Chief Lighting Technician
Los científicos descubren que el núcleo del planeta Tierra ha detenido su movimiento giratorio, lo que causará catástrofes a nivel mundial, eliminando la vida tal y como la conocemos. Un grupo de científicos son reclutados para una peligrosa misión al centro de la tierra que pueda prevenir el fin de la vida.
Lighting Technician
The time is the 1930s and two Soviet spies (both Frenchmen by nationality) have been helping Communist factions during the Civil War in Spain. It is the time of Stalin's iron rule in the USSR, and the two agents are suddenly called to Moscow by the KGB. Knowing that they are in trouble for no fault of their own, fear drives one of them to suicide while the other gets his lover and her child and begins a run for his life, knowing that the KGB will never let him go free.