Lina Milovich


Another Name
Associate Producer
Liza is a sophisticated woman who lives in a ‘high class world’. Her husband Peter speaks Russian with a German accent, he owns a chocolate factory. They live in a cold world of minimalistic interiors, holding back their emotions. There are no children in their expensive countryside house but there are expensive greyhound dogs. However, Liza can’t stay stone cold calm, as she has a secret from her past that burns her from inside, one that she would be happy to get rid of forever… And somewhere near there is a burnt room, and teenager Ulya has the keys.
Una misteriosa “conferencia” se prepara en un teatro. Natasha, superviviente del sonado sitio de rehenes del teatro Dubrovka de Moscú en 2002 (primera crisis del gobierno de Putin, solucionada de polémica manera) organiza un acto conmemorativo para las víctimas. Una tensa y fantasmal ceremonia catártica con la que Tverdovskiy ("Jumpman") confecciona desconcertantes estampas y levanta escamas en la historia reciente de Europa. ¿Hasta qué punto la memoria histórica es un acto de justicia, una acción terapéutica o una traba para labrarnos un futuro? Tanto olvidar como recrearse en el trauma son dos filos de una misma navaja. (SEFF)