A friendly turtle named Eden, along with his friends Stick (a stork) and Lovelyn (a rabbit), must organize the animals of a zoo to work together to save the life of a little human boy . . . as well as solve a sinister environmental mystery.
Bellay (voice)
A friendly turtle named Eden, along with his friends Stick (a stork) and Lovelyn (a rabbit), must organize the animals of a zoo to work together to save the life of a little human boy . . . as well as solve a sinister environmental mystery.
Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!
Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!
Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!
Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!
Bill Grant
Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!
Cousin Billy
Three of the biggest and bustiest Russ Meyer stars - Kitten Natividad, Haji, and Raven De La Croix - make a comeback in 'The Double-D Avenger,' the first in a series of sexy action/comedy feature films by William Winckler Productions. Big, busty Chastity Knott must use her new amazing abilities as the super-stacked costumed crime fighter, the Double-D Avenger, to stop villainous bikini bar owner Al Purplewood and his sexy, murderous strippers.
Three of the biggest and bustiest Russ Meyer stars - Kitten Natividad, Haji, and Raven De La Croix - make a comeback in 'The Double-D Avenger,' the first in a series of sexy action/comedy feature films by William Winckler Productions. Big, busty Chastity Knott must use her new amazing abilities as the super-stacked costumed crime fighter, the Double-D Avenger, to stop villainous bikini bar owner Al Purplewood and his sexy, murderous strippers.
Three of the biggest and bustiest Russ Meyer stars - Kitten Natividad, Haji, and Raven De La Croix - make a comeback in 'The Double-D Avenger,' the first in a series of sexy action/comedy feature films by William Winckler Productions. Big, busty Chastity Knott must use her new amazing abilities as the super-stacked costumed crime fighter, the Double-D Avenger, to stop villainous bikini bar owner Al Purplewood and his sexy, murderous strippers.
Drunk Teen (uncredited)
Andie Walsh, una buena estudiante de clase humilde que vive con su padre desempleado, se enamora de Blaine, un chico guapo y sensible de buena familia. Sus sentimientos son correspondidos, pero a su alrededor la gente hará lo imposible para que su relación no funcione.
Trick-or-Treater (uncredited)
Michael and K.I.T.T. investigate after Bonnie believes she witnessed a murder from her new apartment. The trouble is, Michael and Devon assume she's hallucinating due to a fever...
Student (uncredited)
Michael Landon's semi-autobiographical sketch of his earlier life. It's the story of Gene Orowitz, a high school student struggling with his identity, who finds success as a javelin thrower on the track team.