First Assistant Director
De repente, sin saber cuál es su origen, aunque todo hace sospechar que comienza con el viaje de una norteamericana a un casino de Hong Kong, un virus mortal comienza a propagarse por todo el mundo. En pocos días, la enfermedad empieza a diezmar a la población. El contagio se produce por mero contacto entre los seres humanos. Un thriller realista y sin efectos especiales sobre los efectos de una epidemia.
Script Supervisor
Where is the end of the world? A rich girl diagnosed with leukemia wants to follow a sailor friend to St Kilda, Scotland to find out. but first she must search him out, who is missing.
Assistant Director
Where is the end of the world? A rich girl diagnosed with leukemia wants to follow a sailor friend to St Kilda, Scotland to find out. but first she must search him out, who is missing.