Philip Leakey
Nacimiento : 1908-05-04, London, England, UK
Muerte : 1992-11-26
Makeup Artist
Caine y Jackson interpretan respectivamente a un novelista y su mujer que invitan a Berger a su casa con la esperanza de que comparta la cama del matrimonio y ayude a Caine con su nueva novela.
Makeup Artist
El viejo Conde Drácula (Niven) busca el tipo de sangre correcto para revivir a su finada esposa (Graves)
Makeup Artist
Born to twin sisters on the same day in London, France and Margaret are more like brother and sister than cousins. The close relationship between the cousins is suspended when Margaret is sent abroad for schooling. Now a young woman, Margaret returns to London and resumes her intimate connection with France.
Makeup Artist
En una pequeña ciudad rusa, los huérfanos Prozoroff (Olga, Irina, Masha y Andrei) sueñan con regresar a su hogar en Moscú. Mientras tanto viven entre matrimonios infelices, amantes militares furtivos y trabajos solitarios. Cuando Andrei se casa con una chica de provincias llamada Natasha y ésta toma el control familiar, el refugio privado de las hermanas llega a la destrucción.
Makeup Artist
Un clan británico rico y sin escrúpulos secuestra a vagos y hippies y los obliga a participar en un elaborado juego de rol en el que deben jugar a la familia perfecta; los que se niegan o intentan escapar son asesinados en siniestros rituales.
Makeup Artist
Adaptación de una novela de Thomas Hardy. Bathsheba Everdene (Julie Christie) es una bella y seductora mujer, propietaria de la mayor granja de la comarca. Su mayor problema consiste en elegir entre los tres hombres que la pretenden: Gabriel Oak (Alan Bates), un criador de ovejas que le propone matrimonio, William Boldwood (Peter Finch), un soltero empedernido y acaudalado, y el sargento Frank Troy (Terence Stamp), guapo, imprudente y y de tendencias violentas.
Makeup Artist
Morgan es un artista que, influido por las ideas marxistas de su madre, siente la necesidad de rebelarse contra el orden social establecido y contra toda clase de convencionalismos. Pero esta actitud lo alejará cada vez más de la realidad y, poco a poco, contraerá una grave patología psicológica que lo lleva a identificarse con un gorila, animal al que se siente muy unido. Llegado a este punto, su mujer Leonie le pide el divorcio y, aunque Morgan intenta recuperarla, ella ha empezado a sentirse atraída por otro hombre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Makeup Artist
A group of teenagers take jobs at a holiday camp for the summer and enter a TV talent show
Makeup Artist
A Harry Palmer no le gusta el mundo del espionaje, pero no conoce otro tipo de vida. En esta ocasión, la misión de Harry consiste en localizar al doctor Aubrey Richards, que ha desaparecido teniendo en su poder un valioso archivo que puede haber llegado a manos del enemigo. El gobierno también teme que Richards haya sido sometido a un lavado de cerebro, como ya había pasado con otros dos científicos británicos...
Makeup Artist
Murder unfolds around a young girl who sleepwalks and talks while she does so.
Makeup Artist
Tras quedar huérfano por un ataque aéreo sobre Port Said, durante la Crisis de Suez, un muchacho tendrá que arreglárselas para trasladarse a Durban, en Sudáfrica, donde vive su tía Jane, su pariente más cercano. En su largo camino encontrará de todo, incluyendo un viejo buscador de diamantes.
Makeup Artist
John Lewis is bored of his job and his wife. Then Liz, wife of a local councillor, sets her sights on him. But this is risky stuff in a Welsh valleys town - if he and Liz ever manage to consummate their affair, that is.
Makeup Artist
Un amable ladrón consuela a viudas afligidas y se esfuerza por mejorar en su profesión, hasta que conoce y se enamora de una adorable baronesa, que conoce todos los trucos para hacerse rico deprisa...
Makeup Artist
The sequel to 'Up The Creek' sees David Tomlinson return as bumbling navy boffin Lieutenant Humphrey Fairweather. This time he is skipper of the ship Aristotle and, together with his second-in-command, Fairweather wreaks havoc when he is ordered to deliver the Aristotle to its new owners in a mythical Middle-Eastern country.
Makeup Artist
The mental breakdown of a guilt-ridden man provides the drama in this fascinating psychological profile starring Richard Attenborough as a scientist who can't live with himself after he accidently kills the brother of his fiancee.
Makeup Artist
Aunque la policía ha llegado a la conclusión de que la causa de la muerte de una mujer es el suicidio, la hija de la víctima sospecha que ha sido asesinada por su padrastro y está decidida a demostrarlo como sea.
Makeup Artist
El doctor Frankenstein escapa a la muerte en la guillotina y se dedica a ejercer como médico de cabecera bajo el nombre de doctor Stein; pero no ha olvidado su proyecto de crear un ser humano.
Makeup Artist
Tunis, 1943. Battle-weary troops of Company C have orders to occupy a derelict Tunisian farmhouse. They are to establish an artillery observation post, reporting on enemy movements before the imminent offensive to liberate Tunis. However German infantrymen discover their operations. The ensuing battle for control of this small piece of land will decide who controls Tunis but more critically, the victors in the battle of democracy versus fascism.
Makeup Artist
A psychiatrist treats a woman who is convinced that she turns into a killer leopard because of a family curse.
Makeup Artist
El científico John Rollason se une al implacable aventurero Tom Friend en la búsqueda del misterioso yeti. Cuando descubren que la criatura posee una gran inteligencia, la diferencia en la personalidad y la motivación de cada uno de los hombres, provoca un enfrentamiento entre ellos.
Makeup Artist
El profesor Quatermass descubre por casualidad, investigando un área de mucha actividad de meteoritos, una instalación gubernamental secreta rodeada de fuertes medidas de seguridad. Aparentemente el misterioso complejo se dedica a la fabricación de comida sintética, pero Quatermass llega a la terrible conclusión de que los extraterrestres están invadiendo la Tierra usando esta instalación como tapadera. Para salvar al país y al mundo entero de los invasores, Quatermass deberá enfrentarse a peligros terribles con un final incierto.
Makeup Artist
Condenado a muerte por una serie de crímenes que no ha cometido, el Barón Victor Frankenstein trata en vano de explicar a sus carceleros que el autor de esas muertes es un monstruoso ser, creado por él en su laboratorio secreto. Su diabólica ambición de crear vida llevó a Frankenstein a desafiar a Dios, fabricando un ser abominable a partir de cadáveres.
Makeup Artist
En una zona rural, se descubre una fuente de radiación potentísima, y el ejército junto con varios científicos acordonan la zona para investigar las causas de la radiación. Sin embargo, mientras están investigando, algo emerge del subsuelo y empieza a arrasar todo lo que encuentra a su paso, especialmente la energía eléctrica y radioactiva. El equipo de científicos debe ir contrarreloj para detener ese extraño y deforme fenómeno nunca antes visto por el hombre.
Makeup Effects
En una zona rural, se descubre una fuente de radiación potentísima, y el ejército junto con varios científicos acordonan la zona para investigar las causas de la radiación. Sin embargo, mientras están investigando, algo emerge del subsuelo y empieza a arrasar todo lo que encuentra a su paso, especialmente la energía eléctrica y radioactiva. El equipo de científicos debe ir contrarreloj para detener ese extraño y deforme fenómeno nunca antes visto por el hombre.
Makeup Artist
In love with a man who wants to marry her after he returns from a trip to sea, chorus girl Angela Booth tries to quit her seamy job and become a model citizen. When her employer refuses to dissolve her contract, though, they quarrel and she accidentally hits him. He presses charges, claiming she hit him deliberately, and she is convicted and sent to prison. As her fiance is at sea and out of contact, she is terrified he will think she has jilted him when she does not keep a New Year's date. A kindly old convict, Gran', notorious as a prison-breaker, agrees to engineer an escape for Angela...
Makeup Artist
A tragedy played in standard cops and robbers costume. A policeman faced with deep moral choices finds that once he's set foot on the path of corruption he is trapped by an ever more complex web of lies and intrigue. A lifetime of personal honour is at stake and we wonder if redemption is possible.
Makeup Artist
El primer cohete espacial británico ha despegado con éxito y vuelve a la Tierra, pero la comunicación se corta. Sólo uno de los tres astronautas permanece a bordo, y su salud, tanto física como mental está gravemente dañada. Es puesto bajo observación pero su esposa le saca del hospital, liberando de este una gran amenaza para la humanidad, ya que el sobreviviente está siendo consumido por una fuerza alienígena.
Makeup Artist
An idol of auto-racing fans attempts a comeback after serving in the Air Force. When his former rival lies dying in the hospital he must decide whether to continue in the Grand Prix, or make peace with his adversary. Featuring race car greats Stirling Moss, Reg Parnell, John Cooper, Alan Brown, Geoffrey Taylor and Leslie Marr.
Makeup Artist
Inglaterra. 1194. El rey Ricardo Corazón de León está prisionero en Alemania después de luchar en las Cruzadas. Su hermano, el príncipe John, toma el trono en su ausencia. Un hombre aparece asesinado en el bosque de Sherwood y se culpa a Robin Hood. Robin no sólo es inocente sino que la víctima formaba parte de una misión para liberar al rey Ricardo y asegurar su vuelta a Inglaterra. Robin Hood tendrá que luchar por la liberación del rey Ricardo y por demostrar su inocencia.
Makeup Artist
A man pays a hitman to kill him. Circumstances change and he tries to call off the hit but he has trouble getting the deal killed.
Makeup Artist
When a beautiful girl offers Casey Morrow a lot of money for a mystery job, Morrow doesn't ask too many questions. But when the girl's father is found murdered the following day and Morrow's coat is soaked with blood perhaps a little more caution should have been exercised. An intriguing story of deception, greed and immorality.
Makeup Artist
A famed trumpet player is suspected of murdering a blues singer. Using only two minor clues, he narrows the suspects to four people, but only after surviving poison placed on the mouthpiece of his trumpet!
Makeup Artist
When his wife stops writing to him and his letters are returned unanswered, Dan becomes extremely concerned about her welfare. He returns home but is only able to meet with her briefly before she is found murdered. Dan is the obvious suspect but has only 36 hours to find out who murdered her. In so doing he uncovers a shocking catalogue of his wife's past affairs and an identity that he knew nothing about.
Makeup Artist
Johnny Flanagan did not have the privileges of a good education or wealthy background but the streets developed his natural talent to be a great fighter. His enormous potential to reach the top is born out of a string of spectacular successes. All of which is brought to a halt when he develops a physical relationship with his manager's wife, the beautiful but manipulative Lorna. His naive temperament is no match for her callous, dispassionate scheming and he unwittingly becomes a pawn in Lorna's ultimate plan... .to murder her husband.
Makeup Artist
Discharged by his employer, a private eye stays on a jewel theft case after a model with information for him is murdered.
Makeup Artist
A greedy but successful professional gambler wants to join the British Establishment when he falls in love with a blue-blooded lady. But first he must mend his ways and then dump his nightclub singer girl friend. She's not so easy to get rid of, neither is his past.
Makeup Artist
Story of a chorus girl who is "discovered" and finds romance during the unraveling of a mystery in a once derelict theatre.
Makeup Artist
In this murder mystery, a woman's brother is killed in a freaky accident, or so she believes. Fortunately for her, an American journalist is more suspicious and so begins roaming the London streets in search of the killer.
Makeup Artist
El director de una gran librería comete un desliz con una empleada. Cuando ésta traba amistad con un ex presidiario ambos trazarán un plan para chantajearle.
Makeup Artist
The angel of the title is Jane Baxter, the wife of country physician Patrick Barr. Everybody in the small British village where she lives thinks the world of Baxter; thus, when she is murdered, the authorities are out for blood. Dr. Barr seems above suspicion, at least until he begins behaving eccentrically. As time passes, most everyone learns that Baxter wasn't quite as angelic as she seemed-and that quite a few people might have wanted her dead.
Makeup Artist
An Earl returns from a tropical island and discovers the daughter of the tribal King has stowed away in his luggage.
Makeup Artist
In 1904 London, neighbors begin to suspect that a very strange man calling himself Dr. Fell may indeed be the famous Jack the Ripper.
Makeup Artist
A man and his sister live in a country home, not knowing that there is stolen loot hidden there. A gang of criminals attempts to get them to move so they can get the loot for themselves.
Makeup Artist
Henry Clavering suspects his second wife Bertha is trying to drive his daughter (by his first marriage) insane, to stop her inheriting his money. He decides to use his yoga skills to pretend to be dead, and thereby expose her villainy.
Makeup Artist
Meet Simon Cherry was based on a popular BBC radio program of the 1940s titled Meet the Rev. Hugh Moxey plays the title role, a Father Brown-style clergyman who solves crimes when he isn't saving souls