Nathalie Causse


El código Da Vinci
El catedrático y afamado simbologista Robert Langdon se ve obligado a acudir una noche al Museo del Louvre, cuando el asesinato de un restaurador deja tras de sí un misterioso rastro de símbolos y pistas. Con la ayuda de la criptógrafa de la policía Sophie Neveu y poniendo en juego su propia vida, Langdon descubre que la obra de Leonardo Da Vinci esconde una serie de misterios que apuntan a una sociedad secreta encargada de custodiar un antiguo secreto que ha permanecido oculto durante dos mil años...
Alexandria, Again and Forever
Set in 1987 against the backdrop of a hunger strike by the Egyptian film industry, Chahine himself steps in to play Yehia, the famed Egyptian director whose life is chronicled in "Alexandria, Why?" and "An Egyptian Story". Obsessed with Amr, the handsome actor he discovered and cast as his alter-ego in parts one and two of The Alexandria Trilogy, Yehia pressures Amr to star in various film projects that change even as Yehia's perception of the young actor begins to change. He first casts Amr as Hamlet, which the actor deems too demanding for his talents, then as the lead in a musical biopic of demigod Alexander the Great, who founded the city of Alexandria in 332 B.C.