Ryu Seong-cheol

Nacimiento : , South Korea


Alienoid: Return to the Future
Martial Arts Choreographer
A group of escaped aliens at her tail, Lee Ahn searches for the divine sword that could open a time-travelling portal which would bring the in the past trapped Guard and the cyborg Thunder back to the year 2022. There is also the bounty hunter Mureuk, who has rescued Lee Ahn from many difficult situations, who begins to suspect that an alien presence has entered his body. When the group finally manages to cross over to the present, they find brutal devastation: The powerful alien Controller has released the extraterrestrial substance Haava and thousands have died. Lee Ahn, Thunder and Mureuk don’t have much time to hunt down the enormous number of hostile aliens and save humanity.
Alienoid Parte 1
Martial Arts Choreographer
‎Los gurús de finales de la dinastía Goryeo intentan obtener una espada legendaria y sagrada, y los humanos en 2022 persiguen a un prisionero alienígena que está encerrado en el cuerpo de un humano. Las dos partes se cruzan cuando se abre un portal de viajes en el tiempo.‎
The Policeman's Lineage
A by-the-book police officer is assigned to secretly investigate a team leader who believes that the rules shouldn't stop an investigation. As the officer investigates further, his own attitudes begin to mirror the team leader's.
Kingdom: Ashin del norte
La tragedia, la traición y un hallazgo misterioso alimentan la sed de venganza de una mujer que perdió a su tribu y familia.
Ki Hun es un ex agente de la agencia de inteligencia. Seo Bok es el primer clon humano y posee el secreto para la vida eterna. Ki Hun se involucra en situaciones peligrosas debido a varias fuerzas que quieren tomar posesión de Seo Bok.
Steel Rain 2: Summit
Una película futurista sobre una crisis cercana al borde de la guerra luego de que tres líderes sean secuestrados por un submarino nuclear norcoreano en un golpe de estado durante una cumbre entre las dos Coreas y Estados Unidos.
Forbidden Dream
A true historical drama about King Sejong, the greatest ruler in Joseon history who sought to enhance national prosperity and military power through astronomy, and Jang Yeong-sil, the most remarkable scientist.
Man of Men
The friendship between a lawyer who will do anything to make money and a nursing home volunteer.
Tazza: One Eyed Jack
A young poker player at the top of his game joins a team led by the legendary poker player One-Eyed Jack. While successfully working on a plan to win a huge jackpot, a single mistake puts the entire team in a life-or-death situation.
Maravilloso Fantasma
Jang-soo is a judo instructor who is indifferent to everyone but his daughter. One day he realizes he can see Tae-jin, a ghost who used to be a devoted police officer. Tae-jin asks Jang-soo to help solve the case that took his life away from him.
Believer (독전)
Un policía intenta arrestar a uno de los narcotraficantes más peligrosos de Asia. En su misión le ayudará un miembro de la banda del criminal, quien desea vengarse de su jefe.
Un excampeón de pulsos de Estados Unidos regresa a Corea del Sur para un torneo en el que podría recuperar su gloria. Allí entrenará al máximo, pero las cosas se complicarán cuando aparezca su familia biológica a la que nunca ha conocido.
Golden Slumber
A delivery man has to flee for his life when he is framed for the assassination of a political candidate and the evidence against him begins to accumulate.
Keys to the Heart
Un boxeador acabado, Jo-ha, ha vivido su vida dependiendo de su fuerza física, pero su época de gloria ya ha terminado y sólo le queda el orgullo. Así que decide irse a vivir con su madre, que le dejó de pequeño, y con su hermano autista Jin-tae. Una vez allí, descubrirá lo que es la familia.
La villana
Desde la infancia, Sook-Hee ha sido entrenada para convertirse en una asesina sin piedad. Cuando Madame Kwon, la jefa del servicio de información de Corea del Sur, la recluta como agente durmiente, le ofrece una segunda oportunidad. "Danos diez años de tu vida y tendrás tu libertad". Su nueva identidad es Chae Yeon-Soo, una actriz de teatro de 27 años. Con la promesa de una libertad completa a cambio de servir a su país durante diez años, Sook-Hee emprende una nueva vida. Para esta mujer que ha vivido como asesina, llevar una existencia normal no resulta una tarea sencilla. Pero cuando dos hombres entran en su vida, los secretos de su pasado serán desvelados.
Untouchable Lawmen
Jung-Jin is a criminal profiler and he came from the FBI in the United States. Yoo-Min is a detective and he graduated from the top police university, but he is more interested in women then arresting criminals. Jung-Jin and Yoo-Min are called to the special investigation headquarter for a secret meeting. There, Jung-Jin and Yoo-Min receive an order to take down the boss of a criminal organization. The crime boss, with the help of people in power, appears untouchable.
Dachimawa Lee
Under Japanese imperialism, Korean national treasure Golden Buddha is stolen. More important to national security, the statue contains vital information concerning Korean freedom fighters and their whereabouts as well as their true identities. The interim Korean government appoints legendary Korean spy Agent Dachimawa Lee to recover the fabled statue and reveal the dark plot behind the theft.