
Mary y la flor de la Bruja
Theme Song Performance
Mary es una niña que vive con su tía abuela Charlotte en el campo, donde no pasa casi nada. Un día sigue a un misterioso gato hasta el bosque y descubre un viejo palo de escoba y una extraña flor que sólo florece cada siete años en ese mismo bosque. El palo de escoba y la flor llevarán a Mary por encima de las nubes hasta llegar a Endor College, una escuela de magia dirigida por Madam Mumblechook y el brillante Doctor Dee. Pero allí suceden cosas terribles y después de mentir, Mary tendrá que arriesgar su vida para que todo vaya bien.
In 2010, SEKAI NO OWARI suddenly appeared in the music scene and quickly became a band that symbolized the new generation with its unconventional musicality, original lyrics, and unique characters of the four members. The four people, who have been engaged in bold and surprising activities that are completely unconventional in the past Japanese band scene, have finally embarked on the world of cinema.
In 2010, SEKAI NO OWARI suddenly appeared in the music scene and quickly became a band that symbolized the new generation with its unconventional musicality, original lyrics, and unique characters of the four members. The four people, who have been engaged in bold and surprising activities that are completely unconventional in the past Japanese band scene, have finally embarked on the world of cinema.