In a dystopian future, citizens live and work in Company towers a thousand stories tall, bound by a strict contract to build robotics for a far-off war. Unsanctioned vices, especially relationships with the androids they build, are severely punished. When Conor watches the vice police arrest his neighbor, he fears he and Dosso, the hacked android he loves, will be next. As they attempt to flee the tower, Max, the head of the Vice Department, sets a plan in motion that will tear Conor and Dosso apart — and introduce Conor to a renegade group called the Friends of Sophia.
Emily, que tiene una deuda estudiantil y está excluida del mercado laboral debido a antecedentes penales menores, se ve involucrada en una estafa con tarjeta de crédito que la lleva al inframundo criminal de Los Ángeles, lo que finalmente la lleva a consecuencias mortales.