Todd M. Schultz


Austin Powers: La espía que me achuchó
Jerry Springer Bodyguard #1
Austin Powers es un agente secreto de los años 60 que, tras ser congelado, vuelve a la vida en los años 90. En esta nueva entrega de sus aventuras, Austin Powers se enfrentará con nuevos villanos, pero deberá volver a luchar con el Doctor Maligno, su máximo enemigo. El malvado doctor tiene un siniestro plan: ha inventado una máquina del tiempo que le permitirá volver a los años 60 y destruir a su archienemigo, que deberá unir sus fuerzas a una bella agente para derrotarle.
Bouncer on Springer
Stephanie is a young woman who just turned thirty, and has everything a girl wants in life -- beauty, intelligence, and a handsome, successful fiance who seems to be madly in love with her. Frank pushes her to set a date for the wedding after a long engagement, but Stephanie is not sure about making a commitment to marriage; something is holding her back. Does another man just exist in her imagination or is he out there somewhere? When Frank finally announces the wedding date in front of her family and friends, Stephanie has to face reality. In the moment of truth, Stephanie has to decide whether to follow her head or her heart.