Lyudmila Artemeva

Lyudmila Artemeva

Nacimiento : 1963-02-10,


Lyudmila Artemeva


Артек. Большое путешествие. 1812
Mitya Neverovsky is a descendant of the famous Lieutenant General Dmitry Neverovsky. However, for his parents, Mitya is a complete headache. He does not show any interest in studying, does not want to become anyone, and the phrase "it will do!" could easily be his motto. Having made his cherished wish at the magic Tree in the Artek camp, Mitya is transported back to 1812. In the past, he meets his great-grandfather many times, the famous Lieutenant General Dmitry Neverovsky, takes part in the Battle of Borodino and makes friends with the young Sasha Pushkin.
Баба Яга спасает мир
Our days. Curious schoolboy Senka finds himself in a fairy-tale forest, hidden from human eyes by the spell of Yaga. To cast the spell again, Yaga goes to a modern city in search of a magical wonderful color. In the city, Koshchei, who remained alive after the battle with Ivan Tsarevich, has been waiting for a meeting with Yaga for a thousand years. Koschei is hiding in a dark dungeon and wants revenge, because it was Yaga who helped defeat him. There will be a new battle of good and evil. The winner will be the one who will be supported by the schoolboy Senka, who until the last did not believe that he was in a fairy tale.
Summer Time: Travel Back
Olga Andreevna
Your desires must be treated with caution. Romka, Yarik, Nikoletta and Yelisey made their own wishes at the magic tree in the Artek camp. The tree took them 30 years ago - to 1988, where they meet their parents, who then also rested in Artek. Now the guys need to make friends with their parents and, acting together, find a way back to the future.
Smack Dab Kakha
Kakha fell for the beautiful Sophia, but in order to get to her heart, he needed to overtake the brand new BMW Ruslan on his “penny” and score a friendship with Sergo. What will Kakh choose - love or friendship?
Enchanted Princess
Forest witch (voice)
A family comedy about a young Prince, who sets on a mission to find a missing Princess from the neighborhood kingdom. Along the journey, Prince meets a doopie dragon who joins him on an adventure, but Prince does not know that the dragon isn't who he says he is.
Remember or Not
Mama Lizy
A modest girl Alena lives in the world, works in the library and dreams of playing Juliet in an amateur theater. She can not imagine that literally tomorrow her life will change dramatically. Faced on the street with a gorgeous blonde, she loses consciousness and ... wakes up in the hospital... in someone else's body.
A Fold in My Blanket
Dmitrij has recently returned to his small Georgian hometown after graduating from a university abroad. His monotonous days drag on, between working and the solitary rock-climbing excursions.
The Double
Funny comedy about a life of super-famous mega-star Igor Uspensky and his fight for "Man of a Year" title.
La reina de las nieves
Tsvetochnitsa (voice)
Narra la historia de una gran amistad entre dos niños, Kay y Gerda. Un día muy frío de invierno, el pequeño Kay sufre una herida en un ojo provocada por un fragmento de cristal encantado por la Reina de las Nieves, que se lo lleva a a su helado castillo del Polo Norte. Su fiel amiga Gerda emprende entonces un largo y mágico viaje para rescatarlo. Adaptación Rusa del popular cuento de Hans Christian Andersen, 'La Reina de las Nieves'.
Valentine - a tough, cold-blooded owner of a large travel company, got a complex task in a country where a woman, regardless of her professionalism, can not success in business - Turkey. So she calls two workers of the Urals branch - Dima and Misha for help.
Viktoriya Vladimirovna
Eight different greetings and situations on March 8th... Eight different Moms.
Новогодние сваты
The main character of the film Sergey Dobrolyubov is a news anchor of a music channel. Because of his conservatism he looks strange among his progressive colleagues. And his skeptical and negative attitude to all things new and unusual is a constant target of their mockery. He is definitely not a star of the channel. Sergey and his wife want to have a baby but have no success. Only a miracle can help them but Sergey does not believe in miracles till one particular moment. He makes a wish to have a baby, and a miracle happens - he gets pregnant! Now Sergey must prove to everyone - dreams can come true. But his friend Zhora sees a practical side of this situation. He suggests Sergey to use his pregnancy to gain money and glory by launching a new TV show. The Show Pregnant becomes very popular, and the protagonist Sergey Dobrolyubov is a star of it. But it is not easy to be a man in the family way and a TV star.
Белая ворона
Albina Veber
Novogodniy Detektiv
В предновогодней московской суете Галина случайно встречает свою первую любовь, бывшего одноклассника Эдуарда. Вспомнив прошлое, они решают встретить Новый Год вместе. Но праздничная ночь принесет много сюрпризов, ведь старые знакомые не торопятся рассказывать друг другу о переменах, произошедших с ними за все эти годы… Эта новогодняя сказка вселяет в людей уверенность, что если не в Новогоднюю ночь, так в Новом Году они обязательно встретят свою половинку!
No Need to Grieve
The adventures of the people living in a small village on a border between Russia and Belarus.
Leshiy 2
Счастливому семейству Никитиных, ожидающих первенца, объявлена настоящая война… Ни Света, ни Алексей не в состоянии оборвать череду необъяснимых происшествий — взрыв самолета, похищение сестры Алексея, отравление лошадей. Под подозрение милиции падает каждый, кто когда-либо бывал в усадьбе или работал у его радушной хозяйки. Ничего не проясняет и письмо, подброшенное Алексею — похититель не требует выкуп за Катю. На ее поиски сначала отравляется Никитин старший, днем позже Света и Карпыч… Все трое пропадают в лесу…
Добрая подружка для всех
Наташа Петушкова очень похожа на героя Олега Басилашвили из фильма "Осенний марафон" - она очень добрый и отзывчивый человек, который всегда сперва думает об окружающих и только потом о себе. Часто, заботясь о других, Наташа забывает о своем личном счастье, на него просто не остается времени. Незадолго до Нового года девушка узнает, что книжное издательство организует конкурс на звание самой преданной поклонницы ее любимого писателя Александра Снегирева. Автор лучшего письма к кумиру получит уникальную возможность провести с ним вечер тет-а-тет. Наташа не может упустить такой шанс...
В день собственного 30-летия, молодая удачная бизнес леди при странноватых событиях знакомится с лесным отшельником. На 1-ый взор, случайная встреча, не может воздействовать ни на бизнес нашей героини, ни на размеренную светскую жизнь. Но как пологается, у судьбы свои планы - Ира не просто влюбляется в лесного обитателя, а попросту говоря, теряет голову.
Шут Балакирев
The Envy of Gods
Sonia is a television editor, she is married to successful Soviet writer Sergey and they have a son in a high school. Their life was almost perfect... until the moment they meet Bernard from France and his translator André.
Летние люди
Саша, горничная
Lady Into Lassie
miss Jackson
Based on a famous short story by Pushkin, this film tells of a youthful, innocent and pure love story that begins as a girlish joke. Liza is eager to get to know her young neighbor but cannot do so as their fathers are not on speaking terms. Her response is simple and direct. With the help of her loyal servant Nastya, she dresses up as a peasant girl and goes pick mushrooms in the nearby woods....
Поминальная молитва
Once the actor Rebrov flatly refused to participate in an obscene performance and flew, as they say, out the door. When he came home and found out that his family was going to be replenished, the exemplary family man was not upset, but organized a cooperative "Sibiryak", where lonely childless women were guaranteed the appearance of beautiful babies. Assistant Rebrov became Vovik also an actor-loser. Hopeless drinker and completely indifferent to the female sex, the fat man will be very talented to play the role of a psychic as long as the "Siberian" does not attract the attention of the racket and until a sweet woman with a dream to give birth to a son from a psychic appears in his apartment.
Island of Rusty General
Светлана Одинокая
Late 21st century. Archeologists unearthed a company of century-old military robots, but lost them during the transportation. Robots hide on an uninhabited island and later kidnap Alisa Seleznyova, a teenage actress playing Little Red Riding Hood, and Baba-Yaga, a mischievous robot actress playing a witch. Now those two have to stop the robots before much damage has been done.
Very Scary Story
Young Teacher
The grandfather of fifth-grader Gleb Borodaev was a famous detective writer, but he died before he could finish his last horror book. A novel based on a real story - the mysterious disappearance of man called Dachnik in Borodaev's country house. Gleb and his five classmates, including amateur detective Alik Detkin, decide to uncover this secret on their own.
The famous athlete Tatyana Bolshakova, having met in the south with the lonely and somewhat gloomy Boris, fell in love for the first time. For ridiculous reasons, they broke up, and after a while she had twins. And now it’s hard for her, but she knows that he will return ...