Richard Lovell


Spider in the Attic
Un mortífero nido de arañas acecha en el ático - Y el nido está a punto de ser despertado por una reportera de noticias y sus colegas
Monsters of War
Something has awoken, and a group of strangers must work together before prehistoric monsters and other deadly creatures take back the planet.
Monsters of War
Something has awoken, and a group of strangers must work together before prehistoric monsters and other deadly creatures take back the planet.
Amityville Scarecrow
Assistant Camera
A summer camp that is about to open to unwitting guests. However, there is something evil that lurks on the land.
Amityville Scarecrow
A summer camp that is about to open to unwitting guests. However, there is something evil that lurks on the land.
Dragon Fury
General Marshall
Dragon Fury es una película británica de terror y fantasía de 2021 sobre un grupo de expertos que descubren una criatura mortal que acecha en las montañas.
Night Girlz
A group of escorts find themselves hunted down when they steal from the wrong guy.