Delphine Houdas


Party of Fools
Construction Coordinator
An asylum patient must find her mother amid the guests at a large gala held at the hospital.
Belle and Sebastian: Next Generation
Construction Coordinator
10-year-old Sebastien reluctantly spends his vacation in the mountains with his grandmother and aunt. Helping them with the sheep is hardly an exciting prospect for a city boy like him - but that is without considering his encounter with Belle, a huge dog mistreated by her owner. Ready to do anything to fight injustice and to protect his new-found friend, Sebastien will spend the craziest summer of his life.
Un amor imposible
Construction Coordinator
Al final de los años 50, en Châteauroux, Rachel, modesta oficinista, conoce a Philippe, brillante joven proveniente de una familia burguesa. De esta relación breve pero pasional nacerá una niña, Chantal. Philippe se niega a casarse fuera de su clase social. Rachel deberá criar a su hija ella sola. Poco importa, porque para ella Chantal es su mayor alegría, y es por ella que lucha por conseguir que, a falta de ser un padre presente, Philippe le de, al menos, a su hija su apellido. Una batalla que durará más de diez años y que acabará por quebrar las vidas de Rachel y de Chantal.