Lev Malishava

Lev Malishava


Lev Malishava


¿Qué pasa si Cheburashka realmente existe? ¿Qué pasa si no es un juguete de peluche, sino un verdadero animal peludo que vive en un campo de naranjos en un país lejano? ¿Qué pasa si se encuentra en un pequeño pueblo junto al mar y conoce a un anciano poco comunicativo que no lo necesita en absoluto, conoce a un niño pequeño que no puede hablar y su madre, que hace un chocolate increíble, conoce a una tía extraña que quiere cómpralo y dáselo a su antipática nieta, y a muchas, muchas otras personas.
Sasha, Pasha and Lesha meet at a therapy course for men traumatized by women. Yes, there are some, because in the world of strong women, many men have lost themselves. But our heroes do not want to be victims, they decide to "go on the warpath" and restore justice. One problem - they are still slobs.
First Oscar
The film follows two student cinematographers who, as the war approaches Moscow, refuse to be evacuated and instead volunteer to be front-line cameramen capturing the horrors of war and heroism of the soviet soldiers. At the same time, we witness another storyline taking place in the US. After the premiere screening of the already completed documentary “Moscow Strikes Back”, one of the members of the Academy Awards selection committee is trying to persuade his fellow colleagues to establish a new category of Best Documentary in the upcoming Oscars event.
Naughty Grandma 3
1980, the whole country follows the events of the Moscow Olympics. Vova Rubinstein alone, on the sly, disguises himself as Soviet pop stars and tries to get rich by arranging fake concerts. At one of these concerts, he is exposed by the KGB and recruited as an undercover agent. Now, in order not to go to jail, Vova must fulfill a responsible mission - to find a deadly chemical developed in a secret laboratory on the black market. Vova will have to plunge headlong into the abyss of the spy passions of Moscow in the 80s: to find a chemical, to prevent the undermining of the Olympic Bear, to experience Brezhnev's passionate kiss, and to meet the love of his life ... And all this is in the image of the currency prostitute Louise Karpovna Rubinstein.