Additional Editor
Italia, siglo XVI. Petruchio, un colérico, mentiroso y pobre propietario rural de Verona, llega a Padua en busca de fortuna y esposa, al tiempo que Bautista, un rico comerciante, anuncia que no permitirá que Blanca, su hija menor, se case hasta que lo haga la temperamental e intratable Catalina, su hija mayor.
Assistant Editor
In Romagna, an Italian district, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the owners of an estate are the professor Edoardo, always lost in reveries, and his wife Maria. They have a son, Robertino, who has a friend: Zvanin. Zvanin is the son of Mingòn and Marianna, two peasants. Dolly is an american cousin and every summer she comes in Romagna. The movie narrates their stories over the years until the post I World War period.