Hugh Gallagher


Jimmy's Hall
Senior Guard
Cuenta la historia real de James Gralton, un activista y líder comunista irlandés que se convirtió en el único deportado político de la República de Irlanda.
El Infierno Virtual del Dr. Wong
El cruel doctor Wong y su hija, la malvada Tsai Ming, capitanean una siniestra banda de asesinos, proxenetas y secuestradores. Valiéndose de la aplicación de la realidad virtual atraen a Rita, la hija de un millonario, al exótico local que regentan, un lugar de perdición y libertinaje. A continuación exigen a su padre un enorme rescate.
Vampire Blues
A pretty American teenager from New Jersey goes on vacation in the south of Spain where she is unknowingly stalked by the vampire.
Mari Cookie y la tarántula asesina
Man on Bed
Tras la desaparición de varias jóvenes, la sheriff Marga, que investiga el caso, cree que la principal sospechosa es Killer Tarantula, una de las strippers más populares de los bares del puerto. Sin embargo, no dispone de ninguna prueba para demostrarlo. Para avanzar en el caso le resulta de gran utilidad la información que le proporciona la stripper Queen. Ambas deciden usar a una chica como cebo para seguir a la sospechosa hasta su guarida.
Mari Cookie y la tarántula asesina
Tras la desaparición de varias jóvenes, la sheriff Marga, que investiga el caso, cree que la principal sospechosa es Killer Tarantula, una de las strippers más populares de los bares del puerto. Sin embargo, no dispone de ninguna prueba para demostrarlo. Para avanzar en el caso le resulta de gran utilidad la información que le proporciona la stripper Queen. Ambas deciden usar a una chica como cebo para seguir a la sospechosa hasta su guarida.
Lady Frankenstein
Moria, hija del famoso músico de rock Marvin Frankenstein, asesinado misteriosamente, descubre que desciende del tristemente célebre doctor que dio vida al terrible monstruo y que su padre había hecho descubrimientos científicos cuyo alcance ignora. Moira regresa al caserón de sus padres, donde vive su madrastra Abigail. Allí, en sueños, recibe por la noche la irreal visita de su ensangrentado padre, que le da las claves para llegar hasta el gran logro de su vida: la recreación del monstruo de sus ancestros. Pero un monstruo bellísimo y hermafrodita.
Carne fresca
Los señores Radeck contratan a una joven bailarina llamada Paula para que se una a ellos y a otra adinerada pareja en unas sensuales vacaciones en una isla de su propiedad. Lo que Paula ignora es que esas vacaciones serán para ella una auténtica pesadilla. (FILMAFFINITY)
Compelling Evidence
First Assistant Director
Rick Stone is the world's biggest action star but unfortunately, he is also the prime suspect in his wife's death. He must enlist the help of a conniving tabloid reporter named Dana Fields and the trust of his mistress Stephanie to try and clear his name.
Gore Whore
When a lab assistant steals an important formula and all its documentation from Dr. Whitman, he hires a bottom-of-the-barrel private eye, Chase Barr, to locate it. When Barr digs deeper into the case he finds the lab assistant is actually a dead street whore and the "formula" is a reanimation agent that, with the consumption of human blood, is keeping her alive! In trying to retrieve the formula, Chase is given a rollercoaster ride through hell as the whore reanimates corpses to attack him and help her hold onto the formula.
Neil and Max are bank robbers. Max swallows an expensive jewel, gets shot and dies. Neil takes off with Max and meets Carrie the necrophile.
Neil and Max are bank robbers. Max swallows an expensive jewel, gets shot and dies. Neil takes off with Max and meets Carrie the necrophile.
Neil and Max are bank robbers. Max swallows an expensive jewel, gets shot and dies. Neil takes off with Max and meets Carrie the necrophile.
A down-and-out detective tracks a woman obsessed with giving people the "Ultimate Climax" through death.
A down-and-out detective tracks a woman obsessed with giving people the "Ultimate Climax" through death.
A down-and-out detective tracks a woman obsessed with giving people the "Ultimate Climax" through death.
Dead Silence
Justice is served when mass murderer Sam Mason is put to death in the electric chair... or is it? Would be victim Terri is still haunted by Mason and soon finds death is no deterrent for Mason's spirit as he is hellbent on nailing the final nail in Terri's coffin. On a desperate run for her life Mason's spirit latches onto any unsuspecting soul in order to fulfill his quest to kill Terri. She may have put him in the chair, but he will put her through hell!
Dead Silence
Justice is served when mass murderer Sam Mason is put to death in the electric chair... or is it? Would be victim Terri is still haunted by Mason and soon finds death is no deterrent for Mason's spirit as he is hellbent on nailing the final nail in Terri's coffin. On a desperate run for her life Mason's spirit latches onto any unsuspecting soul in order to fulfill his quest to kill Terri. She may have put him in the chair, but he will put her through hell!
Screambook II
Horror anthology.