Philippe Petit

Philippe Petit


Philippe Petit


Beating Sun
Max is preparing an architecture and landscape competition for the city of Marseille. He is confident, his project is daring but pioneering. The oral is going well. The garden on this square is finally emerging and with it radical changes for the inhabitants as well as for Max whose career is stalling dangerously.
Beating Sun
Max is preparing an architecture and landscape competition for the city of Marseille. He is confident, his project is daring but pioneering. The oral is going well. The garden on this square is finally emerging and with it radical changes for the inhabitants as well as for Max whose career is stalling dangerously.
Beating Sun
Max is preparing an architecture and landscape competition for the city of Marseille. He is confident, his project is daring but pioneering. The oral is going well. The garden on this square is finally emerging and with it radical changes for the inhabitants as well as for Max whose career is stalling dangerously.
The Temple Woods Gang
A retired military man lives in the Temple Woods housing project. Just as he’s burying his mother, his neighbour Bébé, who belongs to a gang of robbers from the area, is preparing to rob the convoy of a wealthy Arab prince.
In the maternity ward, Céline awaits the arrival of her first child. It is Jeanne, her partner, who will bring her into the world. At night, in the entrance hall of the hospital, she meets men who are waiting, like herself.
Un escándalo de estado
Dominique Sanchez
Octubre de 2015. Los agentes de aduanas franceses se incautan de siete toneladas de cannabis en el corazón de la capital. El mismo día, Hubert Antonie, un antiguo topo con un pasado nebuloso, contacta con Stéphane Vilner, periodista de Libération. Asegura que puede demostrar la existencia de un narcotráfico de Estado liderado por Jacques Billard, figura mediática y policía francés de alto rango. Aunque al principio se muestra suspicaz, el joven periodista finalmente se sumerge en la investigación, que le lleva a los rincones más oscuros de la República.
Volando juntos
Set Photographer
Christian es un científico especializado en los gansos salvajes y sus procesos de migración. Su hijo, un adolescente obnubilado por los videojuegos, no quiere pasar unas vacaciones con su padre, en plena naturaleza. Sin embargo, padre e hijo se unirán en una aventura increíble: salvar a una especie en peligro de extinción con la ayuda de un ultraligero. Emprenden juntos un viaje fascinante por los cielos de Europa. Basada en una historia real.
Conexión Marsella
Prison guard
1975. Pierre Michel es un joven magistrado que acaba de ser transferido a Marsella para ayudar en la lucha contra el crimen organizado. Él decide atacar a la French Connection, una operación de la mafia que exporta heroína a todo el mundo. Sin escuchar las advertencias, Pierre lidera una cruzada contra Gaëtan Zampa, el padrino más intocable. Pero pronto va a entender que para obtener resultados, deberá cambiar sus métodos.
Colt 45
Vincent Miles es un supervisor de armas y un experto instructor de tiro de la Policia Nacional. Con solo 25 años recibe interesantes ofertas de todas partes, pero él rechaza entrar en los escuadrones de élite más prestigiosos. Sin embargo, cuando conoce al agente Milo Cardena, se dejará arrastrar a un infernal remolino de violencia: atracos, asesinatos y una despiadada guerra interna de la policía. Atrapado en esa situación, Vincent se verá obligado a matar en defensa propia.
Buffer Zone
Danger Dave
« Danger Dave » OR « The trials and tribulations of a professional skateboarder who is on his last legs yet has no desire to end his career. For five years a filmmaker explores the fall of a man who is unable to maintain a professional career as his life becomes a downward spiral of parties and debauchery. Their relationship develops over time, and a character emerges against all odds.
Danger Dave
« Danger Dave » OR « The trials and tribulations of a professional skateboarder who is on his last legs yet has no desire to end his career. For five years a filmmaker explores the fall of a man who is unable to maintain a professional career as his life becomes a downward spiral of parties and debauchery. Their relationship develops over time, and a character emerges against all odds.
La delicadeza
Colleague 'je sais pas'
Nathalie pierde en un accidente al hombre del que está perdidamente enamorada. Después de una etapa de duelo, no puede creerse que el amor llame de nuevo a su puerta de la mano de Markus, un compañero de trabajo que nunca ha tenido éxito con las mujeres, pero que rebosa bondad y ternura. Un hombre que para ella supone la vuelta a la vida.
Muinski, a dealer, lives at night in an old, mysterious project. He's accompanied by Tô, an Asian man who is dying. Tired and lacking clients, Muinski wants to shut down his business and to set up a bookstore. But he starts receiving strange packets containing black powder, an unknown drug... He tries it. One night, he invites a few friends over for a party, at the end of which his life takes a sudden turn. Under the influence of the drug, Muinski commits an irreparable crime. But things aren't as clear-cut as they seem.
Dans l'ombre
Le Gardien Du Cimetière
a short film by Giovanni Quéné.
Sound operator
A young actor suddenly wakes up in the middle of the shooting of a movie he doesn't understand.