In Rome, Gianclaudio Lopez, a retired teacher, sets off in search of his former students who are now approaching their thirties. A Class Story mixes sequences of the video diary that the teenagers had filmed at the time and sequences shot now in which the protagonists, adults, remember this period and speak of their dreams, illusions and regrets.
Cesare, viudo de una bella y amada mujer, ex-contrabandista y ayudante de clandestinos, encuentra en un valle remoto el cadáver de su sobrino Fausto. En busca del asesino, descubre a un hombre que lleva ilegalmente a refugiados en Suiza.
Historia de la división de culturas y puntos de vista entre Oriente y Occidente a través de la historia de Vincenzo, un ingeniero italiano que se ve de repente en un viaje que le cambia la vida... (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
Lorenza is 30 years old and has not yet found the man of her life. Not wanting to be alone, she decides to take the penniless Riccardo as her husband "for rent".
A fairy tale-like love story between young circus artist Lola and the bear Misha, who one day transforms into a human being.
A man returns to visit his native Sicily after living in New York for a long time. He learns about the Sicilian way of life from stylized conversations with an orange picker, his fellow train passengers, his mother, and a knife-sharpener.
The film chronicles the melancholy journey of two celebrity look-alikes chasing their dream of la dolce vita in Italy. Romanian Marilyn Monroe impersonator Ileana and Bulgarian Elvis double Nicolaj win a look-alike contest in Bucharest in which the prize is a summer engagement in a nightclub on Italy's Adriatic coast. The two strangers take off together, communicating in the broken Italian they picked up from TV. When a bureaucratic hitch with Ileana's passport cuts them off at the airport, they cross the border illegally by car, travelling through a part of Yugoslavia devastated by war. They accept hospitality at a military outpost, but the suicide of a colonel there casts suspicion on Ileana. Beaten and afraid, they continue their odyssey across the harsh sunless no-man's-land gradually scarring them both and clouding their hopes. They finally reach Italy, but all is not as promised.
Executive Producer
Tras la caída del comunismo, los albaneses sueñan con un futuro mejor y confían en la generosidad de la vecina Italia, pero la realidad dista mucho de sus sueños. Algunos de ellos son contratados por Gino (Enrico Lo Verso) y Fiore (Michele Placido), dos empresarios italianos que acaban de comprar una antigua fábrica de zapatos con la única intención de hacer dinero rápido a costa de los inmigrantes. Sin embargo, una serie de circunstancias hacen que uno de ellos conozca en carne propia el drama de la inmigración. (FILMAFFINITY)
A Jewish boy living in Amsterdam at the onset of WWII is taken to a concentration camp with his parents. Based on the memoir of Holocaust survivor Jona Oberski.
With three of his companions in a fatal gas-station robbery drowned while evading a police roadblock, the surviving young thug has no reason to turn himself in to the police, since they don't know about his existence. At least, that's the way his rescuer Bruno (Bruno Ganz) sees it. Besides, Bruno needs such an overly enterprising fellow to help him pull off a really big heist that he's been planning for a long time. It takes some doing, but the boy and his girlfriend are recruited by the older man, who has been keeping a low profile by working as a gardener.
Executive Producer
Tex Willer y sus compañeros, el viejo ranger Kit Carson y el guerrero navajo Tiger Jack, desbaratan una banda de traficantes de armas; encuentran que éstas, robadas al Ejército, están destinadas a una tribu de yaquis. Después de descubrir algunos cadáveres momificados por unas misteriosas piedras verdes, Tex consulta a un experto de lo oculto, El Morisco, y con su ayuda tendrá que enfrentarse al líder de los yaquis, el inquietante Señor de los abismos.
Deranged after a fall from a horse, a man has lived for twenty years in a castle laboring under the delusion that he is Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. His psychiatrist concocts an elaborate scheme to shock him out of his medieval reverie.
Giovanni es un veterano actor que regresa a su casa para el funeral de Pippo, su hermano gemelo. Allí le cuentan que Pippo se ha suicidado dejando una nota explicando sus motivos, pero la madre de ambos dice que ha sido un accidente. Para complicar más la cosas, la intermitente novia de Pippo, Wanda, se niegua a estar de luto con el resto de la familia. Desconcertado, enfadado e intrigado, Giovanni se propone descubrir qué está pasando realmente.
Documentary in which 94 year-old Francesca Bertini recalls her life and career while attending a screening of Assunta Spina.
Associate Producer
This documentary is about the Italian small family circus, based on the old street theatre of the Commedia dell'Arte. Since World War II, they have diminished in number and today hardly exist anymore. They simply can't compete with modern times entertainment, symbolized by television. The film portrays and follows the Colombaioni family, six brothers and two sisters, their children and grand children. Most of them work in their own small circus(father, mother, children). Two of the brothers, Carlo and Alberto left the circus and now have a theatre show, based on their improvisation skills that they learned in the circus. The family is known by their collaboration with Frederico Fellini and Dario Fo. They appeared in many a Fellini movie -o.a. La Strada, Le Notti di Cabiria and I Clown.
Executive Producer
Mauro, a judge, is worried about his older sister Marta, who took care of him since he was a boy, and now suffers from mental illness and suicidal thoughts. She seems to recover from her depression when Mauro acquaints her with Giovanni, a brilliant actor at the edge of legality. However, Mauro becomes unconsciously jealous of their relationship and tries to get Giovanni arrested.
Un joven escritor se encuentra atrapado entre su madre (Laura Betti), una horrible actriz, y el conocimiento de que sólo tiene un talento mediocre como dramaturgo y un carácter casi nulo. Después de que el joven sufra la pérdida de su amante a manos de su padrastro, también novelista, su autoestima queda tan destrozada que se suicida. Adaptación italiana de La gaviota del dramaturgo ruso Anton Chéjov.
Production Manager
Much-censored documentary encompassing thirty years of Italian politics under the steady supremacy of the Christian Democracy (DC), with satirical intent.
A filmmaker of committed films, together with his lover, plans to commit suicide within a few days.
Production Manager
In a school on the extreme outskirts of Rome, a young teacher, instead of neglecting his half-empty classroom, decides to tackle the problem looking for the children who do not attend classes.
Production Supervisor
Un grupo de personas para escapar de la peste, se refugia en el palacio de Gianni Messer, y para matar el tiempo relatan historias reales. Historias a cada cual más picantes y sorprendentes...
Unit Manager
Amedeo (Enzo Jannacci) es un hombre vulgar y sencillo que llega a Roma desde el norte de Italia con el propósito de tener una audiencia privada con el Papa. Lo que pretende es discutir con él sobre asuntos de carácter filosófico y teológico que le preocupan. Sin embargo, sólo encuentra trabas que le impiden conseguir su objetivo. Llega incluso a ser vigilado por un policía que, compadeciéndose de él, le presenta a Aiche (Claudia Cardinale), una escultural mujer que tiene oscuras relaciones con personajes de la jerarquía eclesiástica.
Production Assistant
Docudrama sobre el extraño fallecimiento de Enrico Mattei, un industrial cuya muerte fue atribuida a oscuros intereses político-financieros, aunque oficialmente fue considerada un simple accidente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Unit Manager
Debido a una violación de las normas de tráfico, un arquitecto es encarcelado. Allí será testigo de la cruda realidad de las prisiones: funcionarios y presos corruptos, un sistema judicial inhumano y el poder omnipresente de la Mafia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Unit Manager
Italia, década de los setenta. Una joven periodista de televisión que se declara pacifista, se enamora de un chico que pertenece a un grupo extremista. El joven recibe la misión de cometer un crimen político, pero, incapaz de llevarlo a cabo, es asesinado por sus compañeros. Ella pide en vano ayuda a la policía, por lo que decide tomarse la justicia por su cuenta.
Unit Manager
Secuela de "La armada Brancaleone". El caballero medieval Brancaleone organiza una expedición hacia Tierra Santa, liderada por un visionario monje, pero bastante desorientado para encontrar el camino a Jerusalén. En su camino se encontrarán con otro grupo que les acusa de herejía; además de mutilados, leprosos, brujas...
Unit Manager
The real story of the partisan Silvio Corbari. He starts his career killing publicly one of his friends that was a fascist. Than, he set up a band of partisans in north Italy, completely independent from the Italian organized resistance (CLN). Ines, leave his husband to join the band and became Silvio's lover. Silvio Corbari succeeded also to set up a free-zone, his personal republic, independent from the Nazi occupied Italy, in a little village called Tregnano. But the opponent Nazi-Fascist army is too much for any kind of resistance, especially if not included in the organized CNL. All his partisan friends are captured and sentenced to death, Ines, close to be captured, suicides. Corbari, even if survives to a first hanging, can't escape to a second one. After WWII he deserved a gold medal to the memory from the Italian Republic.
Realizada por encargo de un mecenas, esta película constituyó un manifiesto fundacional del Grupo Dziga Vertov. Las estructuras, los clichés y los estereotipos del western tradicional, sirven de coartada para una reflexión sobre la lucha de clases y la des mitificacion del cine burgués
Production Secretary
A noble family assigns their younger son to the convent. The youngster has an affair with a novice, who becomes pregnant. The brothers, exasperated by his arrogance, denounce him to the Inquisition. As a punishment, the boy is walled up alive and released after fifty years. Due to a mysterious miracle, however, he remained as he is, just like the novice he impaled.
Production Secretary
Muere fulminada por la corriente eléctrica la titular de una empresa de insecticidas. Sus hijos, esposas y nietos se presentan en la empresa familiar, donde reside el viudo, y se celebrará el funeral. Pero éste no será el único entierro que se deba celebrar...