Olive Carey

Olive Carey

Nacimiento : 1896-01-31,

Muerte : 1988-03-13


Olive Carey


Billy the Kid Versus Dracula
Dr. Henrietta Hull
Dracula travels to the American West, intent on making a beautiful ranch owner his next victim. Her fiance, outlaw Billy the Kid, finds out about it and rushes to save her.
Dos cabalgan juntos
Mrs. Abby Frazer
Los familiares de los prisioneros blancos secuestrados por los comanches presionan al ejército federal para que los rescate. Al cínico comisario de Tascosa, Guthrie McCabe, lo convence el comandante Frazer para que se encargue de negociar con los indios la entrega de los cautivos. Le acompañará en su misión el teniente Gary.
El Álamo
Mrs. Dennison
En 1836, los tejanos que luchaban por independizarse de Méjico, fueron sitiados en El Álamo, cerca de San Antonio, por las tropas mejicanas al mando del general Santa Anna Entre los sitiados se encontraba el legendario David Crockett.
Mrs O'Meara
Ha terminado la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), pero el soldado sureño O'Meara se niega a aceptar la derrota y decide huir hacia el Oeste para unirse a los indios Sioux e integrarse en su modo de vida. Sin embargo, para disgusto de O'Meara, el gran jefe Nube Roja ha decidido firmar un tratado de paz con el hombre blanco.
La última bala
Miss Vittles
Los trabajadores del ferrocarril no han cobrado su sueldo desde hace meses, y todo por culpa de los robos de Whitey y su banda, a la que pertenece el peligroso pistolero Utica Kid. La compañía ferroviaria contrata los servicios de Grant para evitar que continúen los robos.
Duelo de titanes
Mrs. Clanton
Wyatt Earp, el sheriff de Dodge City, se encuentra de nuevo con John "Doc" Holliday, un jugador borracho y tuberculoso a quien salvó la vida en una ocasión. Juntos tendrán que enfrentarse a la banda de los Clanton, una poderosa familia que tiene atemorizado a todo el pueblo.
Las columnas del cielo
Mrs. Anne Avery
Oregón, 1868. El sargento Emmett Bell (Jeff Chandler), jefe de la policía india, es el encargado de mantener el orden en el territorio entregado a los indios después de la firma del tratado de paz. Cuando el ejército pretende atravesar dicho territorio, las tribus se unen para la guerra.
Centauros del desierto
Mrs. Jorgensen
Texas. En 1868, tres años después de la guerra de Secesión, Ethan Edwards, un hombre solitario, vuelve derrotado a su hogar. La persecución de los comanches que han raptado a una de sus sobrinas se convertirá en un modo de vida para él y para Martin, un muchacho mestizo adoptado por su familia.
He muerto miles de veces
Ma Goodhue
Remake del film "High Sierra" de Raoul Walsh. Un hombre que acaba de salir de la cárcel planea un gran golpe que le permitiría retirarse para siempre del mundo de la delincuencia. Sin embargo, no había contado con ciertas circunstancias que dificultarán su proyecto.
La tela de araña
Mrs. O'Brien - Nurse
La acción transcurre en una prestigiosa clínica psiquiátrica. Complots, intrigas, aventuras amorosas y desengaños entrelazan las vidas de los personajes. Un asunto baladí, la confección de unas nuevas cortinas, es el detonante de un complicado conflicto en el que se verán envueltos los médicos, el personal auxiliar y los propios pacientes.
Prisionero de su traición
Cuando su hermano menor es asesinado por matones de la mafia, un policía corrupto jura vengarse y no parará hasta dar su merecido a los asesinos.
Entre dos mujeres
Cynthia Craig
El matrimonio entre una modelo y un oscuro guionista se tambalea por culpa de otra mujer. (FILMAFFINITY)
Face to Face
Laura Lee
Two short films released together under a collective title. The first, "Secret Sharer", directed by John Brahm and starring James Mason, is based on a short story by Joseph Conrad. The second tale, "Bride Comes to Yellow Sky", directed by Bretaigne Windust and starring Robert Preston, is adapted from Stephen Crane's short story.
La casa en la sombra
Mrs. Brent
Jim Wilson es un policía violento, amargado por la contemplación diaria del mundo del crimen. Su carácter hosco y sus métodos expeditivos para capturar sospechosos le crean constantes conflictos con colegas y superiores. Finalmente, para alejarlo de la ciudad durante un tiempo, le encomiendan un caso de asesinato en una lejana región montañosa. Una vez allí, su personalidad dará un giro imprevisto, debido, por una parte, a su relación con el padre de la víctima, un hombre sediento de venganza, y, por otra, con Mary Malden, la hermana del asesino, una joven sensible, capaz de comprender el temperamento y la soledad de Wilson.
La mano en la sombra
Mabel Turner
En plena Guerra Fría, unos terroristas comunistas se han infiltrado en los Estados Unidos. Se han instalado en un pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra y desde allí intentan un ataque bacteriológico para apoderarse del país.
Marietta, la traviesa
Madame Renavant (uncredited)
Marie de Namours de la Bonfain es una atractiva, joven y sofisticada princesa francesa de 23 años, que encuentra más interesante el amor que los títulos aristocráticos.
Border Devils
Ethel Denham
Jim Gray is looking for the gang leader known as the General. When Neil Denham is murdered, Jim assumes his identity. He and his pal Squint Saunders then try to join the gang. But they get captured and Jim is told he can join up only if he kills his friend.
The Vanishing Legion
Nurse Lewis
A mysterious master criminal known as The Voice plots with his gang to sabotage the Milesburg Oil Company, but the rightful heir has a secret army of her own to protect her rights.
Trader Horn
Edith Trent
Mientras están de safari en una zona inexplorada de África, Trader Horn y Perú encuentran a la misionera Edith Trent asesinada por los nativos y deciden continuar la búsqueda de su hija perdida, Nina. La encuentran como la reina de una tribu particularmente salvaje e intentan devolverla a la civilización.
The Yellow Pawn
Young Girl
An artist is in the countryside, painting, when he meets a girl in a roadster. They fall in love, but the girl marries a lawyer for his money. She should have waited -- the artist becomes a huge success, commanding a thousand dollars for a portrait sitting. The girl convinces her husband to let the artist paint her, but one night while she is visiting his studio, a thieving relative of his enters and is killed by a servant. To protect the girl, the artist allows himself to be accused of the murder. Her husband happens to be the prosecuting attorney, and when she reveals she was at the artist's home the night of the murder, he prepares to shoot the artist himself. But before he can raise his gun, the servant stabs him to death.
The Devil's Own
Vera Browning
"Snake" Matthews is the leader of a notorious gang of outlaws. "Shifty" is the laughing stock of the bunch and never has he been known to strike back or resent anything. The gang plan a particularly bold hold-up of the stage, as there are rumors that a large shipment of bullion is on the way. "Shifty" is among those who are to protect the hold-up men.
A Woman's Eyes
Sunny Baker
Tom Horn is known throughout the cow country as a hard worker and a hard player. Tom is the leader of a gang. The Buzzard stumbles across oil indications on a homestead occupied by an old man and his daughter. Tom's party agrees it will be a good scheme to jump the claim, and they set out.
Love's Lariat
Goldie Le Croix (as Olive Fuller Golden)
A rancher begrudgingly goes east in order the fulfill the requirements of his uncle's will and receive his inheritance.
For the Love of a Girl
Jane Buckley - Cliff's Daughter
Black La Rue was born on the Mexican border in times of raids and fights. His father was killed in one of the fights. The circumstances of his birth have in some strange way affected his character so that he can never see a fight without having an irresistible desire to join the fray.
The Committee on Credentials
Josephine (as Olive Fuller Golden)
Gambler Ballrat Bob tries to halt Clem, a squatter, from gambling away all his money.
The Wedding Guest
The sheriff of the county is elected by men who call him the "squarest sheriff alive." Panchita Garcia, the flower of the town, loved by all, leaves home for a walk, passing through the town, where all the cowboys come out to meet her. "Bad" Pedro, a native, sees her and follows. He overtakes her and tries to kiss her. The sheriff, who has been passing by and has given Pedro's wife money to buy food for the starving children, hears her and runs to her assistance.
The Passing of Hell's Crown
Rose Graney
Hell's Crown, a town where law and order are as scarce as preachers, is ruled by "Chuck" Wells, a former gun man. He has a dupe in Blaze, the terror of the town, and holds him by keeping him well supplied with money. A sheriff is appointed at Carson City on account of the horse rustlers.
The Night Riders
Jennie Marston - the Sheriff's Sister
Jack Marston is the sheriff of a western town and Jennie, his sister, is postmistress and operator at the stage station. Among the inhabitants of the town is an Indian breed. An outcast from his own people, he is looked down upon by the race of his adoption, although his education has included a college course. The express company has posted a reward for the apprehension of one Apache Kid and his band of fellow robbers. The next night the band arrive in the town and hold up one of the main saloons. Peggy, a dance hall girl, takes the fancy of the leader, the Apache Kid, and he abducts her and takes her with them when they make their escape.
Stampede in the Night
Nell Wilson
Old man Wilson is much inclined to a liberal use of liquor. His daughter. Nell, is known and liked by all the cowboys of the surrounding ranches. Jack Harding is especially fond of Nell. Old man Wilson fears Jack. The manager of the ranch on which Jack works is negotiating with a livestock exchange relative to the sale of a bunch of horses, and accordingly, the buyer of the exchange, Neal Banning, arrives on the ground, accompanied by his daughter, to look over the stock. Jack finds the city-bred girl very fascinating, while she finds much to admire in the young cowboy. The two take many rides together, in which Jack explains the country and the business of the livestock people to the girl. Nell notices the growing intimacy between the two, and is very down-hearted over it.
A Knight of the Range
Bess Dawson
Unaware of the weakness of Bob Graham's character, Bess Dawson decides to marry him instead of the other cowboy who loves her, Cheyenne Harry. Before the wedding, however, some crooks induce Bob to take part in a hold-up. Then when Harry hears that a posse has been dispatched to catch Bob, he rides out to him and helps him escape.
The Frame-Up
Nell Harter (as Olive Fuller Golden)
Richard Sears, "The Power" of the city, arranges for alderman Luke Simms to be elected mayor so that he can control him, but Simms refuses to go against the public interest.
The Millionaire Paupers
Mrs. Burne-Smith and Mrs. Winthrop have determined to make a match between their respective children regardless of the fact that the two in question have never seen each other.
Just Jim
Aunt Mary
When Jim is released from prison, he returns to his Chinatown neighborhood determined to lead a virtuous life. While walking, he hears a woman's cries issuing from a house and enters to investigate. In her delirium, the dying woman mistakes Jim for her nephew and entrusts him to deliver a package to her daughter.
Tess of the Storm Country
Teola Graves (as Olive Golden)
A young girl, squatting on a wealthy man's land fights for her fellow squatters' right to stay.
The Sorrowful Shore
The Orphan
There dwelt the widowed fisherman and his indulged son. Then the girl, the sole survivor of the wreck came into their lives. The father suppressed his own love, realizing the son could offer youth instead of age, but the young woman decided otherwise. It was through the young wife's attempt to make peace without exposing the son that the sorrowful shore revealed another tragedy.