Daniel Lokerse


Crossing the Threshold
Reintegrating into society after a prison sentence brings many difficulties with it. In Over de Drempel, we follow three participants in the new reintegration trajectory Het Huis van Herstel (The House of Recovery), a concept that uses intensive personal guidance and extra freedom to work on a return to society from prison. The big differences between inside and outside the prison walls should be reduced by this trajectory. Even though sometimes they are still quite big...
The Camel's Back
William struggles with the question if he is masculin enough. This leads to a search in which he meets the personafication of his subconscious. When he stands eye to eye with his subconsiousness he learns to accept his fragile side.
Back and Forth
Heen En Weer (Back And Forth) is a short documentary about loss, loneliness and silence. In this documentary I tell the story of a ferryman that just lost his wife. Instead of seeking diversion with other people he tries to embrace silence and solitude. For this documentary I applied elements of slow cinema trough long static wide takes. With this I hoped to let the audience experience a similar feeling solitude or loneliness.
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