Pablo Encalada


Sound Editor
Manuel is a young fisherman who decides that his last day of fishing has arrived… a strange sound haunts his habitat. His sister Daniela and his neighbors regret his decision and prepare a farewell for him.
Sound Mixer
Manuel is a young fisherman who decides that his last day of fishing has arrived… a strange sound haunts his habitat. His sister Daniela and his neighbors regret his decision and prepare a farewell for him.
Sound Recordist
Narra la historia de Antonia (9 años) e Isabela (11 años) quienes se conocen durante un viaje a la playa. A través de una cámara instantánea y un último cartucho, las niñas van buscando recuerdos y aventuras para retratar. Con tan sólo 10 fotos, su reto diario será elegir un momento único para capturarlo y con ellos dejar en un libro los recuerdos de su amistad. Mientras coleccionan recuerdos, Antonia descubren junto a su abuelo la amistad y complicidad que siempre habrá con la familia.
La Descorrupción
In a dystopian reality plagued by corruption, a rebellious government employee finds an alternate way to change the system: kill the corrupt.
La Descorrupción
In a dystopian reality plagued by corruption, a rebellious government employee finds an alternate way to change the system: kill the corrupt.