Michael Ward

Michael Ward

Nacimiento : 1909-04-09, Redruth, Cornwall, England, UK

Muerte : 1997-11-08


Michael Ward


La venganza de la pantera rosa
Real Estate Agent
El inspector Jacques Clouseau, condecorado por sus servicios a Francia por el mismo presidente de la Nación, se enfrenta, por primera vez, con la mafia. El jefe de esta organización en Francia, Douvier, quiere acabar con el inspector definitivamente. Este asesinato puede servir también, para que el Padrino de la mafia en Estados Unidos deje de criticar la falta de acción de la organización en Francia. Guy Algo, el teniente de Douvier, piensa en lo fácil que puede ser deshacerse de Clouseau...
Frankenstein y el monstruo del infierno
El barón Victor Frankenstein, recluido en un sanatorio mental con el nombre de Carl Victor, sigue haciendo experimentos. Cuenta con la ayuda de Simon Heider, un joven médico, para llevar a cabo un nuevo proyecto en el que utiliza como cobaya el cuerpo de un interno violento. Con ellos colabora también la hermosa Sarah. Las manos de un artesano y el cerebro de un brillante profesor completan el organismo de la criatura. Éste es el último de los numerosos films de la Hammer sobre Frankenstein.
Carry On Don't Lose Your Head
The time of the French revolution, and Citizen Robespierre is beheading the French aristocracy. When word gets to England, two noblemen, Sir Rodney Ffing and Lord Darcy Pue take it upon themselves to aid their French counterparts. Sir Rodney is a master of disguise, and becomes "The Black Fingernail", scourge of Camembert and Bidet, leaders of the French secret police.
Carry On Screaming
Mr. Vivian
The sinister Dr Watt has an evil scheme going. He's kidnapping beautiful young women and turning them into mannequins to sell to local stores. Fortunately for Dr Watt, Detective-Sergeant Bung is on the case, and he doesn't have a clue! In this send up of the Hammer Horror movies, there are send-ups of all the horror greats from Frankenstein to Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde.
Atraco imperfecto
Atraco imperfecto está protagonizada por Sydney James, Dick Emery y Lance Percival como un trío de ladrones de banco no muy brillantes. Tras salir de prisión después de 15 años, los tres muchachos acuden al árbol bajo el que habían escondido el dinero robado. Pero al lado del árbol, existe ahora una comisaría de policía... ¿Cómo conseguirán estos sinvergüenzas recuperar su botín?.
Cuidado con Cleopatra
Dos británicos son capturados y esclavizados por los invasores romanos y llevado a Roma. Hengist Pod crea inventos inútiles, mientras Horsa es un luchador valiente y astuto. En uno de sus primeros encuentros en Roma Hengist deja de ser confundido con un luchador, y se establece en la Guardia Real para proteger a Cleopatra. Cleo no lo quiere cerca y comienza a manipular para su desaparición repentina.
Doctor in Love
Dr. Flower
Doctors Burke and Hare leave the confines of St Swithins for the world of general practice, stopping off on the way as patients at the Foulness Anti-cold Unit. Hare then takes up a position as junior in a well-healed G.P.'s surgery while Burke continues to sow his doctorial wild oats.
The Ugly Duckling
Mark Pasco
Henry Jekyll was always the outsider, a bungling and awkward buffoon, relegated to waiting for his invitation to participate in life that never arrived: until he discovers a medical formula developed by a dead uncle, which claimed to turn 'a man of timid disposition into a bold, fearless dragon'. Taking a draught of the elixir Henry is transformed into suave, sophisticated and highly desirable Teddy Hyde. Armed with his new persona, Teddy is ready to face the world; but is Henry ready for the consequences?
Mantilla (Uncredited)
U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary distraction as the couple prepares to confront the culprit face-to-face.
Up in the World
Norman is a window cleaner who has to clean a manor house with hundreds of windows. He is distracted by the son of the house who persuades him to go into town. When some villains try and kidnap the young heir Norman fights them off but the heir has banged his head and can't remember Norman's heroic stand
Josephine and Men
The trouble with Josephine is that her ever-loving and over-sympathetic nature leads her to switch from needful men to even more needful men...
John of the Fair
Sir Thomas Renton
Set in the fairgrounds of 18th century England, the story of a kidnapped heir who regains his rightful inheritance to title and estates with the help of his friends.
The Fake
Art Salesman
Someone is stealing priceless paintings from the great museums of the world and replacing them with nearly flawless forgeries. Leonardo da Vinci's "Madonna and Child" is being shipped to London's Tate Gallery for a special exhibition, and Paul Mitchell is assigned to protect it. Upon the painting's arrival, Paul realizes it has been switched. Eager to collect the museum's $50,000 reward, he teams up with Mary Mason, a Tate employee, to recover the original.
Street Corner
Jewellery Salesman
London policewomen handle rescues and larceny as they go about their work in Chelsea.
Tread Softly
Alexander Mayne
Story of a chorus girl who is "discovered" and finds romance during the unraveling of a mystery in a once derelict theatre.
Emergency Call
Scotland Yard se moviliza con el fin de encontrar donantes de sangre para una chica que agoniza.
Tall Headlines
Dr. J. Dobson, dentist
A family is torn apart when their eldest son is hanged for the murder of a young girl.
The Frightened Man
Cornelius Hart
Kicked out of Oxford, a junk dealer's son (Dermot Walsh) joins a gang of thieves fenced by his father (Charles Victor).
Song of Paris
An archetypal Englishman returns from a jaunt abroad to face a dastardly foreign count in a screwball duel for the hand of a beautiful mademoiselle.
Whispering Smith Vs. Scotland Yard
Hotel Desk Clerk
Mystery directed by Francis Searle.
Cita con Venus
Senior Clerk's Assistant
El 10 de Julio de 1940 los nazis invaden Amorel, una estrátegica isla británica. La ocupación causa gran consternación al ministro de agricultura, ya que en la pequeña isla se encuentra ”Venus”, una vaca de extraordinario pedigree y de gran valor energético. El ministro presiona a la oficina de guerra para que intervenga en la recuperación del preciado animal.
Calling Bulldog Drummond
Hairdresser (uncredited)
Bulldog Drummond leaves retirement to help a Scotland Yard Sergeant catch thieves armed with radar.
Tom Brown's Schooldays
When Tom Brown arrives at Rugby boarding school, he’s mercilessly tormented by the school’s evil bully Flashman. With the help of his friend East, plucky Brown devises a plan to get back at Flashman; in the meantime, he’s asked to look out for a timid new student, whose life is accidentally put in peril during a school race.
Lilli Marlene
Lilli Marlene, a French girl working as a bar maid in her uncle's café in Benghazi, Libya, turns out to be the girl that the popular German wartime song Lili Marleen had been written for before the war, so both the British and the Germans try to use her for propaganda purposes - especially as it turns out that she can sing as well. When the Germans kidnap her in Cairo and she starts appearing in radio broadcasts from Berlin, her British soldier friends think that she's joined the enemy. They couldn't be more wrong, because after the war it turns out that her songs over the radio contained secret messages to London from British agents in Berlin.
Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
W. Somerset Maugham introduces three more of his stories about human foibles.
No Trace
A famous mystery writer uses his own plot tricks to murder a blackmailer in this British thriller.
What the Butler Saw
An Earl returns from a tropical island and discovers the daughter of the tribal King has stowed away in his luggage.
Extraño suceso
Dos hermanos ingleses (David Tomlison y Jean Simmons) visitan París con motivo de la Exposición Universal de 1889. Después de instalarse en un lujoso hotel, por la noche van al Moulin Rouge, donde ella pasa una agradable velada, pero él siente un enorme malestar. A la mañana siguiente, ella comprueba estupefacta que tanto su hermano como la habitación que ocupaba han desaparecido. Sin embargo, en el hotel todos le aseguran que ella llegó sola. Nadie cree en sus palabras, excepto un joven (Bogarde) a quien el desaparecido había prestado cincuenta francos la noche anterior.
High Jinks in Society
After foiling a robbery, Ben, a window cleaner is hired by Lady Barr-Nunn to guard her valuables. A comedy based on class divisions and snobbery.
Trottie True
Pianist at Ball (uncredited)
Tottie True is a gay-90s British music-hall performer who has her sights set on moving from rags to riches, who loses her heart to the pure-and-true blue balloonist, Sid Skinner, but continues her upward search on improving her social status. She finally settles for Lord Landon Digby who has lots of assets and a very-stiff upper lip. She gets a lot of the latter and very little of the former, and decides Sid might have been a better choice.
Marry Me
Minor Role (uncredited)
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
Stop Press Girl
Hairdressers' Manager (uncredited)
A young woman leaves her backwards hometown to go to London to find a runaway suitor. What she doesn't know is that she has inherited a strange ability; if she's in the vicinity of a machine for more than fifteen minutes, it stops working.
Helter Skelter
News Reader
A detective gets involved with a wealthy socialite who can't seem to stop hiccuping.
Coche cama a Trieste
Un lujoso tren que viaja hacia Trieste es el escenario de este entretenido film de espionaje, en el que se tratará de dar con aquellos que robaron unos importantes documentos a un político durante una recepción de una embajada francesa.
Un marido ideal
Tommy Tafford
Un destacado político está preparado para destapar un escándalo financiero. Pero una mujer, que ha invertido fuertemente en el turbio negocio, lo amenaza con desvelar un secreto dañino de su pasado si hace público el fraude. Su problema se ve agravado por la intolerancia de su esposa hacia los defectos más insignificantes de su carácter.