Jim Davis

Jim Davis

Nacimiento : 1909-08-26, Edgerton, Platte County, Missouri, USA

Muerte : 1981-04-26


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jim Davis (born Marlin Davis, August 26, 1909 – April 26, 1981) was an American actor, best known for his role as Jock Ewing in the CBS prime-time soap opera, Dallas, a role which continued until he was too ill from a terminal illness to perform. He was known as Jim Davis by the time of his first major screen role, which was opposite Bette Davis in the 1948 melodrama Winter Meeting,[3] a lavish failure for which he was lambasted in the press as being too inexperienced to play the part properly. His subsequent film career consisted of mostly B movies, many of them westerns, although he made an impression as a U.S. senator in the Warren Beatty conspiracy thriller The Parallax View. Davis performed in numerous television series episodes in the 1950s-1970s. After years of relatively low-profile roles, Davis was cast as family patriarch Jock Ewing on Dallas, which debuted in 1978. During season four, he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma but continued to film the show as long as he could. In many scenes as the season progressed he was shown seated, and his voice became softer and more obviously affected by his illness. He wore a hairpiece to cover the hair he'd lost from chemotherapy. A season four storyline regarding the Takapa development and Jock's separation from Miss Ellie was ended abruptly at the end of season four. The writers depicted the couple suddenly leaving to go on an extended second honeymoon when it became obvious that Davis could no longer continue to work. Their departure in a limousine in the episode "New Beginnings" was Davis' only scene in that episode, and his condition was so poor that close watching reveals (based on his unsynchronized lip movement) that he overdubbed his one last line of dialogue. It was his final appearance on the show. He died of complications from his illness while season four was being aired.


Jim Davis


Don't Look Back: The Story of Leroy
Mr. Wilkenson
The story of Leroy "Satchel" Paige, the legendary pitcher, from his barnstorming days in the 1920s, hoping to break into organized "negro" baseball, to his emergence at age 43 in the major leagues with the Cleveland Indians the year after Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier.
Explosión galáctica
Grant Williams
Una gran explosión tiene lugar en el otro extremo de nuestra galaxia, enviando un rayo de energía cósmica a la Tierra, que va a parar a una casa aislada. Cuando los Williams llegan a su casa lo encuentran todo destrozado y la pequeña Jenny halla una extraña pirámide que desaparece, quedando en su lugar un duplicado en miniatura, que ella recoge. Al entrar en la casa se encuentran con una pequeña y extraordinaria criatura astral. Empiezan a surgir extraños fenómenos y los Williams son atacados por criaturas de otros mundos. Su defensa se basa en los extraordinarios poderes de la pirámide hallada.
El triángulo del diablo
Una mujer que ha sobrevivido a un naufragio y los pilotos de un helicóptero guardacostas que la han rescatado, se verán atrapados en una misteriosa zona del Caribe denominada 'Triángulo de las Bermudas'.
Llega un jinete libre y salvaje
Julie Blocker
Dos ganaderos se alían para proteger sus tierras de los explotadores de petróleo. Los dos se sienten unidos en la lucha contra el poderoso terrateniente, las inclemencias del tiempo, la difícil tarea de recuperar el ganado desperdigado por la montaña y el peligro de una sociedad petrolífera.
Killing Stone
Sen. Barry Tyler
Returning from prison after serving ten years on trumped-up charges, a freelance writer tries to uncover the truth behind a homicide involving the son of a U.S. senator in this pilot for a prospective series.
Trail of Danger
Pop Appling
Two men taking horses to market run afoul of angry sheep herders and are hampered by a lack of water for the horses.
La patrulla de los inmorales
Tras sus accidentadas y frustrantes rondas para mantener el orden y la seguridad, un grupo de policías sin escrúpulos se dedica a hacer bromas salvajes.
Just a Little Inconvenience
Dave Erickson
Jolted out of his self-pity by a friend who teaches him to ski, a wounded Vietnam vet comes to look on his double amputation not as a "handicap" but rather "just a little inconvenience."
Law of the Land
Sheriff Pat Lambrose
A frontier sheriff and his young deputies search for a serial killer who is murdering prostitutes.
The Runaway Barge
Capt. Buckshot Bates
Two bargemen on the Mississippi River find themselves mixed up in a kidnapping and hijacking plot.
El último testigo
George Hammond
Joseph Frady y siete periodistas más presencian el asesinato de un candidato al Senado de los Estados Unidos. Cuando sus colegas mueren accidentalmente, Frady empieza a dudar de la versión oficial.
Inferno in Paradise
Rocky Stratton
The tropical oasis of Honolulu is threatened by a maniacal arsonist, who strikes seemingly without pattern, or reason. This film stars Jim Davis (Jock in Dallas) and is about the Honolulu police and fire department trying to catch a deadly arsonist. Richard Young stars as Clay a young firefighter that is determined to find the arsonist after his father is killed in one of the arsonists fires. Jim Davis stars as Rocky Stratton who is the chief fire officer, Betty Ann Carr is his daughter who is a journalist and Clays girlfriend.
Deliver Us from Evil
Several men hiking in the mountains discover an injured skyjacker who parachuted from a plane with $600,000. They kill him, then start fighting each other over the money.
Pistoleros en el infierno
En el Oeste, un grupo de chicos se gana la vida como "desperados", pero pronto descubrirán que su trabajo, más duro de lo que pensaban, los implica en actos de violencia y traición. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los centauros
Sheriff Potter
Película ambientada en el mundo de los rodeos que narra las peripecias de Lew (James Coburn), un truhán mujeriego y pendenciero que vive de los rodeos, incapaz de sentar la cabeza a pesar de estar casado y tener un hijo.
Los rastreadores
Sheriff Naylor
La familia de Paxtum sufre un atentado en su propio rancho, su hijo es asesinado y su hija es secuestrada. Paxton quiere encontrar al responsable de este horrible hecho y para ello contrata a Zeke Smith, un rastreador, un arrogante profesional, para ayudarle en su búsqueda y así saldar la cuenta pendiente...
Dracula vs. Frankenstein
Sgt. Martin
El Dr. Duryea vacía cadáveres en su laboratorio para destilar un suero de sangre. Una noche, recibe la visita de Drácula, éste le ofrece el cuerpo del Frankenstein original para que lo reavive y así utilizarlo. Sin embargo, es imposible controlar a los dos monstruos. Empieza una lucha encarnizada sin merced.
El gran Jack
Head of Lynching Party
Jack McCandles no ha visto a su esposa desde hace 18 años, pero regresa a su hogar cuando su nieto es secuestrado por una banda de forajidos. Mientras que la ley persigue a los secuestradores en desvencijados automóviles, Jack cabalga con un explorador indio y lleva dinero, aunque pagar el rescate no entra en sus planes.
Monte Walsh
Cal Brennan
Un cowboy decide por su cuenta vengar la muerte de uno de sus compañeros y emprende la búsqueda de sus asesinos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Río Lobo
Rio Lobo Deputy
A finales de la guerra Civil Norteamericana (1861-1865), un grupo de confederados mandados por el capitán Pierre Cardona se dedica a robar los cargamentos de oro que transporta el ejército yanqui.
Cinco tumbas sangrientas
Clay Bates
Un pistolero solitario da caza el temible apache Satago través de las llanuras del salvaje oeste. Cuando merodeadores de Satago emboscan a una diligencia, el pistolero cabalga al rescate de los pasajeros atrapados y les ayuda en su última batalla contra los indios.
The Ice House
A serial killer who works in an ice house murders women, then brings their bodies back to the ice house and stores them there. He also murders his brother, who is a cop, and takes his place in the investigation.
They Ran for Their Lives
Vince Ballard
A man with a dog helps a young woman being chased by hoodlums in the desert.
The Road Hustlers
Noah Reedy
A family of bootleggers fight against the sheriff and local gangsters.
Fort Utah
Un expistolero se enfrenta a un hombre que está intentando crear problemas con los indios para enriquecerse.
El Dorado
Jim Purvis
Cole Thornton, un pistolero a sueldo, une fuerzas con un viejo amigo, el sheriff JP Hara. Junto con un viejo luchador indio y jugador, ayudan a un ranchero y su familia luchar contra un ranchero rival que está tratando de robar su agua.
Jesse James contra la hija de Frankenstein
Marshal MacPhee
Jesse James, el famoso pistolero del oeste americano, huyendo de la justicia, se refugia en un misterioso castillo. El castillo está habitado por el barón Frankenstein, su hija y su criado Igor. Las intenciones del barón son someter a Jesse a sus macabros experimentos. Esta vez, el famoso pistolero tendrá que enfrentarse a algo más serio.
Zebra in the Kitchen
Adam Carlyle
A young boy lets the animals out of their cages at the Zoo, to set them free, but the animals start taking over the town.
Iron Angel
Sgt. Walsh
A seasoned Sargent with a sorry unit, led by an angry 1st Lt., to take out an enemy hold for a convoy to proceed. After their success the Sarge and the crew meet up with another Lieutenant - Female nurse.
Buttons and Her Beaus
Buttons and Her Beaus is an unaired TV Pilot.
The Gambler Wore a Gun
Case Silverthorne
The professional gambler Case Silverthorn wants to quit and retire to a small ranch in Marlpine he bought recently. On the way there he saves the Sheriff's life, who got into an ambush. However another man is dead, Will Donovan, from whom he bought the ranch! Neither the Sheriff nor Donovan's children know about the sale. So Case has to switch back to his former profession, while he tries to clarify the situation. He comes across a group of cattle thieves.
Frontier Uprising
Jim Stockton
Not having heard that war has erupted between the U.S. and Mexico, a wagon train heads west, only to find itself threatened by the Mexicans who have teamed up with hostile Indians.
Los siete magníficos
Gunman at Boot Hill
Unos bandidos atacan y arrasan cada año las tierras de unos granjeros. Ante esto, varios de ellos deciden buscar a hombres que puedan defenderles. Conseguirán reunir siete hombres, cada uno de los cuales presume de una característica especial.
Noose for a Gunman
Case Britton
Case Britton, gunslinger and wanted man, comes to town to meet his bride-to-be, stop a stagecoach robbery, and get even with the man who killed his brother.
Alias Jesse James
Frank James
Milford Farsnworth (Bob Hope) es un agente de seguros novato que vende una póliza a T. J. James, descubriendo luego que se trata del famoso Jesse James (Wendell Corey). La beneficiaria de la póliza es la novia de Jesse, Cora Lee Collins (Rhonda Fleming), una famosa bailarina de salón, más conocida como La Duquesa. Milford es enviado al oeste para retirar la póliza y dejar libre de responsabilidad a su compañía. Se une a la banda de James con el objetivo de protegerle, pero Milford empieza a imitar al famoso fuera de la ley. Esto hace pensar a Jesse que si Milford adopta su personalidad, él podrá matarle, quedarse con el seguro de 100.000 dólares y huir con la Duquesa a California.
Lust to Kill
Marshal Matt Gordon
A cowboy escapes from jail with the help of his girlfriend, and goes after the men he believes are responsible for his brother being shot down by lawmen.
Flaming Frontier
Col. Hugh Carver
Army officer whose parents are white and Indian tries to avert an Indian war.
Wolf Dog
Jim Hughes
A paroled convict tries to start life anew by moving with his family to a ranch, where his young son finds a puppy that is half wolf and half dog.
The Toughest Gun in Tombstone
Johnny Ringo
A lawman goes undercover in order to capture the outlaws who murdered his wife.
Raiders of Old California
Angus Clyde McKane
A villainous cavalry officer is trying to force the owner of a hacienda to give him his land when a courageous settler comes to the rescue.
The Quiet Gun
Ralph Carpenter
A mild mannered sheriff must fight both a hired gun and local anti-Indian bigotry in a small frontier town.
Last Stagecoach West
Bill Cameron
The coming of the railroad to Cedar City spells the end of the stagecoach as the government gives the mail contract to the fastest means of delivery. McCord loses the stagecoach line gambling with the new buyer, but has enough hidden money to buy a ranch and some cattle. To make more money, he starts a gang to rob the railroad, express offices and steal cattle. But the railroads send out special agent Cameron to end his reign of violence.
Apache Warrior
Ben Ziegler
An Apache brave vows revenge when he feels betrayed by the U.S. Army.
Monster from Green Hell
Dr. Quent Brady
A test rocket carrying wasps to outer space, to study the effects on them of weightlessness and radiations, crashes out of control back to Earth, into the jungles of Africa. The two astrobiologists in charge of the test mount an expedition to the Darkest Continent to retrieve their experiment, only to find the wasps have grown to giant size which are panicking all forms of life as they quest for food.
Casta indomable
Ed Newton
En una ciudad fronteriza del Oeste americano, dominada por la banda de los Newton, un agente secreto del gobierno es asesinado. Su hijo, un joven educado pero impulsivo, se traslada hasta allí para buscar a los autores del crimen y vengar la muerte de su padre. Para ello contará con la ayuda de un predicador.
The Badge of Marshal Brennan
Jeff Harlan
Jim Davis is a man on the run. He comes across the body of a dead man wearing the badge of a marshal. He buries the body and takes the badge and rides on. At the next town, he is mistaken for the dead man, a legendary marshal named Brennan. The town sent for Marshal Brennan because they were facing a crisis that includes among other things an epidemic. The Stranger decides to stay as a way of hiding from the men chasing him. What he does not realize is that when he takes on the Badge of Marshal Brennan, he takes on the responsibilities of Marshal Brennan.
Duel at Apache Wells
Dean Cannary
A young man returns home after several years absence to find that a gang is after not only his family ranch, but his girlfriend as well.
Guns Don't Argue
Police Captain Stewart / Narrator
The actions of various criminals such as Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde and Baby Face Nelson are reenacted in this film.
Frontier Gambler
Tony Burton
A deputy marshal arrives in the small western town of Fairweather to investigate the death of a beautiful gambler known as "The Princess".
Los indomables
The Stranger
La agencia Pinkerton quiere acabar con Butch Cassidy y Sundance Kid y su banda de forajidos llamada "Los indomables" que están causando estragos entre las granjas y ganaderos de la zona donde tienen su guarida. Además, Kit Banion, dueña del saloon "The Maverick Queen", parece que no es ajena a las andanzas de la banda de forajidos...
Blonde Bait
Nick Randall
Seeking the whereabouts of international gangster Nick Randall, the US State Department contacts Scotland Yard, as his girlfriend, Angela Booth, is currently in a British prison. Angela has refused to give Nick up to the law, so the combined authorities arrange for Angela to escape, aided by stoolie Gran' Ramsey who is at the same prison. The police will then follow Angela to Nick. Gran' stages the getaway, and the two women, accompanied by a third convict, Marguerite, whose prison-born baby is about to be turned over to welfare authorities. It is up to Gran' to keep the police informed of Angela's movements without being detected by the escapees, until Angela contacts Nick. This film is a reworking of principal footage from the UK film WOMEN WITHOUT MEN (1955), q.v., which, with added new footage (including scenes with original star Beverly Michaels), significantly revises the plot and central characters from a story about a wrongly imprisoned waif to one about a gangster's moll.
The Wild Dakotas
Aaron Baring
When Aaron Baring (Jim Davis) signs on as wagon master for a group of settlers headed to Montana's Powder River Valley, his dictatorial style soon creates problems. When the settlers reach their destination, Baring unwisely declares war on the local Indians. When savvy frontier scout Jim Henry (Bill Williams) tries to promote cooperation between the natives and the newly arrived settlers, Baring responds by having Williams whipped.
Barreras de orgullo
George Cady
Drama familiar que narra el enfrentamiento, en un pueblo fronterizo de Arizona, entre dos hermanos muy diferentes: Joseph Cotten, un respetado abogado y ranchero, y Van Johnson, condenado por asesinato, que se acaba de fugar de la cárcel y busca la ayuda de su hermano para huir a México.
The Vanishing American
A woman arrives in New Mexico to claim property she's inherited and receives an education in the greedy exploitation of the local Navajo.
Last of the Desperados
Chief Deputy John Poe
After killing Billy the Kid, Sheriff Pat Garrett is relentlessly dogged by members of the Kid's gang.
La última orden
Ben Evans
En el año 1830, Texas era un inmenso territorio, al norte de Río Grande, que pertenecía a la República de México. El Presidente de este país, el general Santana, había permitido el asentamiento de colonos americanos en esas tierras, que acabaron formando un Estado dentro de la República Mexicana. Pero la política despótica de Santana puso a los texanos en pie de guerra. La primera batalla tuvo lugar en El Álamo, un fuerte situado en la afueras de la ciudad de San Antonio, donde se refugiaron los cabecillas de la insurrección. Santana cercó y atacó el fuerte con un poderoso ejército. El Álamo estaba bajo el mando del coronel Jim Bowie (Sterling Hayden), cuyo lugarteniente era el abogado Bill Travis. (FILMAFFINITY)
Titanes de la montaña
Llamado por un telegrama, un ingeniero regresa al coto maderero de su padre y encuentra que éste ha muerto, probablemente asesinado. Se queda en el lugar para averiguar la verdad y seguir explotando el negocio del padre. El hombre que posee la mitad del negocio y que quiere eliminarlo, le propone comprarle su parte, pero al no aceptarlo se entabla una lucha entre los dos hombres, descubriéndose al final que el primero era el asesino y que también había matado al padre de la joven de la cual los dos están enamorados.
Hell's Outpost
Sam Horne
A returning Korean War vet becomes embroiled in a fight over possession of a tungsten mine.
Outlaw's Daughter
Marshal Dan Porter
Led astray by outlaw leader Jess, the "outlaw's daughter" Kate joins Jess' gang and follows in her dad's footsteps. Town marshal Dan tries his best to reform the girl, but this proves difficult inasmuch as Kate holds Dan responsible for her father's death. Only after most of the bad guys have been decimated by Dan does Kate discover the true identity of her dad's murderer. Having fallen in love with Kate, marshal Dan offers to let her escape prosecution, but she's made of sterner stuff than that.
El marginado
Major Linton Cosgrave
Jet Cosgrave regresa a casa para reclamar el rancho que le fue robado, después de la muerte de su padre. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Big Chase
Brad Bellows
A policeman (Glenn Langan) with a pregnant wife (Adele Jergens) winds up chasing a payroll thief (Lon Chaney Jr.) into Mexico by helicopter.
Extraña aventura
Un comerciante y su esposa neoyorkina se dirigen en caravana a California. El hombre es asesinado durante el camino, y su mujer se descubre embarazada. Continúa adelante con la esperanza de encontrar un hombre y un hogar.
Woman They Almost Lynched
Cole Younger
Durante la Guerra de Secesión, Border City es un pueblo minero situado entre la zona unionista y la confederada, y está dirigido con mano de hierro por su alcaldesa y principal empresaria, que castiga con la horca a aquellos que no respetan su neutralidad. Sally Maris llega para visitar a su hermano Bill escoltada por la banda de Quantrill, que ha interceptado y asaltado su diligencia poco antes y pretende hacerse con plomo de las minas del lugar. La esposa de William Quantrill, Kate, era la novia de Bill antes de ser raptada por el jefe guerrillero, pero ahora le provoca y el capataz Lance Horton se ve obligado a matar a Bill en legítima defensa. Debido a las deudas de su hermano, a Sally no le queda más remedio que asumir la dirección del saloon y Lance siente el deber de erigirse en su protector.
La batalla de los rancheros
Red Courteen
Después de que el padre de Celia muere, estalla una guerra por el control de su tierra.
Río de sangre
Jim y Boone son dos exploradores que participan en una expedición por el río Missouri cuyo fin es establecer un asentamiento en territorio indio. Les acompañan un comerciante de pieles, una guía india y un indio que ha renegado de su tribu. A los peligros de la expedición se sumará la tensión que se establece entre los hombres debido a la belleza de la mujer.
Woman of the North Country
Steve Powell
In 1890 Minnesota Christine Powell is the scheming head of the Powell dynasty, the richest mining empire of the era. But the Powell mine deposits are diminishing. The Mesabi range represents a whole new productive area but the rights to mine there are held by a young geological engineer, Kyle Ramlo. The latter reaches an impasse when he needs money to continue his experimentation with open-pit mining and goes to Miss Powell for financing. She displays great interest in both his inventive mining method and in him personally but secretly plots to destroy him and take over his Masabi rights. The gullible Ramlo falls into clutches while the girl he really loves, Cathy Norlund, tries desperately to open his eyes to Christine's scheme.
La rosa de Cimarrón
Willie Whitewater
Una joven blanca que ha sido criada por los indios Cherokees, quiere vengarse de los enemigos blancos que mataron a sus parientes indios. Para ello, necesitará la ayuda de un hombre blanco, el marshal Hollister. (FILMAFFINITY)
Three Desperate Men
Fred Denton
When they learn that their brother Matt Denton (Ross Latimer) is awaiting trial in California, charged with train robbery, deputies Tom Denton (Preston Foster) and Fred Denton (Jim Davis) leave their home in Fort Grant, Texas and head west. They arrive in Tulare just in time to rescue Matt from being hanged, but a guard is killed during their escape. Ed Larkin (Rory Mallinson) who framed Matt, falsely accuses them of a long list of crimes. They return to Fort Grant so that Tom can see his sweetheart Laura Brook (Virginia Grey). They encounter outlaw Bill Devlin (William Haade) who persuades them to hold up a train which Laura unwittingly told them would carry a large payroll. Soon the whole territory is enraged at their deeds. They return to Fort Grant to hold up the two banks that are filled with huge sums of cattle money.
Buitres del mar
Tony Sullivan
Un submarinista empieza a sospechar que un barco hundido desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial contiene algo más que metal oxidado, sobre todo desde que un colega muere cuando intentaba volarlo.
Silver Canyon
Wade McQuarrie
At the close of the Civil War, a band of Southern guerillas disguised themselves as Union soldiers, the better to perform acts of sabotage in Utah. Autry plays a cavalry scout who goes after guerilla leader McQuarrie (Jim Davis).
Little Big Horn
Cpl. Doan Moylan
Two cavalry officers (Lloyd Bridges, John Ireland) lead a patrol to warn Gen. Custer about an ambush.
Cavalry Scout
Lt. Spaulding
Kirby Frye, a former Confederate officer but now a Union Cavalry scout, is sent into Montana territory to locate and retrieve three Gatling Guns stolen from the U.S. Arsenal by outlaws believed to have taken them west to sell to the Soiux and Cheyenne. The trail leads him to Red Bluff where, aided by Claire Corville, he and the audience discover together and real quick like that Martin Gavin, a supposedly-honest operator of a freight line, has the guns and intends to exchange them to the Indians for furs.
Oh! Susanna
Ira Jordan
Una unidad de la Caballería defiende a unos colonos del ataque de los sioux.
California Passage
Lincoln 'Linc' Corey
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
The Showdown
Shadrach Jones, ex-Texas State Policeman, has the ruthless determination to find and kill the man who shot his brother in the back and stole the money with which he was to buy a ranch for the two of them. At the saloon-hotel run by Adelaide, Shadrach is convinced that one of the cowhands on the Captain McKellar cattle drive to Montana is his man. He takes the job of trail-herd boss to find the killer. McKellar preaches to Jones that he should forget revenge and let the law of retribution take care of the killer. Shadrach's hard driving of the men and his hunt for the killer makes him bitterly hated, and his retribution quest ends in a manner he did not anticipated.
La ruta del caribú
Obligado por las circunstancias, el ganadero Jim Redfern emprende el camino que conduce al Cariboo, donde espera encontrar el oro del que habla todo el mundo. En su viaje se enfrentará a atracos, emboscadas, ataques de los indios, pero, sobre todo, tendrá que vérselas con el todopoderoso Frank Walsh, dueño y señor del territorio. (FILMAFFINITY)
Joe Harper
A parolee, working for a trucking line, struggles to clear his name after being accused of involvement with hijackers.
The Savage Horde
Lt. Mike Baker
A charismatic gunfighter who is on the run takes refuge in a frontier cattle town and attempts to help a group of ranchers against a wealthy cattle baron.
Yes Sir, That's My Baby
Joe Tascarelli
En una universidad, un grupo de ex soldados tienen problemas con sus esposas por jugar a fútbol americano.
Llanura sin ley
Nick Courteen
Un mariscal se infiltra para detener a una banda de cuatreros, pero terminará siendo descubierto.
Gyp Stoner
Zeb Smith is a gambler with a larcenous streak, but when an itinerant preacher takes a bullet meant for him, Zeb vows to fulfill the preacher's mission of building a church. Frustrated in his attempts to get donations, Zeb attempts to capture fugitive Doll Brown in order to obtain the reward. But he finds that there's more to Doll than meets the eye. When his old friend Bucky McLean shows up gunning for Doll, Zeb sees a chance to redeem them all... one way or another.
Red Stallion In The Rockies
Dave Ryder
Horse story with Dynamite, The Red Stallion...
Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo
Slave Overseer (uncredited)
Un golpe en la cabeza hace que el mecánico Hank Martin sea transportado desde 1912 a la Edad Media, concretamente a la época del Rey Arturo y los Caballeros de la Mesa Redonda. Musical de la Paramount basado en la obra de Mark Twain.
Encuentro invernal
Slick Novak
A repressed poetess and an embittered war hero help each other cope with their problems.
The Fabulous Texan
Sam Bass
A couple of Confederate soldiers, returning home from the Civil War, find Texas transformed into an armed camp with a quasi-dictator gathering up land and power as fast as he can. The two former Rebels take on this despot each in his own way.
Merton of the Movies
Von Strutt's Assistant (uncredited)
In 1915, Kansas theatre usher Merton Gill is a rabid silent-movie fan. When he brings Mammoth Studios free publicity by imitating star Lawrence Rupert's heroics, they bring him to Hollywood to generate another headline; he thinks he'll get a movie contract. Disillusioned, he haunts the casting offices, where he meets and is consoled by Phyllis Montague, bit player and stunt-woman. When Merton finally gets his "break," though, it's not quite what he envisioned.
Gallant Bess
Marshall Thompson stars in this MGM drama about a young soldier's devotion to a horse he rescues during WWII. (Not to be confused with "Adventures of Gallant Bess", another film released two years later.)
Up Goes Maisie
Matthews (Uncredited)
A showgirl working for an inventor battles crooks, who want to steal his ideas.
Swing Shift Maisie
Investigator / Airport Announcer (Uncredited)
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Tennessee Johnson
Reporter (uncredited)
The tumultuous presidency of 19th-president Andrew Johnson is chronicled in this biopic. The story begins with Johnson's boyhood and covers his early life. During the Civil War, Johnson stays a staunch Unionist and upon Lincoln's reelection in 1864, becomes his Vice President. After Lincoln's assassination, Johnson becomes the President and became the first U.S. president ever to be impeached.
Keep 'Em Sailing
Joseph Cummins
An FBI agent goes undercover to investigate the sabotage of American cargo ships.
Northwest Rangers
Mountie with Warrant
Boyhood friends grow up into different professions: one a dedicated Canadian Mountie, the other a notorious gambler.