Original Music Composer
Mientras que el jefe indio nativo Lobo Nocturno (Danny Trejo) vaticina la maldición que existe en una montaña, el sheriff de la zona (Thomas Downey) tiene que hacer frente a la maldición desatada: la montaña en realidad es un antiguo volcán que durante su erupción expulsa una horda de zombies directos de la lava. (FILMAFFINITY)
When the mummified remains of an evil Egyptian queen are brought back to life, she resurrects an army of living dead to help fulfill the prophecy that promises her all the powers of the Underworld.
A psychotic man likes to hunt down young women, then kill them and sell their organs. Detective Nick Stevens has been chasing this killer for years and has to overcome this personal demons in order to conquer this serial killer.
Original Music Composer
En el no tan lejano futuro, el capitán Jordania Striter, un oficial de las Fuerzas Especiales en la Nueva Alianza Mundial, es elegido para una misión de alto secreto. Enviados a un planeta desolado, Terra 219, para detener a posibles traidores de la Alianza, Striter debe sobrevivir con sólo una emitida por el gobierno un traje experimental de protección. Él se entera de un plan que podria poner fin a toda la humanidad. El capitán se enfrenta ahora a una elección, para continuar con las instrucciones sobre su misión o elegir su nueva misión, salvar al mundo.
A group of friends driving to Las Vegas to attend a Horror convention decide to stop at a roadside attraction promising the opportunity to find gold. After being told about the ghosts who haunt the Creek, they head into the woods to test their luck disbelieving what has been told. Soon the friends decide to leave, but their car is missing and the roadside attraction is permanently closed. The only thing left to do is venture back into the woods and search for their car or anyone that could help, but after one friend finds hidden gold the ghosts of the Creek begins to stalk the group out of vengeance.
A horribly burned man escapes from a mental institution and terrorizes teenagers at a party.
Under a powerful Mayan curse, snakes are hatched inside a young woman, slowly devouring her from within. Her only chance for survival is a powerful shaman who lives across the border. With only hours to live, she jumps on a train headed for Los Angeles. Unfortunately for the passengers aboard, they are now trapped, soon to be victims of these flesh-eating vipers.
Starting as a prequel to the novel "Treasure Island", we see the infamous pirate treasure buried by Billy Bones and Long John Silver
Original Music Composer
El general Frank Lewis (Rutger Hauer) lidera una polémica misión para capturar a un grupo de terroristas que se han refugiado con los rebeldes filipinos. Pero la piloto del helicóptero, la capitán Ami Jennings (Theresa Randle) y su tripulación son abatidos sobre las líneas enemigas, poniendo en peligro la misión...
Una reportera de noticias y su marido deciden adoptar a un muchacho llamado Donald, único superviviente de un accidente de avión. Por ser superviviente de ese accidente, consideran que Donald está bendecido por la mano de Dios. Pero al poco tiempo, varios amigos de la pareja aparecen asesinados brutalmente uno tras otro.
Original Music Composer
An anthropologist must unlock the code hidden in the works of Leonardo Da Vinci in order to find the greatest treasure ever, one that could change Christianity forever.
Original Music Composer
Caníbales dementes aterrorizan a una joven pareja en el desierto.
Trisha, durante su trabajo de niñera, en una nueva velada y nueva niña a su cargo, empieza a recibir llamadas telefónicas extrañas e inquietantes que irán subiendo de simple acoso hasta la amenaza latente de muerte. Trisha llama a la policía tan solo para descubrir una realidad aterradora: las llamadas provienen de la misma casa en la que ella está.
Original Music Composer
Trisha, durante su trabajo de niñera, en una nueva velada y nueva niña a su cargo, empieza a recibir llamadas telefónicas extrañas e inquietantes que irán subiendo de simple acoso hasta la amenaza latente de muerte. Trisha llama a la policía tan solo para descubrir una realidad aterradora: las llamadas provienen de la misma casa en la que ella está.
Original Music Composer
El general Frank Lewis (Rutger Hauer) lidera una polémica misión para capturar a un grupo de terroristas que se han refugiado con los rebeldes filipinos. Pero la piloto del helicóptero, la capitán Ami Jennings (Theresa Randle) y su tripulación son abatidos sobre las líneas enemigas, poniendo en peligro la misión... (FILMAFFINITY)
Soldier #3
Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!
Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!
A group of friends unleash a demonic Pirate from a treasure chest.
An ancient land suffocates in the shadow of evil. A dark lord rules unopposed. One warrior will become legend. He is the Barbarian... the last great warrior king.
When twelve-year-old Ryan is forced to move to a new town, he soon discovers the kids there are mean and tough. And they really don't like strangers. But when they steal his dog Theo, Ryan is given a strange pair of magical shoes and finds that the sky's the limit.
Five delinquent teenagers are assigned the task of converting a long-abandoned mental hospital in South Central Los Angeles into a community center. Little do they know that the hospital is the site of centuries of supernatural mayhem and murder. Plagued by terrors beyond belief, the teenagers must fight to survive a battle where the division between the living and the dead is shattered.