Pablo Vera


Within the context of the uruguayan press, there's a group of people named "Perejiles". These attend launching parties, inaugurations and all other sorts of events within the uruguayan press with the purpose of free eating. Under a, supposedly, "journalistic patent", their appearance goes unnoticed by most attending these events, except for the press teams consisting of reporters, camera men and drivers or assistants who clearly recognize them and reject their presence.
A Dios Momo
Director of Photography
An 11-year-old street boy, Obdulio, who sells newspapers for a living but cannot read or write, finds a magical "Maestro" in the night watchman of the newspaper's office. Obdulio's charismatic mentor not only introduces him to the world of literacy but also teaches him the real meaning of life through the lyrics of the "Murgas" [Carnival Pierrots] during the magical nights of the irreverent and provocative Uruguayan Carnival.
Montevideo, Uruguay. Jacobo Köller, el dueño de una modesta fábrica de calcetines, arrastra una vida gris y de una monotonía asfixiante. Su relación con Marta, su empleada de confianza, es estrictamente laboral y está marcada por el silencio y la rutina. Esta monotonía se ve súbitamente amenazada por el anuncio de la inesperada visita de Herman, el hermano de Jacobo, que vive en el extranjero, y con el que ha perdido contacto desde hace años. Es entonces cuando Jacobo le pide ayuda a Marta para afrontar una situación tan incómoda. Tres personalidades aparentemente inofensivas: tres clases de soledad.