Nick King


When a hopeless, battered woman crosses paths with a bullied transgender teen, they're each forced to speak their truth within 24 hours or their secrets will be the death of them.
Villager (uncredited)
Una noche del verano de 1839, cincuenta y tres esclavos negros que viajaban a bordo del navío “La Amistad” se amotinaron y tomaron el control del barco frente a las costas de Cuba. Fracasado su intento de regresar a África, fueron detenidos por tropas americanas y se encontraron en un país extraño y a merced de un sistema judicial que les era ajeno.
The National Youth Theatre of Great Britain present an abridged version of Shakespeare's play, with explanatory links and introductions by Martin Jarvis. Following the presentation of the play, members of the company are shown in a workshop with actor-director Ron Daniels.