M.C. Jonet


Queer Glitches, Failure Feminisms
Queer Glitches, Failure Feminisms is a moving art piece based on the time that overlaps between eras, analog nostalgia, experimental sounds, and digital disturbances. Inspired by old recording methods used to explore the digital world, this film reflects on the intersections between historical, technological, theoretical, and emotional dimensions.
"She had told [...] that the car belonged to the friend for whom she was waiting. And gradually, [...] that Carol wanted to go to New Mexico." High- smith, "The Price Of Salt" (1952). First published under a pseudonym, Patricia Highsmith's "The Price of Salt" (1952) is recognized as being the first "lesbian pulp" with a happy ending; the novel doesn't conclude with the death or heterosexual marriage of either woman, as was the moral imperative to punish such characters in these texts in the first half of the twentieth century.