Richard Cox

Richard Cox

Nacimiento : 1948-05-06, New York City, New York, USA


Richard Cox


A Mother Betrayed
Cuando su marido muere en un accidente, la vida de Mónica se desmorona. Se enamora de un hombre aparentemente perfecto pero después de casarse con él, ella empieza a tener alucinaciones y tiene que ingresar en un hospital. Mónica sospecha que su nuevo esposo no es el hombre que ella pensaba y que él tiene un plan para apoderarse de su casa, su empresa y su hija. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Toe Tactic
Stalker Timmy
Mona is nearly overwhelmed by grief and depression. After her father's death, she's cut herself off: leaving teaching - she now temps as an office assistant, ignoring her mother's calls, talking to herself in mirrors, and rejecting any offered intimacy. She's watched over by comic extraterrestrial beings whom we see as cartoon squiggles. They ensure that random acts bring her connections - with a neighbor boy, his mother, and his surreptitious piano teacher (the lad wants to surprise his mom). She also meets an elevator operator in the building where she temps for Ms. Hadaway, a widow with perfect diction. Can Mona take a few steps on the road to expressing emotion?
Hoja en Blanco
Senator Davis Wilmont
Una mujer que sufre de amnesia se encuentra condenada a muerte sin recordar el crimen que cometió. El FBI le ofrece una segunda oportunidad si se somete a un experimento: implantarle los recuerdos de víctimas mortales para resolver crímenes.
Exorcising 'Cruising'
Part two of the making of William Friedkin's 1980 thriller "Cruising" and the controversies it created.
The History of 'Cruising'
Part one of the making of William Friedkin’s 1980 thriller "Cruising" and the controversies it created.
Missing Brendan
Sean Calden
George takes a trip to Vietnam to find his missing son. George's son Bob and Bob's son Patrick accompany George on the trip. George's son, Brendan, has been Missing in Action since the Vietnam War. Julie, an archeologist, joined the search.
Tormenta virtual
Richard Clark
Un famoso deportista norteamericano se ve envuelto en una terrible espiral de terror. El maestro de un peligroso juego ha robado su identidad y la ha colocado en la lista de los delincuentes más buscados.
Outta Time
A handsome and talented college student, David Morales, is devastated when a bum knee causes him to lose his scholarship to the University of San Diego. Unwilling to disappoint his proud mother, Morales wastes no time in looking for a job to pay his way through school. So when he meets the mysterious Professor Darabont who offers him a very well paying job to transport sealed packages across the Mexican border, Morales cannot refuse.
American Tragedy
Alan Dershowitz
Johnnie Cochran defends O.J. Simpson who is on trial for his wife's murder.
The Climb
Baltimore, 1959. Danny's dad is the only man in the neighborhood who didn't fight in World War II. Danny, who's 12, gets teased and folks make nasty cracks about cowards. An old radio tower on a nearby hill is about to be torn down, and Danny decides to climb it to prove his courage. Help comes from an aging neighbor, Old Man Langer, a former construction foreman who's dying of cancer and wants Danny to help him commit suicide. Langer rigs pulleys and weights to help the lad make the climb. Meanwhile, an aggressive and angry neighbor (an army vet) regularly gets drunk and shoots off his rifle, and Danny's dad must confront him. It all comes to a head one stormy night.
Young at Heart
A matriarch of three generations born and raised in Hoboken, New Jersey, discovers that her recently-deceased husband has lost their bar and home to a gambling debt.
Unholy Matrimony
Irvin Dymond
He's after a man who married for money. Insurance money.
Shattered Innocence
Brad Pullman
A high school graduate leaves behind her modest life and finds work in the sex industry, but it ends in disaster. A dramatized account of the life of the adult actress Shauna Grant.
La universidad de los zombis
Una nueva estudiante (Virginia Madsen) sospecha que están lobotomizando a sus compañeros de universidad.
Street Justice
Sam Chandler
A forgotten CIA agent escapes after 12 years and returns to his corrupt New Jersey hometown.
Lenta agonía (Slow Burn)
Tommy Walsh
Jacob Asch es un detective privado que tiene que encontrar al hijo de un multimillonario, que está en paradero desconocido. Pero él no contaba con sentirse irremediablemente atraído por la esposa de su cliente. Acaba cayendo en sus redes y comienza así una lenta agonía donde los misterios y pasiones salen a la superficie brutalmente...
The Vindicator
Alex Whyte
En los laboratorios de Aerospace Reseach Corporation se están llevando a cabo una serie de pruebas de alto secreto. El ambicioso objetivo de su director, Alec White (Richard Cox), consiste en el diseño de un traje espacial que permita al hombre el aterrizaje y la conquista de Marte. La mayoría de los esfuerzos tecnológicos de A.R.C. están volcados en este proyecto, lo que repercute directamente en la falta de financiación de la investigación del doctor Carl Lehamn(David McIlwraith). Tras los enfrentamientos entre ambos, una noche Lehman sufre un accidente mortal en uno de los laboratorios. La desgracia, provocada deliberadamente por White y sus secuaces, convertirá el cadáver de la desdichada víctima en el epicentro del denominado Proyecto Frankenstein.
El agujero del infierno
Una joven termina en un sanatorio mental para chicas después de presenciar cómo un extraño estrangulaba a su madre. Pero lejos de ser un lugar de reposo y curación, el hospital termina revelándose como un campo de siniestros experimentos de la perturbadora Doctora Fletcher.
The Oasis
A plane crash in the Mexican desert leaves a small group of survivors who are desperate for food and water. Fearing that they may never be found where they are, they head for where it is hoped there will be civilization and rescue. When their hopes prove unfounded, they must face the horrible possibility of choosing between giving up and dying, or doing the unthinkable to survive.
Alice at the Palace
Mad Hatter
Meryl Streep stars as Alice in this production of Elizabeth Swados' musical, which was adapted from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. Based on the acclaimed New York Shakespeare Festival production by Joseph Papp, Alice at the Palace follows Alice's surreal adventures with The Mad Hatter, The March Hare, The Queen of Hearts, and The Cheshire Cat, among many others.
El rey de la montaña
Un grupo de amigos pilotan sus potentes coches a través de una peligrosa y mortal carretera de montaña conocida como Mulholland Drive. Su objetivo es conseguir ser proclamados como el auténtico y único "Rey de la Montaña".
A la caza
Stuart Richards
Un policía se ve obligado a infiltrarse en los ambientes gays más sórdidos de Nueva York para atrapar a un asesino de homosexuales.
Golden Rendezvous
Action-packed suspense thriller finds innocuous-looking purser Carter (Harris) the unlikely hero when the floating casino on which he works is hijacked by a heavily armed group of mercenaries, led by John Vernon. Complicating matters, a nuclear warhead has been smuggled aboard as collateral for a rendezvous with another ocean liner, loaded with gold bullion. A cast full of supernovas, dazzling set & stunt work, and a catchy theme tune by Jeff Wayne create a pleasing audio-visual experience light on logic but fast paced and entertaining nonetheless.
Al otro lado de la noticia
Historia de un periódico clandestino en Boston a punto de ser tomado por las grandes empresas.
De Infarto
Jonathan Frid interpreta a un novelista de terror que tiene una pesadilla recurrente sobre tres figuras de su libro que lo aterrorizan a él y a su familia y amigos durante un fin de semana de diversión. Entonces el sueño se convierte en realidad y nunca termina.