esposa Julia, que ahora lo único que puede salvar su matrimonio es un milagro. Pero el poderoso ángel envíado desde el cielo no se conformará con darle a Henry una lección inmortal de romanticismo
La diosa de la danza
Max Corkle
Rita Hayworth interpreta a una angelical musa que monta en cólera cuando se entera de que un musical de Broadway la va a presentar como una chica real muy sexy. Así que baja a la tierra para poner las cosas en su sitio.
The Homestretch
Doc Kilborne
A young couple's marriage is threatened by the husband's love of horses and the racetrack circuit.
Lady Luck
Sacramento Sam
A woman marries a gambler with the hopes of reforming him, but things don't quite work out the way she planned.
Home Sweet Homicide
Sgt. O'Hare
Mystery writer Marian Carstairs is hard at work trying to finish her latest novel. Her three children meanwhile are entertaining themselves by trying to solve a murder in their own neighborhood. In between gathering clues, the kids play matchmaker by trying to fix up their widowed mom with the handsome detective investigating the case.
The Well Groomed Bride
Captain Hornby
El film es una pequeña broma de 75 minutos que tiene lugar en San Francisco, cuando un hombre y una mujer pelean por una botella de champán que ella quiere para una boda y él para botar un barco.
El canalla redimido
Después de servir en el ejército durante la I Guerra Mundial, el reportero Terry O'Neill vuelve a casa. Descubre que es más difícil encontrar empleo de lo que había pensado.
Captain Eddie
Tom Clark
WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the early years of civil airline service, after his plane crashed in the South Pacific in late 1942.
El reloj
Al Henry
Una chica conoce a un soldado en la Estación de Pennsylvania en Nueva York. El joven tiene un permiso de 48 horas, tiempo suficiente para enamorar a la muchacha y casarse con ella.
Lazos humanos
Crónica de una humilde familia de inmigrantes irlandeses que viven en el barrio neoyorquino de Brooklyn a comienzos del siglo XX. El padre es un hombre amable, pero con problemas de alcoholismo; la madre una mujer luchadora, y la hija pequeña es una brillante muchacha que sueña con salir del barrio para emprender una nueva vida.
This Man's Navy
Jimmy Shannon
During World War II, Chief Aviation Pilot Ned Trumpet is in charge of an airship at Lakehurst, New Jersey naval base. Trumpet orders an unauthorized and premature attack on a German submarine but the bomb misses and the submarine fires back, hitting the airship. Trumpet takes over the controls and sinks the submarine, The pilot faces a court-martial for disobeying orders but the older man takes the blame for his actions. Weaver transfers to the Ferry Command, and while on assignment in Burma, his aircraft crashes in Japanese territory. Trumpet rushes to the scene with a rescue team. Both are successfully brought out and are decorated for their heroism. Afterward, Weaver indicates that he will be returning to the lighter-than-air service in Lakehurst, to reunite with his "father".
Las llaves del reino
Rev. Dr. Wilbur Fiske
Sombrío retrato de la pobreza y el despotismo de la China de los años treinta. El protagonista es el padre Francis Chisholm (Gregory Peck), un bondadoso misionero de origen escocés. Peck fue nominado al Óscar al mejor actor protagonista
Arsénico por compasión
Lt. Rooney
Un crítico teatral que acaba de casarse decide visitar a sus ancianas tías antes de marcharse de luna de miel. Durante la visita descubrirá que las encantadoras viejecitas tienen una manera muy peculiar de practicar la caridad.
El eterno pretendiente
Moke McGillicuddy
Jerry Flynn es un famoso empresario teatral de Broadway que está a punto de perder su teatro si no salda en breve una deuda de cien mil dólares. Paseando por la calle encuentra a un niño que juega con una oruga amaestrada llamada Curly. Si convence al niño para que se asocie con él, sus problemas pueden estar resueltos
Dos en el cielo
“Nails” Kilpatrick
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Tras su muerte, el mayor Pete Sandidge (Tracy), piloto de un bombardero, se convierte en el ángel guardián de otro piloto, el capitán Ted Randall (Van Johnson), al que no sólo protegerá en las batallas, sino que también ayudará a resolver los problemas con su novia (Irene Dunne). Melodrama bélico de carácter propagandístico y elementos fantásticos.
Tiburones de acero
Chief Mike 'Mac' McDonnell
Al teniente Ward Stewart y a su equipo les han asignado una importante misión dentro del submarino Albacore. Investigan a un pequeño barco que resulta ser un Q-ship nazi. Los miembros del Albacore consiguen escapar de la emboscada, pero cuando llegan a Nueva Londres, Stewart y el capitán del submarino se ven envueltos en un triángulo amoroso que afectará a la misión más peligrosa que jamás hayan tenido que afrontar en toda su vida.
Manila Calling
Tim O'Rourke
During WWII, a group of brave Americans spy on the Japanese after their invasion of the Philippines and became the first U.S. Guerrilla fighters.
Seis destinos
Joe - Mission Aid Society
Película ambientada en Nueva York y dividida en varios episodios independientes, pero enlazados entre sí por un traje de hombre que va pasando de unas manos a otras. Cada personaje vive una aventura especial relacionada con el traje.
Footlight Serenade
Bruce McKay
Conceited World Champion boxer Tommy Lundy decides to test his popularity in a Broadway show. Tommy always has an eye for the ladies and he starts paying attention to beautiful chorus girl Pat Lambert. Pat's boyfriend Bill Smith isn't impressed with Tommy even though Tommy gets him a boxing part in the show. When Tommy finds out that Pat and Bill were secretly together the night before the show opens, he angrily plans to turn the boxing scene with Bill into a real bout.
El Halcón inicia el vuelo
Inspector Mike O'Hara
"El Halcón" y una periodista tratan de resolver una serie de asesinatos que coinciden con la salida de la cárcel de un ex-luchador. La historia se inspira en la novela de Raymond Chandler "Farewell, My Lovely" ("Adiós Muñeca"). Esta es la tercera vez que George Sanders interpretó el personaje del Halcón.
Mi chica favorita
Pat Hawley
Película biográfica que relata los primeros años de vida del compositor gay de la era de los noventa Paul Dresser mientras deja atrás su trabajo como animador de carnaval y asciende a la sociedad de Nueva York, escribiendo una canción de éxito tras otra. A pesar de su comportamiento egoísta, logra cortejar y conquistar a Sally Elliott, una de las cantantes más populares del momento.
Los diamantes del Halcón
Inspector Michael 'Mike' O'Hara
En esta ocasión Gay se dedica a Helen Reed (Wendy Barrie), una mujer valiente que conoció en la 1ª entrega en The Gay Falcon (El intrépido Halcón). Gay y Helen se supone que deben partir de la ciudad para encontrarse con su familia, pero surge un nuevo caso en el que se entrelazan un asesinato y una fórmula para fabricar diamantes falsos. No hace falta deciros, que los planes de Helen con Gay se verán frustrados, ya que nuestro héroe no puede resistirse a resolver el crimen.
Hay Foot
Colonel J. A. Barkley
Colonel Barkley is very proud of his assistant, Sergeant Doubleday, who has a photographic memory. Doubleday shows off his book knowledge on firearms during a class given by Sergeant Ames, embarrassing him. Through a series of misunderstandings, Colonel Barkley thinks the gun shy Doubleday is an expert marksman, and he sets him up in a shooting match against Ames and Sergeant Cobb.
Chicos de Broadway
Thornton Reed
Un grupo de jóvenes cantantes y bailarines que busca triunfar en Broadway decide participar en un musical con el propósito de recaudar fondos para los niños pobres. El entusiasmo que ponen en todo lo que emprenden les ayuda a lograr sus sueños.
Breakdowns of 1941
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Blooper out-takes from Torrid Zone, Four Mothers, The Wagons Roll at Night, The Sea Wolf, No Time for Comedy, The Bride Came C.O.D., and Affectionately Yours, among other Warner Brother productions of 1940 and 1941.
Nine Lives Are Not Enough
Sergeant Daniels
A reporter is constantly in trouble for jumping to conclusions.
Tanks a Million
Col. 'Spitfire' Barkley
Chubby William Tracy starred as Dodo Doubleday, a feckless Army draftee blessed (or cursed) with a photographic memory. Inexplicably promoted to sergeant, Doubleday becomes the bane of topkick Sgt. Ames' (Joe Sawyer) existence.
El difunto protesta
Max Corkle
Joe Pendleton (Robert Montgomery) es un boxeador que iba a luchar por el campeonato mundial antes de morir en un accidente de avión. Por desgracia para Joe, él no estaba destinado a morir en el accidente, pero sube al cielo antes de tiempo por culpa de un ángel demasiado eficiente (Edward Everett Horton). Ahora es cosa del jefe del ángel, Mr. Jordan (Claude Rains), encontrar un nuevo cuerpo para Joe y darle otra oportunidad de luchar por el título. Mientras le buscan un nuevo hogar, Joe conoce a una joven idealista (Evelyn Keyes) de la que se enamora locamente, y lo que le da una razón para vivir, aparte de para poder pelear por el título. Adaptación de la obra "El cielo puede esperar", que en 1978 también fue adaptada por Warren Beatty.
Affectionately Yours
'Chet' Phillips
Un reportero casado aprovecha que le mandan a cubrir noticias a diferentes ciudades de todo el mundo para conquistar mujeres de diversas nacionalidades. Mientras está en Lisboa, con su última conquista, su mujer le dice que ha encontrado a otro hombre y que se quiere divorciar. Decide regresar a casa para intentar arreglar su matrimonio.
Juan Nadie
Henry Connell
Cuando un magnate compra un periódico y despide a casi todo el personal, una intrépida periodista decide publicar en su último artículo una falsa e incendiaria carta que lleva la firma de Juan Nadie. En ella se anuncia el suicidio de uno de los empleados despedidos. El éxito del artículo es tal que el periódico decide crear un Juan Nadie y, con este fin, contrata a un vagabundo que acaba convirtiéndose en un personaje extraordinariamente popular.
Earl of Puddlestone
Joe Higgins
When Betty's father sees the condescending attitude displayed toward her by a rich family, he decides to get back at them by making them believe that his family has "royal" connections.
Grandpa Goes To Town
Joe Higgins
Joe and Lil Higgins invest their life savings in a frontier hotel. Upon arrival, the family discovers that the establishment is smack dab in the middle of a ghost town that hasn't seen a human face in years.
Money To Burn
Joe Higgins
In this episode of the Higgins Family series, pandemonium ensues when Ma enters a dog biscuit contest. The prize is a whopping $50,000.
The Covered Trailer
Joe Higgins
The Higgins family prepares for a long-awaited cruise to Rio, but while father Joe bids farewell to his co-workers at the bank, mother Lil unwittingly sabotages their plans by telling insurance representative Wells that Joe is only forty-four, not forty-five, and is therefore ineligible to collect the annuity insurance that was to pay for the cruise.
On Your Toes
Phil Dolan Sr.
Un joven bailarín abandona el vodevil para convertirse en compositor, y acaba uniéndose a una compañía de ballet rusa.
Should Husbands Work?
Joe Higgins
Joe Higgins' wife gets the job meant for him, so he stays home to do the housework. A Higgins Family comedy
My Wife's Relatives
Joe Higgins
It all begins when Joe Higgins, business manager of a prosperous candy-manufacturing firm, is ordered by his pompous boss Ellis to break up the romance between Ellis' son Bill and Joe's daughter Jean. Refusing, Joe quits his job and sets up his own candy company. It's a money-losing enterprise until Joe's wife Lil loses her diamond ring in a batch of candy and offers a $5000 reward to anyone who can retrieve the ring.
Army Girl
A young captain hoping to replace the U.S. Army's horses with mechanized vehicles faces court-martial after his commanding officer, who's opposed to modern changes, is killed.
Screen Snapshots Series 17, No. 12
James Gleason
A visit to Buck Jones's new ranch and his horse, Silver, to James Gleason and his dog, to Charles Ruggles and his kennels; on the set of 'You Can't Take it With You', director Frank Capra and stars James Stewart and Jean Arthur celebrate Lionel Barrymore's sixtieth birthday; a ski meet is held at the Los Angeles Coliseum.
The Higgins Family
Joe Higgins
Pa Higgins' attempts at success in the advertising business are constantly frustrated by his eccentric family.
Manhattan Merry-Go-Round
Danny The Duck
In this musical comedy, a crooked record producer uses his mob connections to force performers to do their stuff. The trouble really begins when the gangster's strong-arm tactics nearly cause a singer to lose his fiancée. A wide variety of entertainers appear including cowboy crooner Gene Autry, baseball hero Joe DiMaggio, and big band stars Cab Calloway, Ted Lewis, and the Kay Thompson Singers. Songs include "Mamma I Wanna Make Rhythm," "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round," "Heaven?," "I Owe You," and "It's Round-up Time in Reno."
Forty Naughty Girls
Inspector Oscar Piper
Hildegarde Withers and Inspector Piper try to solve a murder while attending a popular Broadway show.
Cinema Circus
Actor Lee Tracy presides as ringmaster over a show that combines the best elements of cinema with the circus, what he calls a Cinema Circus. Tracy introduces a number of professional circus acts, plus a cavalcade of movie stars who have side shows under the open air big tent. There is as much action in the audience as Tracy identifies a number of movie stars watching the proceedings incognito, having their own fun in the stands, and sometimes interacting with the circus acts.
El detective y su compañera (Misterio en el museo)
Oscar Piper
La maestra Hildegarde Withers y el policía Oscar Piper, tratarán de averiguar la verdad sobre la aparición del cadáver de un millonario asesinado en su mansión. Las sospechas recaen en una joven pareja de enamorados, antiguos alumnos de la profesora Withers.
The Big Game
George Scott
A quarterback stands against gangsters out to control the college sports scene.
Don't Turn 'em Loose
Detective Daniels
A conscientious attorney who is a member of the State Parole Board, finds his own son, using an alias, up for parole and makes the decision to cast the approving vote.
Yours for the Asking
El operador de casino Johnny Lamb contrata a la socia social Lucille Sutton como su anfitriona del casino, para ayudarla y mejorar los ingresos del casino. Pero los amigos de Lamb temen que pueda seguir a Lucille por el camino recto y angosto, lo que no sería bueno para los negocios. Así que contratan a Gert Malloy y Dictionary McKinney, un par de estafadores, para manipular a Johnny para que salga del camino de la rectitud.
Mi Ex, Mi Mujer y Yo
Inspector Corrigan
A doctor is driven into an investigation of sinister goings-on at a race track by his mystery writer ex-wife.
Murder on a Bridle Path
Police Insp. Oscar Piper
When the body of Violet Feverel is discovered on the Central Park bridle path, Inspector Oscar Piper is about to declare her death accidental from a thrown horse, until his friend and amateur detective Hildegarde Withers locates the horse and discovers blood on the horse.
We're Only Human
Detective Danny Walsh
A cop, who plays by his own rules, brings down a notorious gangster.
Hot Tip
An amateur handicapper must help his future son-in-law recoup the money he lost while playing the ponies.
Hot Tip
Jimmy McGill
An amateur handicapper must help his future son-in-law recoup the money he lost while playing the ponies.
Hollywood Hobbies
This short documentary narrated by sportscaster Ted Husing explores the free-time activities of some of Hollywood's most popular celebrities. Big names such as Boris Karloff, Buster Crabbe, and Clark Gable make appearances, enjoying games of golf, field hockey, swimming, and many other fun hobbies.
El acorazado misterioso
Additional Writing
La Secretaria de la Armada informa al capitán Winslow de que va a recibir un nuevo mecanismo de control que revolucionará la guerra en el mar. Pero el mecanismo no tarda en desaparecer...
Nido de águilas
Joe 'Bags'
Un sargento del ejército anima a su hijo en convertirse en aviador de la escuela de West Point.
Murder on a Honeymoon
Inspector Oscar Piper
A schoolteacher and amateur sleuth suspects foul play when a fellow passenger on a seaplane gets sick and dies. The third and final film with Edna May Oliver and James Gleason as the astute schoolteacher Hildegarde Withers and the New York Police Inspector Oscar Piper busy solving crimes.
Murder on the Blackboard
Inspector Oscar Piper
There are plenty of guilty secrets at the school where Hildegarde Withers teaches. When she finds the body of the pretty music teacher, she calls in her old friend Inspector Piper, who promptly arrests the obvious suspect. Clues multiply and everyone looks suspicious as Piper and Miss Withers continue their battle of the sexes.
Change of Heart
Hot Dog Vendor
Catherine and Mack and their close friends Chris and Madge graduate from a West Coast college and fly to New York City to find work.
Change of Heart
Catherine and Mack and their close friends Chris and Madge graduate from a West Coast college and fly to New York City to find work.
Search for Beauty
Dan Healy
Three con artists dupe two Olympians into serving as editors of a new health and beauty magazine which is only a front for salacious stories and pictures.
The Meanest Gal in Town
Duke Slater
A stranded actress turned manicurist affects the lives of people in a small American town.
A hula dancer at a carnival sets out to seduce the naive son of the show's manager.
El arrabal
Principios del siglo XX. Narra una historia ambientada en el siglo XIX en Bowery, un popular barrio de Nueva York habitado por gángsteres, matones y prostitutas.
Orders Is Orders
Un chulesco productor de cine estadounidense llega a base militar de Inglaterra con el propósito de rodar una película y utilizar a los soldados como extras. El comandante de la base se niega, pero el productor y su secretaria se alían para obligarle a cambiar de opinión.
Orders Is Orders
Ed Waggermeyer
Un chulesco productor de cine estadounidense llega a base militar de Inglaterra con el propósito de rodar una película y utilizar a los soldados como extras. El comandante de la base se niega, pero el productor y su secretaria se alían para obligarle a cambiar de opinión.
Clear All Wires!
Lefty Williams
Buckley is an unethical reporter who manipulates the news for his own benefit as much as he reports it. When he is in Paris to get a medal for being rescued from his alleged kidnappers, he finds that his boss, Stevens, at the Chicago Globe is going with his old gal Dolly. When Stevens learns that Dolly is staying with Buckley in Moscow, he fires Buckley. To get his job back, Buckley and Lefty stage a great news story about the shooting of the last Romanoff, but the plan backfires and they are now in line to be shot by the Commissar.
The Billion Dollar Scandal
"Ratsy" Harris
An ex-convict working for a wealthy oil baron uncovers trouble while his brother becomes involved with the boss's daughter.
The Devil Is Driving
'Beef' Evans
Gabby Denton, a hard-drinking, down-on-his-luck drifter, seems to get a chance at redemption when his brother-in-law helps get him a job as a mechanic. Not realizing the garage he works for is actually a front for a stolen car ring, Gabby soon finds himself mixed up in both murder and a liaison with the boss's girl.
Penguin Pool Murder
Police Inspector Oscar Piper
New York schoolmarm Hildegarde Withers assists a detective when a body of unscrupulous stockbroker Gerald Parker suddenly appears in the penguin tank at the aquarium.
Always Kickin'
When Russel Gleason is thought to have made a kick by Jim Thorpe, he is reinstated on the college team in time for the big game.
Jimmy Gleason
James Gleason picks up abused kid and tries to clean him up.
The All-American
Chick Knipe
The story of the rise and fall of an All-American football player.
The Crooked Circle
Arthur Crimmer
A group of amateur detectives sets out to expose The Crooked Circle, a secretive group of hooded occultists.
Off His Base
Picture in Opening Credits
It begins with the Mustangs in trouble in their championship series... all the players are banged up and they're being clobbered. But a sports reporter insists that his nephew, Minor, can really play ball and will help the team win.
Off His Base
It begins with the Mustangs in trouble in their championship series... all the players are banged up and they're being clobbered. But a sports reporter insists that his nephew, Minor, can really play ball and will help the team win.
La rubia del Follies
Pa McClune
Blondie es una neoyorkina y Lurlene es su mejor amiga. Cuando Lurlene consigue un papel en un gran espectáculo de Broadway, también hace que Blondie forme parte del elenco. Pero esta amistad empieza a ir mal cuando Larry Belmont, el novio rico de Lurlene, empieza a fijarse en Blondie.
High Hats and Low Brows
Danny Ruff
Sixth entry in the Rufftown 2-reel comedy series based on stories by Arthur 'Bugs' Baer.
El retador
Pin Streaver
Stag Bailey, a slow-witted prizefighter, and his girlfriend, speakeasy hostess Puff Rogers, take over the upbringing of Ted Streaver after his father, Stag's manager, is killed.
Fast Companions
Silk Henley
Un delincuente ha decidido regenerarse por completo.
Suicide Fleet
Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.
The Big Gamble
Fred 'Squint' Dugan
A gambler, hopelessly in debt, agrees to pay off his debt by allowing his creditor to take out a life insurance policy on him and collecting once the one-year suicide clause has elapsed.
Sleepy Jones
A popular jockey is disbarred from racing after he's accused of throwing a race.
Un alma libre
Ace Wilfong, un joven gángster, se enamora de la bella hija de su abogado. Sin embargo, su relación sentimental se va deteriorando y acaba rompiéndose debido al mal carácter de Ace. Cuando ella vuelve con su antiguo novio Dwight, los celos se apoderan del mafioso.
It's a Wise Child
Cool Kelly
In this comedy, a conservative family becomes alarmed when they begin believing their daughter is pregnant.
Beyond Victory
Jim Mobley
Four battle-weary American soldiers under fire reflect on the women they left behind.
Beyond Victory
Four battle-weary American soldiers under fire reflect on the women they left behind.
Three Hollywood Girls
Big Money
A go-getting bank messenger falls in with unsuccessful gambler.
Her Man
A sex worker yearns to leave the grimy underground community she was born into, and sees her way out through a sympathetic sailor.
Qué viudita
El anciano marido de una joven muere y le deja cinco millones de dólares.Ella marcha a Paris, donde es perseguida por un rico playboy y el abogado que trabaja para ella.
Qué viudita
El anciano marido de una joven muere y le deja cinco millones de dólares.Ella marcha a Paris, donde es perseguida por un rico playboy y el abogado que trabaja para ella.
Pasa el circo
Al morir su padre, Mary Rainey hereda un modesto circo que sólo le crea angustiosos problemas económicos. A pesar de todo, la chica tratará de vencer las dificultades y salir adelante.
The Matrimonial Bed
Gustave Corton
Un amnésico, en teoría muerto, es reconocido por su esposa, quien se ha vuelto a casar.
The Fall Guy
Johnny Quinlan is so desperate for a job that he takes a gig as a "bag man" for the mob. Meanwhile, his beleaguered wife has to deal with her bizarre, unemployed, wise-cracking brother and various neighbors while keeping house in their Brooklyn tenement.
Dumb-bells in Ermine
In a small town in Virginia, Faith Corey, daughter of a socially prominent family, meets and falls in love with Jerry Malone, a prizefighter, though her straitlaced mother wants her to marry Siegfried, a spellbinding "missionary reformer." Though Grandma Corey promotes the romance with the prizefighter, Mike, the fighter's hardboiled, wisecracking manager, tries to keep them apart; following a quarrel, Faith reconciles herself to marrying Siegfried, but when he invites a group of "weak sisters" to a revival meeting, he is disgraced when one accuses him of her downfall. Finally, with Mike's advice, Jerry wins back Faith and they are united with the family's blessings.
Dumb-bells in Ermine
In a small town in Virginia, Faith Corey, daughter of a socially prominent family, meets and falls in love with Jerry Malone, a prizefighter, though her straitlaced mother wants her to marry Siegfried, a spellbinding "missionary reformer." Though Grandma Corey promotes the romance with the prizefighter, Mike, the fighter's hardboiled, wisecracking manager, tries to keep them apart; following a quarrel, Faith reconciles herself to marrying Siegfried, but when he invites a group of "weak sisters" to a revival meeting, he is disgraced when one accuses him of her downfall. Finally, with Mike's advice, Jerry wins back Faith and they are united with the family's blessings.
¡Madre mía!
Theatre Play
Al Fuller (Jolson) es la estrella de un espectáculo ambulante de trovadores de gira por los Estados Unidos. El grupo se desplaza a una modesta ciudad del sur, donde el hombre se enamora de Nora Meadows (Lois Moran), estrella del espectáculo, pero el problema es que ella ama a Westy, un apuesto miembro de la misma troupé. Incidentalmente, Fuller se convertirá en acusado de intento de homicidio de su compañero y rival en el amor.
The Swellhead
Johnny Trump
A young fighter, Bill Hickey, achieves success through the help and support of his friends and, once he does, he gets a big case of 'swellhead.' And then he loses his friends, loses his girl-friend, loses his confidence and is all set-up to lose his title.
The Swellhead
A young fighter, Bill Hickey, achieves success through the help and support of his friends and, once he does, he gets a big case of 'swellhead.' And then he loses his friends, loses his girl-friend, loses his confidence and is all set-up to lose his title.
Puttin' on the Ritz
A vaudeville and nightclub performer becomes successful and forgets who his friends really are.
Puttin' on the Ritz
James 'Jimmy' Tierney
A vaudeville and nightclub performer becomes successful and forgets who his friends really are.
His First Command
A playboy is in love with a woman and enters the army thinking it will improve his chances with her.
His First Command
A playboy is in love with a woman and enters the army thinking it will improve his chances with her.
Fairways and Foul
Two couples meet on the fairway for a golfing competition.
Oh, Yeah!
A couple of roving vagabonds hitch a freight to the railroad town of Linda, and between bouts with the fright-yard bulls and other drifters, find romance in the persons of two waitresses at the camp restaurant. American-slang rules the dialogue to the point non-USA viewers need a slang-glossary to follow the dialogue.
The Flying Fool
Additional Dialogue
A man protective of his brother checks out the girl his brother is in love with, in order to see if she's the real thing or just trying to take advantage of him. Unfortunately, he winds up falling in love with her himself.
High Voltage
A busload of passengers gets stranded in a snowstorm and take refuge in an abandoned church, where they run into a mysterious man who may be on the run from the law.
High Voltage
A busload of passengers gets stranded in a snowstorm and take refuge in an abandoned church, where they run into a mysterious man who may be on the run from the law.
Meet the Missus
Bert La Motte
When the story begins, James is confronted by his wife for his roving eyes! Soon after this, he goes to a speakeasy and begins chatting up women. One in particular catches his eye and so he brings her home to meet the wife. And here's where it gets weird. Apparently the Gleasons have an agreement that if either meets another person and falls for them, the marriage will be amicably dissolved and they'll each go their separate ways! Of course, things don't work out the way the hubby expects...and it certainly will come as a surprise to you as well!
La Melodía de Broadway
Queenie y Hank son dos hermanas que buscan triunfar en Broadway como cantantes y bailarinas. Queenie se enamora de Eddie Kearns, pero él prefiere a Hank, y se vuelven pareja. Con la ayuda de Eddie empiezan una carrera en los escenarios de vodevil... El primer gran musical de la historia del cine (recién estrenado el cine sonoro, en 1927) obtuvo el Oscar a la mejor película (recién creados los premios de la Academia en 1928). (FILMAFFINITY)
La Melodía de Broadway
Music Publisher (uncredited)
Queenie y Hank son dos hermanas que buscan triunfar en Broadway como cantantes y bailarinas. Queenie se enamora de Eddie Kearns, pero él prefiere a Hank, y se vuelven pareja. Con la ayuda de Eddie empiezan una carrera en los escenarios de vodevil... El primer gran musical de la historia del cine (recién estrenado el cine sonoro, en 1927) obtuvo el Oscar a la mejor película (recién creados los premios de la Academia en 1928). (FILMAFFINITY)
Polly of the Follies
Paul Gordon
A romantic comedy, focusing on the love triangle between Bob Jones, Alysia Potter and Polly Meachum. Originally engaged, Bob and Alysia elope to Bowling Green, Connecticut, where they meet Silas Meachum, a campaigner against motion pictures, and his daughter, Polly. The eloping couple’s family arrive, chasing them, and persuade them to wait to get married. Polly goes to New York to join the Ziegfeld Follies, but is ultimately replaced by Alysia. As Bob consoles Polly, Alysia breaks off the engagement, and Bob and Polly may now marry.