Roger Nott

Nacimiento : , Cardiff, Wales, UK


Doctor Who: Attack of the Graske
Older Man
After the Doctor drops Rose Tyler off in 1979 to see ABBA, he picks up a human in his TARDIS and tells them he needs their help.
Las maletas de Tulse Luper. La historia de Moab
Constantino de Ripa
Primera entrega de la larga y enigmática historia del escritor Tulse Luper (JJ Feild), que abarca desde 1928 hasta el 1989. Luper se pasa la vida de prisión en prisión (en total 16). La causa de su encarcelamiento es su relación con una familia germano-americana que está a punto de llegar a Europa con la intención de hacer turbios negocios, aprovechando la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
Punto de mira
1st FBI Agent
Centrada alrededor de la denominada "Caza de brujas" del senador McCarthy, "Punto de mira" relata la agitada carrera artística del director de cine Herbert J. Biberman, que entró a formar parte de las listas negras a raíz de su filme de 1954 "La sal de la tierra" (film que, por cierto, es uno de los pocos preservados por la Librería del Congreso de los Estados Unidos por su importancia histórica y cultural). La película se inicia con la ceremonia de entrega de los Oscar de Hollywood de 1937, cuando su esposa Gale Sondergaard gana el premio a la mejor actriz de reparto. Diez años más tarde, un grupo de directores de Hollywood, entre los que se encuentra Biberman, son tildados de comunistas y obligados a comparecer ante una comisión del congreso.
Dennis Cox
A reporter investigates ritual profanations and finds himself involved with a Druidic cult.
Britain in the mid-1990s: a divided, violent nation where civil disorder and urban terrorism are on the increase. Scotland Yard detective Commander Jack Bentham is seconded to Wales to look into a series of shootings by police officers, and uncovers a complex web of deceit and corruption
Boy Soldier
Wil Thomas, a young Welsh soldier on duty in Northern Ireland shoots a terrorist in self-defence and is used as scapegoat by the political system.
Fighting Back
Roy Collins
A single mother returns to her home town after fifteen years of unhappy marriage and fights to make a better life for herself and her children.
Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma
A race of giant Gastropods has taken over the planet Jaconda. Their leader, Mestor, now intends to cause an enormous explosion in order to spread his people's eggs throughout the galaxy, and he kidnaps juvenile twin geniuses from Earth to work out the necessary mathematical equations. Space fighters led by Lieutenant Hugo Lang are dispatched to get the twins back, but they come under attack and Lang is the sole survivor when his ship crashes on the asteroid Titan III. A newly regenerated Doctor and Peri become involved and help Jaconda's elderly former ruler Professor Edgeworth, who is really a Time Lord named Azmael, to defeat Mestor and free the planet's bird-like indigenous people from the gastropods' reign of terror. Azmael, however, sacrifices his life in the process.
Giro City
Welsh Bank Teller
Welsh investigative journalists set out to cover the Troubles in Northern Ireland only to unearth censorship and corruption back home.
Encuentro mortal
Motorcycle Policeman
Un paciente violento escapa de un sanatorio mental enclavado en la campiña inglesa. En su huida se encuentra con una joven que ha debido huir de un camionero rijoso.