Luc Binette


Heartbeat of a Nation
Technical Supervisor
A short documentary that celebrates Dene cultural reclamation and revitalization, in which a father passes on traditional knowledge to his child through the teachings of a caribou drum.
Eat Your Carrots
Technical Supervisor
Carrots are good for your eyes. Maybe too good.
El marinero volador
Technical Supervisor
1917. Dos barcos chocan en un puerto, una explosión destroza una ciudad y un marinero sale despedido hacia el cielo. Mientras le zumban los oídos, se le acelera la sangre y se le remueven las tripas, el marinero continúa su ascenso por encima del caos hacia lo desconocido.
Technical Supervisor
En 1937, decenas de miles de haitianos y dominicanos de ascendencia haitiana fueron exterminados por el ejército dominicano, basándose en el odio contra los negros fomentado por el gobierno dominicano. En 2013, la Suprema Corte de la República Dominicana despojó de la ciudadanía a cualquier persona con padres haitianos. El fallo dejó a más de 200.000 personas apátridas. Una joven abogada llamada Rosa Iris monta una campaña, desafiando la corrupción electoral y abogando por la justicia social.
Someone Like Me
Technical Supervisor
Un grupo de once personas de la comunidad LGTBI de Vancouver, tienen como tarea la de facilitar la inserción en Canadá de Drake, un solicitante de asilo gay de Uganda. Se embarcan juntos durante un año en búsqueda de emancipación personal. La repentina pandemia y las diferencias de opiniones en cuanto a sus mejores intereses ponen a prueba los límites de su compromiso y ponen en peligro su nuevo comienzo en Canadá.
K'i Tah Amongst the Birch
Technical Supervisor
Filmmaker/activist Melaw Nakehk’o has spent the pandemic with her family at a remote land camp in the Northwest Territories, “getting wood, listening to the wind, staying warm and dry, and watching the sun move across the sky.” In documenting camp life—activities like making fish leather and scraping moose hide—she anchors the COVID experience in a specific time and place.
Technical Supervisor
Thursday shot from filmmaker Galen Johnson's high-rise apartment during COVID-19 “lockdown” in Winnipeg, captures people going about their daily routines in the city's eerily empty streets, yards and parking lots, on their balconies and on the riverbanks. The extreme distance and the diminutive scale of humans is paired with sound close-ups—a combination that embodies the strange, heightened intensity of feeling of the time, knowing an era-defining tragedy is happening yet being so physically removed.
Stories Are in Our Bones
Technical Supervisor
In this layered short film, filmmaker Janine Windolph takes her young sons fishing with their kokum (grandmother), a residential school survivor who retains a deep knowledge and memory of the land. The act of reconnecting with their homeland is a cultural and familial healing journey for the boys, who are growing up in the city. It’s also a powerful form of resistance for the women.