A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Daisuke Serizawa (archive footage) (uncredited)
Para proteger el país del monstruo Godzilla, el gobierno japonés crea un robot gigante pilotado por seres humanos: Mekagodzilla, un símil del propio monstruo. Para ello utilizan el esqueleto del Godzilla original, que atacó por primera vez en 1954.
In the year 198X, a young screenwriter, Ryohei Shimura, has been in a slump lately. Then an opportunity arises. He is asked to write a script for the comeback film of Akiko Ryuzoji, the legendary beauty who was known as Japan's Cleopatra. Ryohei met Akiko right away, but he couldn't believe his eyes. Akiko was young and good-looking, even though she was already an old woman. Ryohei moved into Akiko's house to work on his scenario. A film director, Mizumori, who lives with Akiko at the mansion, warns Ryohei, “Don't sleep with Akiko,” he says. In fact, Ryohei was chosen for the job for a surprising reason...
The film is composed of stock footage from the original Ultraman television series with additional newly filmed content, and it served as an “epilogue” as Ultraman returns to Earth for one final battle.
Dr. Daisuke Serizawa
Algo a destruido Birth Island, hogar de Godzilla y su hijo y pronto se descubre que la energía nuclear de Godzilla está fuera de control. Temiendo que Godzilla explote, la Fuerza G intenta congelarlo. Pero un nuevo problema surge al aparecer una horda de criaturas del tamaño de los humanos, creados por una combinación de las células de Godzilla y del arma que destruyo al Godzilla original.
Space Command official
An alien is pursued as a traitor by his own race because he refuses to kill humans.
Dr. Inoue Ryutarou
Mientras se realiza la extracción de agua de los casquetes polares de Marte, esculturas antiguas se descubren describiendo una nave extraterrestre que se estrelló contra Júpiter, posponiendo los planes de convertir Júpiter en un segundo Sol.
Captain Roper
Brain is the world's greatest computer, and also the most intelligent being on planet Earth. One day, Brain decides to abandon its terrestrial moorings, and it's up to The Defenders to track it down. Unfortunately, Brain has developed an amazing army of deadly giant robots, including one with a huge "17" emblazoned on its chest-plate, with which it plans to subjugate its creators. A young boy whose family was killed by Brain's followers manages to activate Daitetsujin 17, which thereafter comes to his rescue whenever he is in danger from Brain's minions.
A student, running late on the day of the Tokyo Imperial University entrance exams, calls in a fake bomb threat in order to arrive on time.
City Employee
A young man gets thrown into detention after an episode of sexual assault; he soon meets several impostors in the same situation.
A detective goes out of his way to crack the case of a serial killer who specialises in murdering police officers.
A lavish retelling of the true story of the final voyage and ultimate destruction and sinking of the battleship Yamato, Japan's greatest flagship during the Second World War.
Gaishi Nagaoka
La historia narra la batalla por la colina 203 durante la guerra ruso-japonesa en 1905. La colina fue capturado con la pérdida de muchas vidas en ambos lados, japoneses y rusos. La captura de la colina permitió al ejército japonés poner presión sobre la flota rusa del Pacífico, asegurando así la victoria japonesa, al mando del Almirante Togo , en la batalla naval siguiente.
The story of the silk industry and the young girls who worked as silk spinners in the early 1900s in Japan. The silk mills were located in Okaya which lies just beyond the Nomugi Pass. The women and girls worked in a hot, humid atmosphere without rest, and endured those conditions and sexual harassment to earn money for their poor families. Across the ocean, it was the great depression in America.
Kan Aizawa
From Hokkaido to Tokyo, hunting dog Goro embarks on a long and grueling journey to reach home. With the loss of his master who held a secret to a weapons smuggling case and the corruptions of those who are involved, Goro's adventure unfolds.
Defense Countermeasure Supreme Commander Oshi
La Tierra es víctima de una feroz invasión procedente del planeta Venus. La única esperanza es la creación de un afamado científico japonés, él ha construído el Gothen, una nave espacial con la que podrá salvar el planeta.
Tora-san befriends the descendant of a feudal lord. The man asks Tora to locate his deceased son's wife who resides somewhere in Tokyo.
Captain Gomes
Captain Gomes uses a flying battleship to battle the giant robot Daitetsujin 17. Theatrically-released abridgement of Episode 15 of the TV series.
Dr. Serizawa
Cuando el periodista estadounidense Steve Martin investiga una serie de misteriosos desastres en la costa de Japón, se encuentra cara a cara con una criatura antigua tan poderosa y tan aterradora que puede reducir Tokio a cenizas. La película es una re-edición, versión doblada en italiano de Godzilla con 80 minutos de metraje de la original "Japón Bajo el terror del monstruo"; además de varios minutos más de la versión editada en Estados Unidos. También incluye más de 25 minutos de imagenes de la segunda guerra mundial y clips de noticieros sobre otros monstruos de las peliculas de 1950. La película fue reeditada y luego coloreada a través de un proceso llamado Spectorama 70 que consiste en la aplicación de diferentes geles de colores a las imágenes en blanco y negro. La película también cuenta con una partitura nueva, compuesta por el músico Vince Témpera.
Dr. Shinzô Mafune
Tras la destrucción de un submarino empiezan a cobrar importancia las teorías del profesor mafune, un cientifico que hace 15 años dijo que todavia existía un dinosaurio vivo en el área donde se destruyo el laberinto, asi pues se intentara localizar a mafune el cual lleva años desaparecido ya que esta planeando vengarse de la tierra aliándose con unos alienigenas que pretenden conquistar el planeta.
Environmental scientist #1
Professor Nishiyama, after studying and interpreting the prophecies of Nostradamus, realizes that the end of the world is at hand. Unfortunately, nobody listens to him until it is too late. As the effects of mankind's tampering of the earth - radioactive smog clouds, hideously mutated animals, destruction of the ozone layer - rage out of control, the world leaders hurtle blindly toward the final confrontation. The film sparked controversy in Japan and was subsequently pulled out of circulation, with no official video release of the uncut film.
Professor Hideto Miyajima
Una profecía ancestral de Okinawa predice que un monstruo aparecerá a destruir el mundo pero será detenido por dos criaturas colosales. El hallazgo de una estatua en las cavernas de Okinawa indican que se trata de la llave para llamar a King Caesar, el guardián de la zona, y el único que puede detener la oleada de destrucción provocada por el recientemente aparecido Godzilla. Las señales de la profecía parecen cumplirse, pero un grupo de científicos comienza a descubrir pistas que indican que nada es lo que parece. Y ello se confirma cuando el verdadero Godzilla aparece en escena, desintegrando el camuflaje de la criatura que destruye las ciudades, y revelando ser un sosías robótico. Es MechaGodzilla, un ser cibernético construido por la raza alienígena del tercer planeta del Agujero Negro, que ha llegado a la Tierra con pretensiones de invadirla.
A crime story (with strong elements of comedy) that pits a determined detective against a gang of pickpockets in Osaka. The detective (played by Keiju Kobayashi) and the leader of the gang (played by Norihei Miki) have an interesting wartime backstory together that fuels much of the story.
Geki Kurokawa
In the 9th year of Genroku, Mitsukuni Mito Komon of Hitachi Province set out on a pilgrimage to various countries with his reluctant vassals, Sukesaburo and Kakunosuke, under the name of Koemon, a retired peasant.
Dr. Sugata
Gracias a una explosión volcánica, un grupo de científicos se ponen en contacto con una cultura submarina muy avanzada. Descenderán hasta un lugar místico y maravilloso llamado Latitud Cero.
A Toho comedy film staring the Crazy Cats.
Suwa Yorishige
Kansuke Yamamoto is a samurai who dreams of a country united, peaceful from sea to sea. He enters the service of Takeda, the lord of Kai domain. He convinces Takeda to kill the lord of neighboring Suwa and take his wife as a concubine. He then convinces the widow, Princess Yu, to accept this arrangement and to bear Takeda a son. He pledges them his life. He then spends years using treachery, poetic sensibility, military and political strategy to expand Takeda's realm, advance the claim of Yu's son as the heir, and prepare for an ultimate battle with the forces of Echigo. Has Kansuke overreached? Are his dreams, blinded by love, too big?
A story depicting the challenges faced by today's youth in working to build a better tomorrow, based on the theme of Toshiba's progress as one of Japan's leading manufacturers of electronic and electric goods.
Staff Officer Watanabe
Mientras Japón cierra un pacto político con la Alemania nazi y la Italia fascista, el almirante Isoroku Yamamoto es nombrado comandante supremo de la flota japonesa. Con Japón abocado inexorablemente a la guerra, Yamamoto, a pesar de sus dudas, cree que la única posibilidad de victoria reside en destruir la flota americana por sorpresa en Pearl Harbor. El ataque es un éxito, pero no consiguen destruir la flota de portaviones americanos. Por eso Yamamoto se ve obligado a llevar a la flota japonesa al combate, con muy pocas esperanzas de victoria...
The second of two films based on the novel by Futaro Yamada.
En una isla tropical, unos científicos dirigen experimentos meteorológicos y se encuentran con enormes mantis y una gigantesca araña que está atacando al hijo de Godzilla. El gran monstruo volverá para defender a su hijo...
Commander Sugahara - 302nd Air Group
Después de la detonación de las bombas atómicas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, el ejército japonés y el gobierno se enfrentan por la demanda de los aliados de la rendición incondicional. El Ministro de Defensa Anami defiende el continuar luchando, hasta la muerte del último japonés si hace falta. El Emperador Hirohito se reune con sus ministros para solicitar la impensable rendición pacífica del Japón. Cuando el ejército planea un golpe para derrocar al gobierno civil del Emperador, Anani debe decidir entre sus deseos o su lealtad al Emperador.
Professor Iwamoto
Mientras investigaba lo que aparentemente eran dos bolas brillantes que se perseguían una a otra, el oficial patrullero científico Hayata resulta muerto cuando uno de los ovnis choca accidentalmente con el Mini-VTOL que pilotaba. El ser que maneja el ovni, un gigantesco alien rojo y plateado procedente de la Tierra de la Luz en la galaxia Nebula M78, se siente responsable de la muerte. En compensación, decide entregar su fuerza vital al terrícola, devolviéndole así la vida. Al mismo tiempo le entrega un artilugio, llamado la Cápsula Beta, la cual, cuando es necesario, transforma en secreto a Hayata en un gigante alienígena que será conocido como Ultraman.
Sasaki Kojiro tells the story of the genius who staked his love, glory, and life on a duel with the supreme master of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi (Tatsuya Nakadai). Oscar winning Hiroshi Inagaki directs this epic motion picture based on Genzo Murakami’s fascinating story. Despite his humble birth, the orphan Sasaki Kojiro (Onoe Kikunosuke) is determined to become the foremost swordsman in all Japan, a title that traditionally belongs to a nobleman. At fencing school, young Kojiro receives the contempt of his classmates because of his superior swordsmanship. When rumors of the upcoming civil war between Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans spread, Kojiro leaves the school and sets out, seizing every opportunity to realize his dream.
Man With Turkish Hat
In Hong Kong an International Secret Police (ISP) Agent is murdered while investigating ZZZ, a group bent on assassinating the Prime Minister of Buddhabal. ISP Agents Carter and Kitami are assigned to the case. When the Prime Minister arrives in Tokyo for a friendship visit, Carter and Kitami are on hand to protect him. On hand, too, are assorted ZZZ blackguards. Several attempts on the Prime Minister's life fail, until finally the ZZZ introduces a new device designed to eliminate not only the Prime Minister but the ISP Agents as well: THE KILLING BOTTLE, then, is a pocket-sized container filled with a substance that can expand to thousands of times its size and throttle its victim, then disappear leaving only the corpse.
Capt. Yamoto
Una misteriosa isla ha sido colonizada por una extraña organización terrorista de tintes comunistas llamada Red Bamboo, que ha esclavizado a la población indígena y que se dedica a la fabricación de bombas atómicas. En esta isla vive la langosta gigante Ebirah, que se encarga de devorar a todos aquellos que intentan escapar del lugar, hasta que un rayo despierta a Godzilla, dormido casualmente en el interior de una gruta de la isla.
Farmer Abare Goemon is confronted by brigand-like samurai. He raises an army of farmers to fight them and does so brilliantly. When Lord Asakura sees the success Goemon has achieved, he attempts to recruit him to fight in a conflict between Asakura and another clan. Goemon refuses, and Lord Asakura sets out to destroy him.
Un soldado de fortuna viaja a lugares exóticos donde encuentra encanto y romance en la corte de un rey malvado.
Sangoro Oiwake runs out of money. He visits rice shop, eat and drink for free, and owners send him to prison. In prison Sangoro will have a new life
Banjun organizes a group of con men to fleece the greedy and rich.
After being mistaken for an Interpol agent, a man who was just supposed to go on vacation gets mixed up in a war between two gangs intent on winning the favor of a notorious arms dealer.
Dr. Kudo
In 1943, the Aleutian island of Kiska was fortified by a small contingent of Japanese soldiers. When word arrived of an impending attack by an overwhelming force of Americans, the Japanese Navy attempted one of the most daring and unlikely evacuations in military history. This is that story.
The first of two films based on the novel by Futaro Yamada.
The 1965 Japanese yakuza film is the last episode of the Ankokugai series.
Sohei Masui
Japón, 1860. Los hombres del clan Mito, víctimas de la purga de Ansei, merodean ansiosamente en torno a la puerta Sakurada del castillo de Edo con la intención de asesinar a Naosuke Ii de Hikone, tairō del shogunato Tokugawa y responsable de su desgracia.
Chief Detective Okita
Tres monstruos (Mothra, Godzilla y Rodan) se alían para salvar al Japón (y al mundo entero, occidental y no occidental) de la destrucción a la que se ve amenazado por el terrible monstruo de tres cabezas Ghidorah.
Ryutaro Inoue
Set at the end of the Siege of Osaka this film follows the exploits of several members of the defeated Toyotomi clan as they cope with the post battle chaos and the persecution of the Shogun's army. Five samurai decide on different fates when it becomes clear that their side is being destroyed. One wants to attack the enemy head on in a final honorable death. Another decides to commit hari-kiri but wants to find a glorious view to do it. His close friend, the "coward", just wants to run and give up the life of a samurai. The final two set their own castle on fire to garner favors from the enemy and therefore avert their own death during the massacre of all defeated soldiers as
Mu Agent #23
Varios sucesos extraños están ocurriendo en todo el mundo, incluyendo la desaparición de dos ingenieros. El exalmirante Kosumi casi es secuestrado junto con su secretaria y ahijada, Makoto. El fotógrafo Susumu Hatanaka y su asistente han logrado frustrar el intento de secuestro. Más tarde se revela quiénes son los responsables de los misteriosos acontecimientos: es el Imperio Mu, teóricamente desaparecido hace 12.000 años, y están planeando invadir el mundo de la superficie para reclamar sus supuestas colonias. Es que la civilización del continente perdido ha sobrevivido a su catastrófico hundimiento, viviendo por miles de años bajo el océano Pacífico en cuevas inmensas.
Eburi's older brother
A salaryman's drunken ravings in public attract the attention of journalists who coerce him into telling them his life's story.
Film number six in the Desperado Outpost serie directed by Jun Fukuda
Fourth entry in Toho's Wakadaishō series directed by Jun Fukuda and released on a simultaneous screening with Matango. Filmed on location in Hawaii.
Dr. Shigezawa (uncredited)
La reedición más famosa de John Beck de la película japonesa original. Eric Carter se une al Dr. Johnson cuando Godzilla sale de la hibernación y una compañía farmacéutica japonesa busca publicidad con un monstruo propio. Se insertaron nuevas imágenes con actores estadounidenses junto con varias escenas del original japonés omitidas y reeditadas para alterar la estructura narrativa en torno a un informe de noticias que no estaba presente en el original. Gran parte de la banda sonora original fue reemplazada por música de archivo de la Biblioteca de la Universal con imágenes de The Mysterians también insertadas a lo largo de la película. Debido al acuerdo de licencia entre Toho y Universal, la edición estadounidense es la versión principal y más ampliamente disponible de la película.
Senda's Aide
El Teniente Coronel Senda se resiste a la idea de enviar a los pilotos de los cazas en misiones suicidas. El cree que lo que necesita el ejército japonés para volver a dominar la guerra es que la fuerza aérea reúna a los mejores pilotos en un solo escuadrón para realizar ataques quirúrgicos a los americanos. Despreciados por los Kamikazes, que llaman a los pilotos "no-suicidas" cobardes, la unidad se redime a sí misma cosechando victoria tras victoria. Pero el éxito lleva a los jefes militares a esperar demasiado de la unidad, lo que llevará a un desenlace fatal.
Toho-produced crime drama involving the drug trade.
Dr. Fujimora
In an effort to find an economic means of purifying salt water, a joint U.S.-Japanese military command is set up on an isolated Japanese island where an unusual salt water lake is situated. However, their purifying experiments arouse the prehistoric monster Obaki from hibernation at the lake's bottom, and it proceeds to attack Japan. Although made by a U.S. independent film company, this film was based on a Japanese Toho monster film of 1958, "Daikaiju Varan", from which all of the monster effects scenes and a few incidental dramatic shots were edited into it.
Esta impresionante historia épica ha sido a veces etiquetada como la versión japonesa de "Lo Que El Viento Se Llevó". Chusha Ichikawa personifica a un señor feudal poderoso y despiadado que lucha contra el virtuoso y joven noble, Yuzo Kayama. Ichikawa encuentra una victoria parcial cuando engaña a Kayama y lo convence de hacerse el Hara Kiri. La venganza será realizada por los cuarenta y siete samuráis de Kayama. Basada en una leyenda japonesa venerable, la historia de Chushingura ha sido filmada en varias ocasiones, pero sólo la versión de 1941 (47 Ronin) estuvo a la altura de la versión de 1962, del gran director Hiroshi Inagaki.
Soldiers on the front lines in China during World War II are besieged by guerrilla attacks and attempt to destroy an enemy fort.
Dr. Shigezawa
Versión japonesa. Una expedición organizada por el director de publicidad de un compañía de farmacéuticos, viaja a la isla Farou para recoger bayas rojas y captura a King Kong para usarlo en una campaña publicitaria. Cuando Godzilla se libera de un iceberg se genra un frenesí mediático con el combate de lucha libre mas grande de la historia.
Captain Sugiyama
Gorath es un meteoro errante (6000 veces más grande que nuestro planeta) que viaja inexorablemente en curso de colisión contra la Tierra, absorbiendo todo lo que se le envía. Los cientificos tendrán que evitarlo, pero la cosa es difícil ya que la solución propuesta para escapar niega todas las posibilidades de la física al apartar nuestro planeta del camino de Gorath. Tras una cumbre de científicos internacional se propone el lanzamiento de unos proyectiles desde el Polo Sur. Pero el calor provoca el derretimiento de un casquete y la liberación de Maguma, una monstruosa morsa gigante.
En el Japón de la era Tokugawa, un grupo de nueve jóvenes samuráis está decidido a acabar con la corrupción reinante y a acabar con todos los que están relacionados con ella. Consiguen el apoyo del inspector de policía Kikui y se preparan para llevar a cabo su plan. Poco después, aparece Sajuro, un personaje salido de entre las sombras, que empezará a actuar y a poner orden en medio del caos.
Drama about two college friends, now working for the same banking firm, torn apart by jealousy over their inequitable positions and love lives.
A fines de la década de 1950 se prohibió la prostitución en Japón y si se encontraba a una mujer ejerciendo esta profesión, se la enviaba a un reformatorio. Esta es la historia de una de estas valientes mujeres Kuniko que sale del reformatorio y trata de construir una nueva vida.
Four fishermen friends are caught up in a piracy plot.
Un par de gemelas de aspecto diminuto, habitantes de la isla de Beru, custodian celosamente a su deidad "Mothra". Desgraciadamente, son raptadas y trasladadas a Tokio por un expedicionario sin escrúpulos para ser explotadas artísticamente. Las gemelas utilizarán sus poderes místicos para revivir al gusano gigante a través de la telepatía. Éste a su vez se dirigirá a Tokio, con el firme propósito de recuperar a sus guardianas, ya convertido en polilla gigante y arrasándolo todo a su paso.
An employee at an oil cartel (Mihashi) is haunted by an act years before when he euthanized a fellow soldier when the two were adrift at sea during the Pacific War. Matters are complicated further when he falls in love with the soldier's younger sister (Tsukasa).
An early Okamoto yakuza film, though it's not in the Underworld series (along with The Last Gunfight and The Big Boss) despite being alternatively known as "Death of the Boss." While Okamoto did not write this film and took on the project because he was assigned and "just doing [his] job" according to an interview with Chris Desjardins in Outlaw Masters of Japanese Film, he did express a general excitement about working in action cinema (which shows through in this film's energy.)
Taut thriller about a too-perfect criminal case against an ex-convict that makes a nosy detective suspicious.
Yuzo Kayama plays the protagonist, a whale-hunting cannon manufactuing supervisor, whose brother is an automobile tester for Komatsu Motors which has a fatal accident. As his brother investigates the "Accident" with his old college friend (makoto Sato), now a reporter... They stumble across murder, espionage and cover-ups. High-class night club, femme fatale, and a "Blueprint of Murder" all adds up to a bigger plot then first expected.
Hayatonosho 'Hayato' Susukida
During the raging war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, the swordsman Mohei (whose family has been completely decimated) is recruited by Toyotomi to overcome the seat of power, Osaka Castle. Mohei's daredevil skills will be put to severe tests.
Kozo Kinugawa
Gang of robbers quarrel about the loot, but when one of them gets killed, his younger brother seeks them out to ice them one by one.
Follow-up to Desperado Outpost (1959) sees Japanese soldiers seeking the flag of a defeated regiment in China.
Kikumori runs a cabaret on the docks, while his friend Kaji operates transport boats. When a gang of drug dealers tries to force the pair to cooperate in a smuggling scheme, conflict arises between the two friends. Falsely blamed for murder, Kikumori is blackmailed into an attempt to sabotage Kaji's boats and kill him. But the friendship between the two men proves an obstacle to the gangleader's plans.
Fleet Staff Officer
Koji Kitami pilota uno de los bombarderos de la fuerza aérea japonesa. Él participó en el bombardeo de la base naval americana de Pearl Harbor en 1941, por lo que cuando vuelve a su ciudad natal todos le reciben con honores y orgullo. Esos hechos junto a las victorias japonesas en la guerra hacen que Kitami entre en un estado de exaltación por el honor japonés, algo que no le hará mucho bien cuando la flota nipona es derrotada en la batalla de Midway.
Inspector Kobayashi
Men are being murdered by a psycho called "The Telegian," who uses a matter-transmitting device to locate his victims.
Suspense drama about a married salaryman whose affair with one of his co-workers is compromised when, returning from a clandestine meeting with his lover, he runs into a neighbor who is later accused of murder. Questioned by police about the neighbor, and blackmailed by his lover's neighbor, the salaryman's lies lead him on a path to destruction.
Japanese police detective Saburo Fujioka is suspected of corruption, demoted, and sent to the city of Kojin. Kojin is the scene of fierce fighting between rival gangs. Fujioka is assigned to investigate the death of the wife of gangster Tetsuo Maruyama of the Kozuka gang, probably at the hands of one of the Oka gang. During a gang gunfight, Maruyama is rescued by Detective Fujioka and the two become friends. But Maruyama insists on avenging his wife's murder, even if it means conflict with his new friend.
Kibino Takehiko
The legend of the birth of Shintoism. In Fourth Century Japan, the Emperor's son Ouso expects to succeed his father on the throne, but Otomo, the Emperor's vassal, prefers Ouso's stepbrother, and conspires to have Ouso die on a dangerous mission he has contrived. But Ouso prevails in the mission and returns to his father's castle under a new name, Prince Yamato Takeru. Otomo plots to have the Prince sent into even greater danger, but Otomo is unaware that the gods have favored the Prince and the outcome is far from what any of them expected.
Jiro Hidekuni
Lord Taro must deliver a money chest but is robbed by brigands led by Jibu. One of Jibu's men, Rokuro, steals the money from Jibu, but after meeting and befriending Taro, Rokuro decides to return the money to Taro. But Taro's unscrupulous brother Jiro falsely accuse Taro of the theft, and Taro reactively joins the outlaw band and encourages them to steal from the nobles and give to the poor.
In World War II, the commanding officer of a sub, against his will takes on board two Western diplomats, to take them to the Canaries and arrange an armistice. When they get there, peace has been declared, but the sub's crew don't know as their radio has failed. They send their passengers ashore and go out to face a final battle...
Edmund Rostand's play Cyrano de Bergerac, transplanted to Japan. A poet-warrior with an oversized nose (matched only by his great heart) loves a lady. But she sees him only as a friend, so he helps another man to woo her by giving him the poetry of his own heart.
On a post-war peaceful day in Japan, Toyomatsu Shimizu, a barber as well as a good father and husband, is suddenly arrested by the Prefectural Police as a war criminal and sued for murder.
Ryuta and Mineo Komatsu are brothers, both yakuza (gangsters). Mineo, although complicit in crime, even murder, wants out of the gangster life, hoping to become a successful singer instead. Ryuta loves his brother, but Mineo's possible defection presents problems for the gang, and Ryuta realizes he must kill his brother if he wants to survive.
Dr. Fujimora, bomb expert
When a rare species of butterfly is found in a mysterious valley in Japan, a pair of entomologists go to investigate and find more. They discover Varan, a giant monster, Who decided to leave the valley and head straight for Tokyo.
Detective Makimo
The film marked Yōko Mihara's debut as the star of Shintoho's series of ama films, a role she took over from Michiko Maeda.
Inspector Tominaga
Nuclear tests create a radioactive man who can turn people into slime.
Continuación de la historia de "Ninjitsu", realizada un año antes por el propio Hiroshi Inagaki
Ryoichi Shiraishi
Un grupo de extraterrestres llega a la Tierra y pide permiso para conseguir un lugar donde su gente pueda vivir. Pero pronto se descubre que realmente son invasores, creadores ademas de un gran robot que está destruyendo las ciudades terráqueas, por lo que las fuerzas militares humanas tratarán de detenerlo con cualquier arma disponible.
An Ishiro Honda film.
An Ishiro Honda film. The first part of A Rainbow Plays in My Heart released the same day as the second film.
An Ishiro Honda film. The second part of A Rainbow Plays in My Heart released the same day as the first film.
An Ishiro Honda film.
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them.
Historical drama about a sleep-eyed ronin
Professor Kyuichiro Kashiwagi
Animales gigantes mutantes y pterosaurios prehistóricos emergen de una mina japonesa, aterrorizando a toda la población.
The third instalment in the Shacho Series.
Dr. Serizawa
Ed Goldman vio el filme Gojira en un cine asiático de Los Ángeles y la compró inmediatamente para volver a vender a Jewell Enterprises, pruductora y distribuidora de explotations. Era un buen momento para las monster movies, pero las referencias a la bomba atómica y que fuera una película 100% japonesa (los estadounidenses todavía recordaban Pearl Harbor), los hizo dudar. Finalmente decidieron eliminar toda referencia antinuclear del film y añadir nuevos ajustes con el actor Raymond Burr (Perry Mason) haciendo de periodista, testigo occidental de todos los hechos. La película pierde todo el trasfondo social y crítico para convertirse en un mero entretenimiento; haciendo que la crítica destrozara el film pero que se convirtiera en un éxito de público. (FILMAFFINITY)
Shunsuke Iba
Masahiko Koseki, a judo master, gets in several fights as a result of protecting a young woman. Despite his success, Koseki is expelled from his judo school because of his propensity for street fighting. He goes to work for a gangster named Joji, but when he realizes that Joji is mixed up in the slave trade, Koseki helps the police in their attempts to foil Joji.
Seijuro Yoshioka (uncredited)
Takezo abandona su condición de samurai errante para vivir tranquila y humildemente con su amada Otsu, rechazando trabajar como maestro samurai para el líder del clan más poderoso del Japón. No obstante, Takezo accede a luchar con el joven y habilidoso guerrero Sasaki Kojiro. El combate final tendrá lugar en la isla Ganryu.
Horikoshi no Masakichi
Forced on the road by yakuza obligations, a man sets out on a reckless journey to Tsumagoi. Movie posters for local cinemas were often displayed at sento (public baths) too. The handwritten text on the bottom here announces the film will play at Hassen for 3 days.
1955 Toho adaptation of Natsume's novel.
Seijuro Yoshioka
Tras años recorriendo multitud de lugares, labrando su reputación como el más grande luchador del Japón, Takezo regresa a Kioto para enfrentarse al líder de la más prestigiosa escuela de samurais de la región. Como demostración de su valor, Takezo se dirige deliberadamente hacia una emboscada preparada por los seguidores de la escuela, mientras el joven y brillante luchador Sasaki Kojiro le observa, con el convencimiento de que puede derrotar a Takezo...
Film directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
Daisuke Serizawa
Las misteriosas destrucciones de barcos en el Pacífico provocan el pánico. Los nativos de una isla afirman que el culpable es una criatura legendaria, Godzilla, un lagarto mutante convertido en un gigantesco monstruo a causa de unas radiaciones atómicas. Godzilla se dispone a atacar las principales ciudades del Japón.
Seijuro Yoshioka
Dos amigos dejan su pueblo para combatir con su ejército. Ambos, tras una derrota en el frente, se cobijan en la solitaria casa de Oko, una viuda que vive con su hija. Matachachi dejará que Oko le seduzca y, junto con ella y su hija se irá a Tokio, olvidando a su prometida...
Kozo Miyoshi
An elderly woman devoted to her foster-daughter searches for a good husband for her.
First lieutenant Noguchi
This is a film about a Naval Air Corps Director who hates the war. Director Honda uses this film to ask the question "What is war?", showing the human bonds between Japan and America, Japanese military tactics which had little regard for life, and the attitude of Japanese military personnel who treated their actions as if they were just doing a job. This film contains few battle scenes, concentrating instead on the love stories of young officers and female members of the community in this lonely air base.
A math teacher loses his job while falling in love with a local girl.
Yukiko Nogami is rescued during a mountain blizzard by handsome forester Shinkichi, and the two subsequently fall in love. But when Shinkichi dies in an avalanche, Yukiko leaves the mountains in despair and takes a job in a bar where she becomes deeply involved in the personal lives of several of the patrons. One day she thinks she sees Shinkichi alive, but it turns out to be a gangster named Hayakawa, a man on the run who bears an astonishing resemblance to Yukiko's lost love. Against her better judgment, she is drawn to help Hayakawa, though clearly danger follows him.