Caroline Dhavernas
Nacimiento : 1978-05-15, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Caroline Dhavernas is a French-Canadian film and television actress, best known for her portrayals of Jaye Tyler, the main character in the television series "Wonderfalls", and the female lead Dr. Alana Bloom in the series "Hannibal".
Première dame
Para Navidad, tres recolectores de basura, Élie, Nino y Belz, se sorprenden al ser recibidos para cenar en la casa del Primer Ministro y la Primera Dama. Van allí, inocentes y entusiastas sin sospechar que en el menú les espera una dolorosa serie de decepciones y manipulaciones.
In the not too distant future, a lonely man conceives a twisted plan to fulfill his desire to have a child.
Ada (voice)
Two elite astronauts wake up in the abyss of space; they return to their stranded ship and discover the surprising reason behind their mission's catastrophic failure.
Sherry Graham, a self-destructive makeup saleswoman, hopes a new man and business venture will provide her a fresh start. After her plans are foiled, she takes control of her life in a dramatic turn of events.
Chef d'antenne
Un tremendo aguacero golpea Montreal, y un espectacular sumidero se abre en el estadio Percival Molson en medio de un partido de fútbol. El estadio es evacuado, y unas horas más tarde, se convierte en un sitio arqueológico protegido. Siglos de historia se esconden bajo el campo. El arqueólogo Baptiste Asigny comienza a investigar, y descubrirá la cantidad de generaciones que han ocupado esta tierra, cada una con secretos enterrados.
Narrator (voice)
Ophelia is a whip-smart 12-year-old girl who must solve a vexing problem: she’s never been kissed. There are several candidates in her class, but none have Tommy Lemenchick’s smile.
A few years after they infiltrated a therapy program for fathers and sons, Marc Laroche is having some issues with his girlfriend Alice and Jacques is experiencing intense denial towards the fact that he is growing older. An incredible opportunity arises when Martin Germain, the lieutenant of the Mafia’s leader, and his girlfriend sign up for a bootcamp for couples. As Marc and Alice sign up for the therapy, Jacques invites himself in by pretending to be the psychologist's assistant.
Liza Gilbert
In 1863, a group of snow-bound travelers invokes the devil, who gives them a flying canoe for them to go home. When one of them finds his wife about to die in labor, he makes a pact with the devil to save her and his newborn daughter Liza. He then cheats the devil of his prize by sacrificing himself. 25 years later, Liza wants to marry her beloved Jos, who has to go away to a remote logging camp to earn money to save his farm, but the devil is determined to ruin her happiness.
From the moment she was born, Vaysha was a very special girl. With her left eye she can only see into the past, and with her right she can only see the future. The past is familiar and safe, the future is sinister and threatening. The present is a blind spot. In captivating parabolic imagery, the award-winning animation artist Theodore Ushev illustrates the world through Vaysha’s eyes.
La tripulación de un submarino, una partida de temibles bandidos del bosque, un cirujano famoso y un batallón de niños soldados. Todos reciben más de lo que esperaban, ya que se abren camino hacia las ideas progresistas sobre la vida y el amor.
Isabelle Lauzon
Marco Valois wants to direct a serious movie inspired by the life of a soldier living with post-traumatic stress disorder. He soon realizes that the young soldier home from Afghanistan won't open up that easily. Marco, willing to do just about anything to get his story, follows Éric Lebel to his hometown.
Cuando un misterioso ciberataque paraliza la civilización, un grupo de antiguos compañeros de la univerdad se retiran a una remota cabaña en el campo. Allí harán frente a un futuro incierto en el que verán comenzar un nuevo orden mundial mientras nevegan por el campo de minas que es su pasado en común.
Paul Keller, un gestor de fondos con problemas con el juego, es despedido tras realizar un mal negocio que le cuesta millones a la firma para la que trabaja. Tras quedarse en paro, él y su esposa Vicky se mudan a Brooklyn, donde ella posee un estudio de fotografía. Allí vive también Marino, un joven honrado y un prodigio matemático cuya empresa familiar tiene problemas de solvencia.
In the near future, as humanity prepares to set foot on Mars, Jacob Obus, an elderly musician, takes pride in slowing down time by playing instruments inspired by women's bodies, designed by his friend Arthur. A love triangle develops when Jacob and Arthur both fall in love with Avril, a young photographer. Enter Eugène Spaak, Arthur's father, an inventor and cosmologist who unveils a new theory about man's desire to reach Mars and helps Jacob find the true meaning of life and love.
Elsa Nahai
Basada en una historia de M. Night Shyamalan. Un día cualquiera, cinco personas, que no se conocen, se quedan atrapadas en un ascensor de un gran edificio de oficinas. Muy pronto comienzan a suceder cosas extrañas y, poco a poco, se dan cuenta de que uno de ellos no es quien dice ser: es el mismísimo Satanás
Cuando Kassie (Jennifer Aniston) cumple los cuarenta decide no esperar más y recurre a la inseminación artificial para tener un bebé. Siete años más tarde, regresa a Nueva York y se reencuentra con su amigo Wally (Bateman), un hombre neurótico e inseguro, que, de manera inexplicable se siente fuertemente vinculado al hijo de Kassie, el pequeño Sebastian (Thomas Robinson), un niño con el que comparte algo más que sus múltiples manías y excentricidades. Basada en el relato "Baster", del novelista ganador del premio Pulitzer Jeffrey Eugenides, autor de "Las vírgenes suicidas".
El accidente se centra en un hombre que despierta entre los restos de un coche en el fondo de un precipicio, en medio de la naturaleza. Está herido y con la piernas atrapadas, y no recuerda quién es ni cómo ha llegado hasta aquí. Tan solo le acompaña una emisora de radio en la que salta la noticia de un violento atraco a un banco y un cadáver en el asiento trasero con una cartera que lo identifica como uno de los atracadores. Ahora deberá depender de sus instintos más primitivos y utilizar todo lo que pueda encontrar para sobrevivir. En medio de obstáculos abrumadores, este hombre deberá descubrir su identidad y enfrentar las consecuencias de lo que haya sucedido.
To save the life of fellow cop kidnapped by a biker gang, a father and a son who cannot stand the sight of each other infiltrate an outdoor adventure group-therapy for fathers and sons. Their biggest challenge is to survive the therapy without killing each other.
Nickie Grace
Basada en la novela homónima de Patricia Highsmith de 1962. Jenny es una mujer que se siente observada por un mirón que no para de acecharla, Robert. El tercero en entrar en escena es Greg, el ex de la chica con la que no terminó demasiado bien su relación.
Sarah Mann
En 1917, en Ypres, Bélgica, 50.000 canadienses lucharon heroicamente contra las tropas alemanas. Filme bélico de corte épico que inauguró el Festival de Toronto de 2008.
Clara's mother is on her death bed as she tells her daughter that she regrets they are not closer. This revelation causes Clara to pursue a closer relationship with her own daughter, Bianca.
Juliana O'Neill
Al aspirante a agente del FBI Eric O'Neill (Phillippe) le asignan como compañero al veterano Robert Hanssen (Cooper). La Agencia tiene evidencias de que está pasando información muy valiosa a los soviéticos. Para no levantar demasiadas sospechas, una de las supervisoras del caso (Linney) le dice a Eric que su misión será vigilar a Hanssen porque es un pervertido sexual. (FILMAFFINITY)
La Belle Bête is a powerful study of the conflict between beauty and ugliness, hate and love. The story revolves around three main characters. At the center, Patrice, a beautiful but mindless youth stands gazing at his image in the water. Around him move his ugly sister Isabelle-Marie, and his frivolous mother Louise, the first lost in love and hate for her brother's beauty, the second seeing it as an adornment for herself. Into this small, obsessed universe come a blind boy and an elegant fop from the outside world. At once, the pattern breaks and events move forward into a terrifying denouement.
Kit Holliday
En los años 50, un detective investiga la muerte en Hollywood de George Reeves, el actor que interpretó a Superman en una conocida serie de televisión.
As they prepare to test products for a multinational corporation, a marketing company targets a typical guy as their guinea pig.
Un grupo de individuos cruzan caminos en un motel barato en las cataratas del Niágara. Entre ellos, una camarera en plena conversión a actriz porno, una joven pareja de criminales que luchan por recuperar a su hijo, un matrimonio que se desintegra en tiempo récord, una prostituta que trabaja para mantener a su familia... y el borracho encargado del motel. Las necesidades y los fallos de todas estas personas convierten la tragedia en comedia en esta intensa danza vital.
Passion Hockmeister
Follows Tulse Luper as he is swept into the ill-fortuned tides of the 20th century and forced to spend his life in a succession of imprisonments.
Keira St-George
Before heading off to college, a teenager and her two friends try to seduce a married man.
Nathalie Lachance
During the Christmas holiday season, Félix and Céline find themselves working as volunteers for the drive-home service Opération Nez Rouge. Right from the first, Félix falls for Céline. But Céline doesn't feel the same way: she can't forget the fact that Félix once wrote a scathing review of her first piece of writing, crushing her literary ambitions in the process. Worse, Félix doesn't even remember her name. Céline decides to take her revenge. Just as things seem to be going from bad to worse for Félix, Céline realizes that he is vulnerable, tender... and madly in love with her. She is ready to surrender to love... but a chance encounter causes her to wonder whether Félix isn't playing some twisted love game.
Passion Hockmeister
"Antwerp" continues telling the picaresque adventures through the world of multi disciplinary artist and professional prisoner Tulse Luper. This movie premiered at the Venice Film Festival as a separate title located between the first and the second part of the Greenanway Tulse Luper Trilogy.
Passion Hockmeister
Primera entrega de la larga y enigmática historia del escritor Tulse Luper (JJ Feild), que abarca desde 1928 hasta el 1989. Luper se pasa la vida de prisión en prisión (en total 16). La causa de su encarcelamiento es su relación con una familia germano-americana que está a punto de llegar a Europa con la intención de hacer turbios negocios, aprovechando la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
A rich American woman and her French husband start a Parisian salon.
Annie Herron
1851, Manitoba's Red River Valley. As winter sets in, a young woman on the edge of madness arrives exhausted at the fort, a wilderness station, claiming she murdered her husband. She's placed in a cell; for the next several months, she sews while the local prefect, Henry Mullen, investigates.
Rick, Luke, Anthony y Pig Pen practican juntos el snowboard y se lo pasan en grande en la estación Bull Mountain de Alaska. Allí, la vida se reduce a ir de fiesta en fiesta, ligar y hacer todo lo que lo que resulte divertido. Pero cuando Papa Muntz, el fundador de la ciudad muere, su hijo Ted decide vender Bull Mountain a John Majors, un astuto magnate de Colorado que planea transformarla en una estación de esquí para la alta sociedad. Nuestros héroes, con la ayuda de Inga y Anna, las bellas y rebeldes hijas de Majors, tendrán que salvar Bull Mountain y lograr que no lo invadan los yuppies.
Mouse Bradford deja la pequeña ciudad donde ha nacido y crecido para ingresar en el elegante internado femenino Perkis College. Enseguida es aceptada por sus dos compañeras de habitación, la llamativa y perspicaz Pauline, y la atractiva y simpática Tory. Las tres están unidas por haber sufrido ya en sus jóvenes vidas. Mouse ha perdido a su madre, Pauline a sus padres que la dieron en adopción y Tony sabe que está perdiendo a sus padres, y las esperanzas que ellos han depositado en su hija. Aunque para Mouse ambas son sus mejores amigas, está desconcertada por la intensidad de la relación existente entre Pauline y Tory. Este mundo se le viene abajo cuando ambas son vistas en una muy comprometida situación amorosa.
Marilyn Bell
This made-for-TV bio-pic is about Marilyn Bell, a Canadian teenager who, in 1954, was the first person to swim across Lake Ontario. She won the Toronto Canadian National Exhibition prize after Florence Chadwick, a then-famous American swimmer who was widely expected to win, dropped out in the middle of the race. Half of this heart-warming movie is devoted to the 21 hour swim in which the 16-year old Bell is exhorted by her pushy coach Gus Ryder not to give up.
When her mother died, Geneviève went back to the village where she was born to sell off the house and return to Montreal. Her sister Manou, a pregnant teenager, refuses Genevieve's authority and leaves for the Île de Sable with her boyfriend.
Thanks to a tip from teenager Matt, who survives on the streets as a graffiti artist, policeman Ray is able to arrest Sergei, a diamond smuggler. In return, Matt gets Jules Daniels's file, his biological mother.
Valerie Huot
Alex has a deeply troubled mind. He also has a seriously dysfunctional - not to say incestuous - family. Why then, has he returned from his merchant seaman job to the rocky coasts of his home? Perhaps he couldn't cut manage to march in his father's footsteps in that job. His mother doesn't seem to mind, and lets him stay at her bed and breakfast hotel. His sister still seems to have the hots for him, just as she does for his (and her) old boyfriend Jean-Louis, who has just shown up. Even his mother seems to find him sexy. All these people appear eager to get their hands on his body, but he's too wrapped up in what's going on inside his head to notice.
A garagist must take care of his sick mother and irresponsible brother.