Set Decoration
Cuando DJ, un joven con problemas de Los Ángeles, se traslada a Atlanta, Georgia, a asistir a la universidad Truth, descubre el “stepping”, el antiguo estilo de baile que se practicaba tradicionalmente en las fraternidades afroamericanas, donde los equipos exhiben complejos movimientos y crean sonidos rítmicos utilizando sus cuerpos. El talento natural de DJ y los movimientos inspirados en el hip hop rápidamente le colocan en medio de una fiera rivalidad entre dos fraternidades, donde el ganador se determinará en un estadio hasta arriba de gente ansiosa por ver el campeonato anual de stepping. Pero antes de poder ayudar a sus compañeros DJ deberá empezar a descubrirse a sí mismo, a luchar contra sus propios demonios y a aprender el verdadero significado de la hermandad...
Set Decoration
El abogado Charles McCarter (Steve Harris) y Helen (Kimberly Elise), su amante esposa, parecen tenerlo todo: dinero, una bonita mansión... el sueño americano. Pero justo cuando Helen se prepara para celebrar su 18º aniversario de boda, su vida toma un giro inesperado: Charles la echa de casa y le pide el divorcio, dejándola por una mujer más joven. Desolada, Helen se va a vivir con su peculiar abuela Madea (Tyler Perry), una mujer mayor de mucho carácter y que siempre lleva un revolver en el bolso. Helen tratará de salir adelante, apoyada por Madea, y conocerá a Orlando (Shemar Moore) un hombre que quizá le haga volver a recuperar la ilusión... Primer film sobre el famoso personaje de la abuela Madea, creado por Tyler Perry según su propia obra de teatro, y cuyo éxito dio origen a varias y taquilleras secuelas.
Set Decoration
Un club de Nueva Orleans regentado por las mujeres de la misma familia se convierte el local más caliente de la ciudad donde van hombres ricos y poderosos. Sus vidas quedan destrozadas cuando la policía irrumpe en el local en una operación dirigida por uno de sus mejores clientes.
Production Design
A former mercenary joins a military academy as a teacher. He soon discovers a neo-Nazi group, code-named Werewolves, formed among the cadets. He also quickly finds that they have military leadership among the officers at the Academy.
Set Decoration
The third installment of the Sarah trilogy provides a glorious and touching story of a family drawn together by adversity. On a cold winter day a stranger shows up at the farm. He is slow to reveal his identity. When they find out he is Jacobs father, John Witting, thought long ago dead, hard questions about the past are difficult to get answered.
Set Decoration
La Madre Madalyn es la Superiora de las hermanas de Loretto, en Santa Fe, Nuevo México. Su regalo a Dios es una bella capilla. Pero un descuido del contratista y el arquitecto no es posible acceder al coro mayor del la Iglesia, cuyas pequeñas dimensiones no permiten añadir una escalera convencional. De repente, aparece Joad, un misterioso desconocido, que con herramientas sencillas y madera consigue resolver el problema construyendo una escalera circular nunca vista. Tal como llegó desapareció, dejando una gran paz en todos lo que lo conocieron
Set Decoration
Sarah and Harriet have been best friends since childhood. They married at the same time, had children within the same year and now find themselves facing uncertain futures after the sudden deaths of their husbands. Though they have much in common, Sarah is a relaxed nature lover, while Harriet is intense and set in her ways. Sarah has been able to move on with her life with the help of her mother, her maid Katie and Will, the new man in her life. Harriet is unable to cope with her loss and her relationship with her daughter Pammy is strained. When Harriet is diagnosed with a serious illness, she and Sarah learn a lesson about love and friendship.
Set Decoration
A new version of Truman Capote's 1956 tale based on his own bittersweet upbringing in Alabama. The story deals with a seven-year-old who forms a special friendship with his simple, older cousin whose two sisters and bachelor brother feel he needs better influences and role models and decide to send him to military school after the Christmas holidays.
Set Decoration
Convinced that he's entitled to a life of fame and fortune, Korean War vet Jerry Shand (Grant Show) returns home to his fiancee (Lori Loughlin) and pursues a lucrative --if unprincipled -- insurance career. But when he meets the elderly client Vesta (Cicely Tyson), she begins to shed light on the destructive path Jerry has chosen to travel. Peter Bogdanovich directs this film set against the backdrop of racial tensions in the American South.
Set Decoration
Breaking out of prison with a child in her womb and a dream of a normal existence, Arlene Holsclaw (Rebecca De Mornay) resolves to get a job and lead a good, Christian life. But the ghosts from her past -- including an ex-boyfriend (Rob Knepper) who wants to pimp her out and a sadistic mother (Ellen Burstyn) who plots to take away Arlene's baby -- have other plans. This made-for-TV drama is based on Marsha Norman's off-Broadway play.
Set Decoration
Un matrimonio revisa sus vidas y renueva su amor mientras conducen al funeral de un amigo.
Set Decoration
When Sam Peek's beloved wife, Cora, dies, a white dog suddenly materializes as his new companion and confidant.
Set Decoration
Una serie de violaciones aterroriza a un complejo de apartamentos donde residen matrimonios jóvenes. Ray Dollan, policia y habitante del complejo, se hace cargo de la investigación, llegando a la conclusión que ninguno de sus vecinos y amigos es inocente con total seguridad.
Set Decoration
A drifter comes between an aging Southern beauty and her teenaged daughter.
Set Decoration
A boy risks life and limb to travel across the war-torn southern states of America during the height of hostilities in the Civil War, hoping to visit his wounded brother in a field hospital on the other side of the country. His accidental meeting with Abraham Lincoln helps the disheartened president understand just how important the Gettysburg Address really is.