Raphaël Daniel


Fuck Private Property!
France, 2045. In the midst of a food crisis, Alexandra Delpech sees activists barging onto her property, determined to steal her land and transform it into a fertile oasis for the common good. Armed with her shotgun, Alexandra does not intend to be robbed so easily.
Le Parti du cinéma
Graphic Designer
The Bride
Director of Photography
Dressed in a wedding gown, the Milanese artist Pippa Bacca leaves her native city in direction of Jerusalem. Accompanied by fellow artist Silvia Moro, both women hitchhike their way across the Balkans with a clear aspiration: opening themselves towards ‘the Other’. As their travel-performance unfolds, the artists decide to take two different paths and Pippa is later found dead in Turkey. The film embarked on a journey in quest of her memories.