James Crowe

Nacimiento : 1917-12-19, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Muerte : 1969-06-20


Mean Justice
Set Decoration
Moreno (Bronson) is a tough ranch hand on the vast half million acre Garret Ranch. Rich in timber, gas, cattle and oil, the ranch is a major employer of rough rugged cowboys in northern New Mexico. Unexpectedly, Moreno has been accused , and tried for the murder of the daughter of the Garret ranch's popular foreman (Denver Pyle). As luck turns against the Garret ranch, each man endures struggles against nature, competitors, and each other in order to keep the operation profitable.
The Outlaws Is Coming
Set Decoration
Rance Roden plans to kill off all the buffalo and thus cause the Indians to riot. After they destroy the US Cavalry, Rance and his gang will take over the West. Meanwhile, a Boston magazine gets wind of the buffalo slaughter and sends editor Kenneth Cabot and his associates to Casper, Wyoming to investigate.
Los tres chiflados dan la vuelta al mundo
Set Decoration
Phileas Fogg III, nieto del original Phileas Fogg, acepta una apuesta para duplicar el famoso viaje de su bisabuelo alrededor del mundo en respuesta a un desafío hecho por Randolph Stuart III. Nadie sospecha que Stuart III es el famoso estafador Vickers Cavendish que hizo la apuesta con el fin de encubrir su robo del banco de Inglaterra. Esto se convierte en un peligroso viaje para Fogg III, sus siervos (The Three Stooges) y Amelia Carter.
Set Decoration
Jonathan Jones, a professor of ancient languages, comes into possession of an ancient coin. He translates its inscription, which gives him three powers: to inflict pain, slow down time or kill. Soon, he's pursued by enemy spies who have learned about the magic coin.
Safe at Home!
Set Decoration
A Florida boy (Bryan Russell) tells his Little League buddies that his father knows two New York Yankees (Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris).
Chantaje contra una mujer
Set Decoration
Cuando Kelly Sherwood, una joven empleada de banca, regresa a su domicilio en un barrio de San Francisco, es atacada por un desconocido que le exige que robe cien mil dólares del banco donde trabaja; si no cumple sus órdenes, asesinará a su hermana Toby. Aterrorizada, la joven se pone en contacto con el FBI, pero las pistas que aporta son muy escasas.
El Barón Sardónico
Set Decoration
El Barón Sardonicus sufre por la perdida de un billete de lotería que tiene que buscar en la tumba de su padre, ante su creciente enfermedad dedice forzar a un doctor a tratar su adicción. El surrealismo está servido.
Dos cabalgan juntos
Set Decoration
Los familiares de los prisioneros blancos secuestrados por los comanches presionan al ejército federal para que los rescate. Al cínico comisario de Tascosa, Guthrie McCabe, lo convence el comandante Frazer para que se encargue de negociar con los indios la entrega de los cautivos. Le acompañará en su misión el teniente Gary.
Los jóvenes salvajes
Set Decoration
Cuando un joven ciego de origen puertorriqueño es acuchillado hasta la muerte en un barrio hispano, tres chicos de una banda italo-americana son acusados del crimen. Hank Bell, el ayudante del fiscal del distrito, un hombre con ambiciones políticas, los envía a prisión. Pero, conforme avanza la investigación del caso, se da cuenta de que la trama es mucho más compleja de lo que parece. Adaptación de la novela de Evan Hunter "A Matter of Conviction". (FILMAFFINITY)
¿Quién era esa chica?
Set Decoration
El catedrático de química David Wilson (Tony Curtis) y el guionista de televisión Michael Haney (Dean Martin) fingen ser agentes secretos para confundir a la celosa esposa de Wilson (Janet Leigh), que lo sorprendió besando a una de sus alumnas. La situación se complica cuando, inesperadamente, los dos se ven implicados en un caso con agentes del FBI y espías de verdad.
El kimono rojo
Set Decoration
Dos agentes de Los Ángeles, uno americano y otro japonés, que fueron compañeros en la guerra de Corea, deben investigar el asesinato de una bailarina de streaptease. Su amistad se verá puesta a prueba por culpa de una pintora implicada en el caso. (FILMAFFINITY)
The True Story of Lynn Stuart
Set Decoration
When the nephews of Phyllis Carter are killed in an automobile crash while under the influence of narcotics, she persuades Police Lieutenant Jim Hahan to use her as an undercover agent.
Set Decoration
Frank Harris, contable de un gran hotel de Chicago, conoce al millonario ganadero Tom Reece. Con la idea de hacerse cowboy, Harris aprovecha que Reece ha perdido una gran cantidad de dinero, para ofrecerle ayuda y proponerle que se haga su socio. Al día siguiente, salen para México a comprar el ganado al señor Vidal, al que Harris ha conocido en el hotel y de cuya hija, María, está enamorado. Comienza para Frank un duro aprendizaje.
Tales of Frankenstein
Set Decoration
In this pilot for a series that was never picked up, Dr. Frankenstein has just finished rebuilding his creation, but the monster is unresponsive. He needs to try something different to make it work, perhaps some new parts. Enter a terminally ill sculptor and his assertive wife…
Un hombre duro
Set Decoration
Steve Burden es un agente de la ley famoso por entregar muertos a muchos fugitivos. Cuando acepta la propuesta del sheriff de El Solito de ser su ayudante, corre el peligro de caer en una trampa del cacique local.
El hombre de Laramie
Set Decoration
Will Lockhart llega a Coronado, un pueblo aislado situado en New Mexico, en busca de alguien que vende rifles a la tribu apache, y se ve involucrado a su pesar en la enrevesada vida de una familia local de rancheros cuyos miembros parecen tener mucho que ocultar.
The Bamboo Prison
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A communist POW sides with his North Korean guards against his fellow prisoners.
La senda equivocada
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Un mecánico de garaje (Mickey Rooney) que sueña con participar en un rally europeo conoce a la novia de un gángster y se enamora de ella. La joven, fingiendo que también está enamorada de él, lo introduce en una banda con el fin de que participe en el atraco a un banco.
Fiebre de venganza
Set Decoration
La joven Jennifer coge la diligencia para reunirse con su novio Ben. Con ella viajan dos bandidos disfrazados de honorables caballeros, pero, en el momento oportuno, descubren sus intenciones: se apoderan del oro que transporta la diligencia y huyen con el botín, llevándose a Jennifer como rehén.
Target Hong Kong
Set Decoration
Yankee soldiers-of-fortune smash a spy plot aimed at seizing Hong Kong.
Eight Iron Men
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During the World War II in Italy, Sergeant Joe Mooney is leading his small squad on the front-lines but is ordered to avoid rescuing a soldier trapped in no man's land.
The Happy Time
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A violinist and his brother guide one's son through his crush on the family maid in 1920s Ottawa.
Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder
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Two singers step in to help an aspiring actress whose grandmother opposes her bid to launch a show-business career
Corky of Gasoline Alley
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A small town family discovers an unwanted houseguest is harder to eject than they expected. Comedy.
My True Story
Set Decoration
Ann Martin (Helen Walker) is serving time as a jewel thief. She is paroled and determined to stay clean. She quickly finds out that she was paroled by an old, vicious boss that has picked her for a job. It is dangerous for her to say yes or no.
Gasoline Alley
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A young man tries to get rich by opening a diner. Comedy based on the popular comic strip.
Los apuros de Sally
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Sally Elliott busca trabajo y es contratada por una compañía para vender cosméticos a domicilio, pero sus intentos para conseguir ventas puerta a puerta son desastrosos. El asunto se complicará además cuando uno de sus clientes es asesinado y ella se convierte en la principal sospechosa. Sally, con la ayuda de su novio Humphrey buscarán al verdadero culpable mientras les persigue la policía.
Drama en presidio
Set Decoration
Joe Hufford ha cometido un homicidio accidental. Debido a las implicaciones políticas del suceso, la pena que le imponen es más grave que en circunstancias normales. Ya en prisión empieza a comprobar la crueldad que allí se respira, pero todo empeora cuando el fiscal que le condenó es nombrado director del penal.
Captive Girl
Set Decoration
Jungle Jim is out to save Joan from an evil witch doctor whilst simultaneously fighting evil treasure hunter Barton.
The Palomino
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A young man helps a pretty girl search for her stolen horse. (A society boy tries to help a beautiful woman save her horse-breeding farm.)
Set Decoration
Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el piloto Joe Barrett vuelve a Tokio buscando las raíces de su pasado. Una enorme sorpresa le aguarda: la novia que daba por muerta está viva y casada con otro hombre, y un siniestro criminal ha decidido chantajear a Joe para que pilote un vuelo clandestino transportando a unos peligrosos fugitivos de la ley. (FILMAFFINITY)
Miss Grant Takes Richmond
Set Decoration
A bookie uses a phony real estate business as a front for his betting parlor. To further keep up the sham, he hires dim-witted Ellen Grant as his secretary figuring she won't suspect any criminal goings-on. When Ellen learns of some friends who are about to lose their homes, she unwittingly drafts her boss into developing a new low-cost housing development.
The Devil's Henchman
Set Decoration
Insurance agent Jesse Arno is posing as a sailor while on the trail of a gang of waterfront thieves, supposedly headed by Tip Banning. Arno is aware that a gang member has been murdered by Rhino, Banning's simple-minded right-hand man, but says nothing when he is questioned by the police, who are unaware of his real profession. Banning, knowing that Jesse knew who the killer was, admits him into the gang.
Set Decoration
A major Indian uprising is expected and Wyoming military posts are alerted. Colonel Dennison is meeting with Chief Eagle and his son Running Wolf when Chief Eagle is mysteriously shot. Steve Holden, an agent for the government peace commission, with the aid of a wandering shoemaker, Smiley, discover the troubles and the Chief's murder have been instigated by Cronin, the regimental scout, for personal gain for he and his gang of outlaws.
The Walking Hills
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A study in greed in which treasure hunters seek a shipment of gold buried in Death Valley.
Con acento francés
Set Decoration
Douglas Sirk, el rey del melodrama desgarrador, dirige una comedia musical, sustentada por unos actores de múltiples recursos, sobre las dificultades de la pronunciación francesa. Ameche se empeña en que Lamour se haga pasar por una actriz nacida en la tierra de L'amour.
Las chicas del coro
Set Decoration
Peggy Martin (Marilyn Monroe) y su madre Mae (Adele Jergens), son coristas en un salón de variedades donde no faltan las invitaciones de improcedentes hombres adinerados que buscan pasar el rato con las bellas chicas. Pero Mae no quiere que su hija sea como las más frívolas entre el grupo, aunque Peggy se resiente por su soledad. Entonces llegará el día en que un serio pretendiente buscará llegar a su corazón.
Best Man Wins
Set Decoration
Jim Smiley has a frog that can jump further than anyone else's frog, and Jim becomes obsessed with entering the frog in all of the local jumping-frog contests, not realizing that his obsession is about to cost him his marriage.
My Dog Rusty
Set Decoration
Faithful dog Rusty helps his master's father win a mayoral race.
Corazón de león (Flecha negra)
Set Decoration
Volviendo de la Guerra de las Rosas, Sir Richard Shelton se encuentra su tierra está ahora controlada por su avaricioso tío, Sir Daniel Brackley, que para evitarse problemas ha asesinado al padre de Sir Richard. Shelton y sus seguidores intentarán frustrar las intenciones de su tío con todas las armas que tengan a su alcance.
The Woman from Tangier
Set Decoration
This one has Nylon, an American dancer fleeing Morocco after her employer gets into trouble with the police, and she stops off at Tangiers on her way to Gibraltar. $50,000, in gold, is stolen from the ship's safe and the captain tells the police that the purser was the thief and that he had to kill him in self defense, but the purser must have hidden the money before he got dead. The purser isn't in any position to make a disclaimer. Everybody buys that with the exception of an insurance detective, Shapley, who, along with the audience, suspects the captain of being the thief shows up to investigate further. Written By Les Adams
Blondie in the Dough
Set Decoration
Blondie #21: Blondie opens a bakery in her home to help fill the family cookie jar in this entry in the long-running domestic comedy series based on the popular comic strip. Her tasty cookies become so popular that a cookie magnate makes her an offer that is difficult to refuse. Unfortunately, this creates all kinds of problems for the Bumsteads.
Johnny O'Clock
Set Decoration
When an employee at an illegal gambling den dies suspiciously, her sister, Nancy, looks into the situation and falls for Johnny O'Clock, a suave partner in the underground casino. Selfish and non-committal by nature, Johnny slowly begins to return Nancy's affection and decides to run away with her, but conflict within his business threatens their plans. As Johnny tries to distance himself from the casino, his shady past comes back to haunt him.
The Thrill of Brazil
Set Decoration
Steve, revue producer in Rio de Janeiro, is still in love with his ex-wife Vicki, his star Linda is in love with Steve and Tito is in love with Linda. Because of this they all get small problems.
Dangerous Business
Set Decoration
Two young lawyers open an office together. They are hired to defend a utilities magnate who claims he has been framed. He is kidnapped by a gangster, and a battle royal ensues when the lawyers try to rescue him.
The Man Who Dared
Set Decoration
A crusading reporter plans his own arrest and conviction for first degree murder, trying to show that the death sentence should be outlawed when based on circumstantial evidence alone, but his plan goes awry.
Night Editor
Set Decoration
A daily news editor recalls a married detective and the deadly woman behind his downfall.
The Gentleman Misbehaves
Set Decoration
After his first attempt to obtain cash fails, a Broadway producer turns to a gambler to raise money for his show.