Surreal drama about seven old people living in the same bed, by Jim Cartwright.
Jekyll's Father
En las calles de Londres una escurridiza figura ha despertado el temor de sus habitantes. Se le achacan varios asaltos a mujeres, incendios e incluso asesinatos. La policía cree haber identificado al sospechoso y lo persigue, pero en su huida empuja a un muchacho que cae bajo los cascos de un caballo y resulta gravemente herido.
The story of a retired man who decides to fulfil his life-long ambition of walking from one end of Britain to the other.
Jarvis Huntley-Pike
Adaptación de una obra teatral de Alan Ayckbourn. Un hombre (Jeremy Irons) provoca toda clase de habladurías en una pequeña ciudad británica cuando se une a una compañía de teatro, cuyo director (Hopkins) es un individuo muy dominante. El recién llegado no tarda en descubrir que el drama representado por los actores palidece en comparación con lo que sucede detrás del escenario. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mr. Snoddy
Somewhere in England, in the Autumn of 1955, a widowed father and his son live an idyllic life together. Only their gas station happens to sit on a piece of land that a local developer wants to buy. And when he won't take no for an answer, and sets government inspectors and social works onto Danny and his father, Danny and his father decide to get even with Hazell and his pheasant- shooting friends in a manner in keeping with their own family tradition.
A traditional rural English Christmas, reluctantly spent with the predominantly geriatric family (who all have their quirks and eccentricities) ends in tragedy after a practical joke goes horribly wrong.
Gower (voice)
One summer afternoon in 1907, Abel and his wife (both mice) are picnicking, when they become separated during a violent rainstorm. After flying some distance, Abel discovers himself alone on a river island, unable to swim due to the powerful current. Abel periodically attempts to leave the island by various means: flying on a leaf, rowing a crudely fashioned boat, etc. Meanwhile, he tries to create a normal life of sorts, even learning to enjoy a new hobby: sculpture. Still, Abel's goal is to escape the island and rejoin his wife in the city.
Bertie Hargreaves
En teoría, Nick es el abuelo de Bridget, una niña de diez años que va a heredar una fortuna considerable. Pero aparece Charley, que afirma que él es el verdadero abuelo. Los dos hombres se acostaron con la abuela de Bridget, y ella nunca estuvo segura de cuál de los dos la había dejado embarazada. Ni Charley ni Nick son buenos partidos, de modo que Bridget ha de elegir al menos malo de los dos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bernard Wilsher
Past and present intertwine: An elderly couple returns to the hotel where they became close when they were young and flashbacks to the earlier visit reveal the origins of both their pleasures and problems. Somewhere between the past and the present, Dennis Potter attempted to find "the shape of a life, of two lives..."
Colonel Zapt
El cuento clásico de Anthony Hope desde un punto de vista nada tradicional con la interpretación de Peter Sellers. Como en la historia original, el nuevo rey Rodolfo de Ruritania teme por su vida, y es sustituido por un doble: un taxista de Londres. Rubias encantadoras, traiciones, una batalla por la vida y el honor, y el placer de disfrutar la vida de la forma más extravagante.
Sometido a la tiranía de dos individuos sin escrúpulos, Tom, un chico de doce años, se ve obligado a trabajar de deshollinador. Pero consigue escapar de esta tiranía, entrando, con su amiga Ellie, en un mundo de fantasía poblado de seres extraños como los «niños acuáticos». Se trata del "Lago Mágico", un lugar cuya leyenda atrae a chicos tan intrépidos y valerosos como Tom y Ellie. (FILMAFFINITY)
The adventures of The Wombles, strange creatures who live on Wimbledon Common and pick up the litter left by the humans. There's always time for a nice song and dance as well. This was a film version of the popular childrens TV show.
The adventures of The Wombles, strange creatures who live on Wimbledon Common and pick up the litter left by the humans. There's always time for a nice song and dance as well. This was a film version of the popular childrens TV show.
Charley Farthing is on the run, chased by an irate husband with murder on his mind.
Otto von Bismarck contrata los servicios de Flashman para que realice una peligrosa misión: se trata de suplantar a un príncipe germano con el que Flashman tiene un extraordinario parecido. Una vez conseguido su objetivo, Bismarck intentará asesinar a Flashman y al príncipe para conseguir la unificación de los estados alemanes.
A young boy struggles to overcome his speech problem and strained relationship with his parents.
Mysterious old solicitor Mr. Blunden visits Mrs. Allen and her young children in their squalid, tiny Camden Town flat and makes her an offer she cannot refuse. The family become the housekeepers to a derelict country mansion in the charge of the solicitors. One day the children meet the spirits of two other children who died in the mansion nearly a hundred years prior. The children prepare a magic potion that allows them to travel backwards in time to the era of the ghost children. Will the children be able to help their new friends and what will happen to them if they do?
Mysterious old solicitor Mr. Blunden visits Mrs. Allen and her young children in their squalid, tiny Camden Town flat and makes her an offer she cannot refuse. The family become the housekeepers to a derelict country mansion in the charge of the solicitors. One day the children meet the spirits of two other children who died in the mansion nearly a hundred years prior. The children prepare a magic potion that allows them to travel backwards in time to the era of the ghost children. Will the children be able to help their new friends and what will happen to them if they do?
Insp. Willoughby
Libre adaptación del popular cuento "Hansel y Gretel". Inglaterra, años 20. Para los niños del orfanato, Tía Roo es una amable viuda americana que cada año celebra una gran fiesta de Navidad en su mansión de Forrest Grange, a la que invita a un grupo seleccionado de huérfanos. Una Navidad se fija en una niña que le recuerda a su hija fallecida... (FILMAFFINITY)
A principios del siglo XX, una familia tiene que mudarse a Londres desde la campiña inglesa donde siempre han residido, debido a que el padre es falsamente acusado de vender secretos de estado a los rusos, y es encarcelado durante 5 años. Sus tres hijos, Roberta, Peter y Phyllis, pasan el tiempo viendo ir y venir los trenes y saludando a los pasajeros con la mano. Así es como traban amistad con un anciano señor que siempre toma el tren de las 09:45, y que ayudará a la familia a probar la inocencia del padre.
A principios del siglo XX, una familia tiene que mudarse a Londres desde la campiña inglesa donde siempre han residido, debido a que el padre es falsamente acusado de vender secretos de estado a los rusos, y es encarcelado durante 5 años. Sus tres hijos, Roberta, Peter y Phyllis, pasan el tiempo viendo ir y venir los trenes y saludando a los pasajeros con la mano. Así es como traban amistad con un anciano señor que siempre toma el tren de las 09:45, y que ayudará a la familia a probar la inocencia del padre.
Un niño con una imaginación desbordante y fantasioso en extremo, es testigo de un asesinato, pero su hermana no le cree. Mientras, el asesino empieza la búsqueda del único cabo suelto que queda.
Scott Wardman, un escritor norteamericano de novelas pornográficas que reside en Londres, se enamora apasionadamente de una joven de dieciseis años con la que acaba contrayendo matrimonio. Tras la boda, se trasladan a Estados Unidos, donde empezarán a surgir problemas entre ellos.
Mario Beretti, un hombre despreocupado, recibe como herencia 13 sillas antiguas. Decide venderlas para sacar algún dinero rápido, pero después se entera de que una de las sillas tenía escondidos unos documentos valorados en una fortuna. Mario intentará recuperar las sillas, pero no será fácil.
Grandpa Potts
Dick Van Dyke interpreta a un excéntrico inventor de nombre Caractacus Potts, que consigue convertir un viejo coche de carreras (llamado originalmente "Paragon Panther") en un vehículo que podía volar y flotar sobre el agua al que denominó Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Con este coche viaja junto a su padre (Lionel Jeffries), sus hijos (Heather Ripley y Adrian Hall) y a su bella enamorada (Sally Ann Howes) al mundo mágico de los piratas, castillos y viven aventuras sin fin. Juntos se enfrentan al Barón Bomburst (Gert Fröbe) y a otros villanos. Destaca también en el reparto James Robertson Justice en el papel de Lorde Scrumptious.
King Pellinore
Adaptación cinematográfica del musical homónimo, estrenado en Broadway en 1960, sobre la legendaria historia medieval del reino de Camelot. El caballero francés Lancelot du Lac o Lanzarote del Lago (Franco Nero) llega a la corte del rey Arturo (Richard Harris), en Camelot, para integrarse en la Orden de la Mesa redonda, recién creada por el soberano inglés. Lancelot se enamora de la reina Ginebra (Vanessa Redgrave) y su amor es correspondido. Cuando Arturo se entera, monta en cólera y destruye la famosa mesa.
Sir Charles Dillworthy
Phineas T. Barnum y sus amigos financian el primer vuelo a la luna pero se encuentran con que la empresa está un poco por encima de sus posibilidades. Intentan lanzar su cohete a la órbita con un enorme cañón construido en la ladera de una montaña galesa, pero los problemas de dinero, los espías y los saboteadores hacen que el plan esté condenado al fracaso antes de empezar ...
Airport Commander
A woman brings her son and husband to a tropical vacation spot for a little rest and relaxation. The only problem is that the husband has been dead for quite some time, and his wife had him stuffed and carries him everywhere with her. Complications ensue.
Nick planea matar a su mujer, pero no sabe que ella alberga las mismas intenciones.
Stanley Farquhar
A dog with a spying device under its skin is sent to the Russian government as a present. When the Russians send the dog to a veterinary, British intelligence must get to the dog first and retrieve the spying device.
Inspector Hobart
Mientras investiga un caso, un joven policía logra ascender a inspector gracias a los consejos de su entrometida madre.
Sergeant-Major McGregor
A motley group of soldiers are set loose on swinging England in an initiative test to collect a selection of esoteric items
Tommy es un marinero que surca el Caribe en compañía de su hija, Spring, un poco marimacho. Cuando Tommy decide embarcarse en la búsqueda de un tesoro enterrado, incorpora a la tripulación al hábil abogado William Ashton, que se revela como francamente útil a la hora de afrontar adversidades. Mas la mayor adversidad de Tommy es emparejar a Spring con William, tarea que parece la más ardua de todas.
Captain Rhumstone
Miss Marple pertenece al consejo de administración de un buque escuela y uno de sus miembros ha sido asesinado. El inspector que lleva la investigación concluye que la muerte se ha debido a un fallo cardíaco, pero miss Marple cree que ha sido envenenado, tras examinar la caja de rapé del muerto. Cuarta y última película de Margaret Rutherford en el papel de Miss Marple.
Joseph Cavor
Un equipo de astronautas estadounidenses que están inmersos en los preparativos de un viaje a la Luna se quedan confundidos y muy intrigados cuando un hombre asegura que él, su novia y un científico viajaron a la luna 65 años antes y fueron atacados por los “selenitas”, unas criaturas extrañas mitad hombre, mitad hormiga que viven en enormes cavernas de cristal.
Según una antigua leyenda, no existía en el mundo objeto más valioso que la campana de oro de Saint James. De hecho, fueron muchos los hombres que dedicaron su vida a la búsqueda de tan fabuloso tesoro. Tras descubrir su escondite, el aventurero vikingo Rolfe zarpó en un gran barco robado rumbo a la fortaleza mora de Shiekn el Mansuh, quien también buscaba la campana.
Colonel Judd
A 1964 British action adventure film from Hammer studios. The Scarlet Blade is set during the english civil war. A cruel Roundhead Colonel is on the trail of royalist sympathisers, but unaware of his daughters royalist sympathies. When she falls into a love triangle with Cavalier Edward Beverly and Roundhead officer Captain Sylvester the stage is set for double crossing and derring do.
Una cápsula espacial norteamericana, que contiene muestras de la superficie lunar, debido a un error técnico cae en una ignota región africana habitada por la peligrosa tribu de los "Ekele". El gobierno de los Estados Unidos, decidido a recuperar el contenido de la cápsula, envía a Merriwether (Bob Hope), un intrépido y experto explorador, que es el único que conoce la zona. Al mismo tiempo, un estado extranjero, que también pretende apoderarse de las muestras lunares, envía a su mejor agente, una escultural mujer (Anita Ekberg). El problema es que Merriwether nunca ha estado en África y todos sus conocimientos proceden de los libros y de las historias que le contaba un tío suyo.
Inspector Fred 'Nosey' Parker
Pearly Gates (Peter Sellers), jefe de una banda de ladrones de guante blanco de Londres, decide organizar un espectacular robo usando como tapadera una tienda de alta costura, pero un trío de inoportunos policías les arrebatan el botín. Lo mismo le ocurre a la banda del Nervios. Lo que las dos bandas ignoran es que el trío en cuestión lo forman unos gángsters australianos que se disfrazan de policías para robar a los ladrones.
A private eye is hired to go undercover at a health farm, but before he can find out why his client is murdered.
Inspector Oliphant
Un diplomático americano destinado en Londres alquila una lujosa mansión y se enamora de la dueña, una atractiva viuda que es sospechosa de asesinato.
Gunner Evans
Legend has it that if the famous Barbary Apes leave the Rock of Gibraltar, it's a sign that the British will lose control of it. During World War II, a British officer is put in charge of the apes. When he detects that the animals' morale is slipping, he hatches a plan to go behind the German lines to "kidnap" a new ape for his charges to lift their spirits before the Germans find out about their condition and use it as propaganda.
Luke Billings
Luke Billings (Lionel Jeffries) and his family have a problem with the new police sergeant Sam Hargis (Richard Todd) so they take over a small Transvaal town with the attention of drawing Hargis into a showdown. Hargis tries to get back up from the townsfolk who do not want to know, so is forced to lay low. As things get out of hand one of the Billings boys takes an interest in the storekeeper's wife, Priss Dobbs (Anne Aubrey). Having had enough her husband, Ernie (Jamie Uys) takes up the gun and heads down the main street alone. An act that prompts Hargis to join him. Slowly, the townsfolk turn up to back them up.
Monsieur Brun
Fanny (Leslie Caron), una atractiva muchacha, es abandonada por Marius, un joven marinero deseoso de conocer mundo que ignora que ella está embarazada. La chica, empujada por las circunstancias, acaba casándose con un hombre cuarenta años mayor que ella. Algunos Años después, Marius regresa. Se basa en la obra homónima de Broadway, que, a su vez, se inspira en la última parte de una trilogía de Marcel Pagnol. Obtuvo 5 nominaciones a los Oscar, incluyendo mejor película, aunque no se llevó ningún premio.
Chief P.O. Sidney Crout
La prisión de Huntleigh es un auténtico paraíso para los reclusos, sobre todo para tres de ellos que incluso planean cometer un valioso robo de diamantes, sin que nadie llegue a sospechar de ellos.
Una banda de atracadores, compuesta por un padre ya anciano y sus cuatro vástagos adultos, atracan un banco en un pequeño poblado africano, y en su huida a través de la jungla matan a un policía, amigo de Tarzán. Éste acaba con uno de los atracadores y detiene a otro de ellos, a quien conducirá ante la justicia en Kairobi. El resto de la familia irá al rescate del detenido y, al tiempo, a vengarse de Tarzán, quien pretende tomar una lancha hacia la ciudad africana; destruido el medio de transporte por los atracadores, Tarzán deberá viajar a través de la selva, acompañado, de paso, por los viajeros de la lancha...
Det. Sgt. Thompson
A bumbling gang of thieves crash a jazz party.
John Sholto Douglas, Marquis of Queensberry
At the height of his fame, Oscar Wilde angers the Marquis of Queensberry by having what is believed to be a romantic relationship with Queensberry's son Lord Alfred Douglas, who is twenty years Wilde's junior. When Queensberry slanders Wilde, the artist decides to take the matter to court and brings about his own downfall.
A medical student who is thrown out of his university, ends up working in a laundry and rebuilds his confidence with a relationship with a fashion model.
Encompassing three hugely popular double acts, The Crazy Gang were one of Britain's best-loved, most enduring variety troupes – their antics delighting audiences for over three decades from the early 1930s and their career taking in numerous Royal Command performances. Their efforts to save a struggling circus provide the laughs in this uproarious comedy, also starring Goldfinger icon Shirley Eaton and featuring Flanagan and Allen's rendition of their greatest hit, Underneath the Arches. The Crazy Gang have been jacks-of-all-trades with Joe Winter's Monster Circus for almost as long as Joe has been on the road, and they're still hoping for a big break. But Joe has hit hard times: his equipment is mortgaged, most of his acts have deserted him and even the elephants have walked out. So the Gang set about finding a way to save the circus... and come up with a typically novel solution!
Ian Howard
The orderly suburban life of a 1950's English town is turned on its head when the teenaged daughter of one of the residents writes a steamy bestseller featuring characters obviously based on the local population.
Gregory Mason
Shirley Jones and Max Bygraves portray parents of the title character, an infant who talks like an adult.
Dr. Goovaerts
Una joven belga (Audrey Hepburn), que pertenece a una familia burguesa, ingresa como novicia en un convento. Tras profesar como monja, es enviada al Congo para trabajar como enfermera en una misión, como era su deseo desde niña. Sin embargo, su sorpresa será mayúscula cuando compruebe que no será destinada a atender a los nativos, sino a los europeos que viven allí.
A rock'n'roll idol is drafted into the wrong regiment.
Pet Shop Owner (uncredited)
A professional thief is sprung from prison with the assistance of a new partner who wants to know where he's hid his loot.
Walter Froy
A newly qualified surgeon takes the blame for his drug addict colleague after the death their patient through neglect.
Steady Barker
The sequel to 'Up The Creek' sees David Tomlinson return as bumbling navy boffin Lieutenant Humphrey Fairweather. This time he is skipper of the ship Aristotle and, together with his second-in-command, Fairweather wreaks havoc when he is ordered to deliver the Aristotle to its new owners in a mythical Middle-Eastern country.
Harry, the Tourist
When HMS Scotia pays a visit to the French Riviera, the officers throw a lavish party to celebrate the engagement of Captain Robert Randall to Jill Eaton, a charming American girl; among the guests are Mary Carlton, Jill's American friend, and Antoinette, a vivacious redhead. However, when the last shore-boat is deemed unseaworthy, the girls are obliged to spend the night on ship. A series of hilarious complications ensue, as the officers attempt to keep the girls away from the beady eyes of Admiral Hewitt – who chooses this very night to board the Scotia.
A grounded American fighter pilot is switched to espionage on a special job in which he must kill a small-time Paris lawyer suspected of double-crossing France by selling out radio operators to the Nazis.
El doctor Frankenstein escapa a la muerte en la guillotina y se dedica a ejercer como médico de cabecera bajo el nombre de doctor Stein; pero no ha olvidado su proyecto de crear un ser humano.
Major Proudfoot
When Percy Brand, a habitual confidence trickster, keeps being sent down, he goes to great lengths to ensure that his son Colin, does not find out about his criminal past. But when Colin becomes an assistant to the Judge, who is about to try Percy for his latest escapade, Percy and his gang have to come up with a plan, to stop them meeting in court.
Steady Barker
Bumbling navy officer Lieutenant Humphrey Fairweather (David Tomlinson) is transferred to HMS Berkeley, an old World War II destroyer, to keep him out of harm's way. But together with Chief Petty Officer Doherty (Peter Sellers), Fairweather gets into more trouble than might be thought possible, with events coming to a riotous conclusion when the Admiralty turn up for an inspection of the ship.
Colonel (Medical Officer)
Durante la II Guerra Mundial en 1940, después de realizar un sabotaje delante de sus líneas, una unidad británica en Francia pierde a su oficial. El cabo se encuentra entonces con la responsabilidad de liderar al grupo y encontrar a su unidad, en plena retirada. Mientras, el cerco sobre Dunkerque se termina de cerrar, y tanto civiles como militares, al otro lado del canal, tratan por todos los medios de socorrer a los soldados cercados. (FILMAFFINITY)
El protagonista, aunque desciende de una antigua familia de navegantes, le tiene pánico al mar; esa es la razón por la que decide transformar el viejo barco que ha heredado en hotel y centro de recreo.
Joe Mangan
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
Geoffrey Windsor
When Dr Howard Latimer finds the German Actress that he has just met at London Airport murdered in his flat, it leads him into the world of murder, blackmail and a fake passport scam.
Elvin Main
A reporter tries to prove that his wife is not responsible for the murder of a famous newspaper columnist.
Dr. Hatchett
The third of the "Doctor" films. Newly qualified doctor Simon Sparrow goes in search of a job. He applies for a surgery position at the hospital where he studied, but manages to insult the senior surgeon and one of the hospital's governors. So, instead he ends up as assistant to with a niggardly and rather scary GP with an amerous wife, followed by cushy but rather unmedical job with a Harley Street doctor, and then a job with a very nice GP whp is the opposite to the first one. But after getting the chance to rescue the hospital governor from a group of angry ladies at a resort in France, he finally lands a job at his beloved hosdpital.
The efforts of test pilot John Mitchell to make a better life for his wife Mary and their two children seem doomed to failure and he blames himself. At the Conway Aero-Manufacturing Company of Wolverhampton, Mitchell is to take the company's new rocket-propulsion transport plane up for tests, fully loaded and carrying two important passengers - Ministry official Crabtree and buyer's representative Ashmore. Mitchell learns from his boss, Reg Conway, that if Ashmore does not recommend the plane, the company will be out of business and Mitchell out of a job, since the plane is not even insured as the firm's entire capital is tied up in the plane. Aloft, an engine catches fire and the passengers and other crew bail out, but Mitchell refuses to obey orders to jettison the plane in the Irish Sea.
A British theater actress unable to get out of her contract is assisted by an American playwright when a pair of her scissors is discovered lodged in her producer's back.
Dr. Peyron
Biopic del famoso pintor impresionista Vincent Van Gogh, que retrata su atormentada vida a partir de su obra, que no es más que un reflejo de la ansiedad, la sensación de fracaso y la soledad que lo llevaron, finalmente, a la locura.
Man in Pub
Tras una discusión con su marido, Lucy abandona su casa y se va al cine. Allí mientras se dirige a los servicios es testigo del asesinato del gerente por dos delincuentes, Ward y Barney, que intentan forzar la caja fuerte a continuación. Es descubierta y en la persecución Lucy es atropellada por un autobús y llevada al hospital. Wade decide vigilarla y asesinarla para evitar que los identifique y, en consecuencia, ser ahorcados, en contra de la opinión de Barney. Intenta colarse en el hospital para estrangularla, pero una anciana paciente lo descubre. Decide disfrazarse de enfermero y se dirige a la sala de operaciones, donde Lucy está a punto de ser intervenida…
After a quayside mix-up with the Italian family of his fiancée, Able Seaman Knocker White finds himself literally left holding the baby. Unable to return it before his ship sails he enlists the help of best mate Puncher Roberts to smuggle the child aboard. But babies are surprisingly demanding and gradually the whole crew is drawn into helping keep it fed and washed - and undiscovered. Even so, the officers above deck start to puzzle over the increasingly strange happenings on board.
Norman is a window cleaner who has to clean a manor house with hundreds of windows. He is distracted by the son of the house who persuades him to go into town. When some villains try and kidnap the young heir Norman fights them off but the heir has banged his head and can't remember Norman's heroic stand
Bert Benton
At the racetrack, cleaner, Willy Joy is tricked into buying Lindy Lou, a useless greyhound, who's not too healthy either. While getting the dog back in shape, Willy crosses paths with a gang of crooks who's specialty is fixing the races with doped dogs.
Maitre D', Hotel
In a Swiss Alpine resort shortly after the War an army officer and upper-class Humpy Miller both set their sights on Mary, the landlord's daughter. When the two come down with chicken pox they are put in the charge of fellow guest Miss Cartwright, who turns out to be Humpy's old nanny. The two Englishmen unite not only against her tyranny but against a dense Greek who is also after Mary.
A scientist invents a pill to cure smokers of their nicotine addiction. However, when he makes his discovery public, he encounters strong resistance from the tobacco industry.
El primer cohete espacial británico ha despegado con éxito y vuelve a la Tierra, pero la comunicación se corta. Sólo uno de los tres astronautas permanece a bordo, y su salud, tanto física como mental está gravemente dañada. Es puesto bajo observación pero su esposa le saca del hospital, liberando de este una gran amenaza para la humanidad, ya que el sobreviviente está siendo consumido por una fuerza alienígena.
Harry Tyler
Obra inspirada en los libros de Pat Reid. La película retrata la vida en un campo de prisioneros y los intentos de huida. Tiene como protagonistas a John Mills como Pat Reid, Bryan Forbes como Jimmy Winslow e Ian Carmichael como Robin Cartwright. Estuvo nominada al BAFTA de 1956.
Martin Bremner
When young reporter and amateur biker Jerry Marsh investigates a mysterious hooded figure on a motorbike, he discovers crooks hiding out in a ruined castle with atomic sabotage on their minds...
Mr. Frobisher
A trip to the theatre changes a meek bank clerk's life, as he undergoes hypnosis and leaves without being woken up. Suddenly, he believes he is the world's greatest lover and becomes a terrorizing Casanova.
Richard Bennett's business fails and he discovers that his wife, Deborah, is having an affair, his whole world comes crashing down. Richard apparently has a vision from God; from then on Richard's power grows and he starts to think of himself as God.