Valeriy Li


Bender: El Comienzo
Imperio ruso, 1919. Por un giro del destino, el joven idealista Osip Zadunaisky conoce a un infame estafador y autoproclamado súbdito turco, Ibrahim Bender. Un hombre de pensamiento puro y educación aristocrática, Osip nunca se habría asociado con un estafador astuto y sin escrúpulos, pero Bender presenta una oferta que Osip no puede rechazar. Una preciosa reliquia real, un cetro dorado con incrustaciones de diamantes, está escondido en algún lugar de la ciudad; Bender necesita un compañero en su misión para encontrarlo y le ofrece a Osip una parte de las ganancias de la venta del tesoro. Y así comienza su aventura conjunta, forjada con giros y vueltas cómicos y peligrosos, donde tienen que burlar y superar en astucia a los oficiales de la Guardia Blanca, así como a la mafia local, que también tienen los ojos puestos en el cetro.
The 5th Execution
On a remote island in Southeast Asia, a team of scientists, studying the regenerative properties of the salamander, discovers what their Bangkok headquarters refer to as "The Priceless Gift": an elixir of life. News of the discovery travels quickly, and profiteers begin to circle the island, only to find out just how dangerous a discovery it is. During the research process, they also uncovered an unstoppable disease. When the research team goes missing, it leaves behind a warning: that the disease has spread, and is threatening to go global. Special forces and mercenaries from around the world descend on the island, making apparent that there is more at stake than just profit and ambition, but the survival of humanity.
Chinese merchant
In 1889, mounted on a small gray horse named Serko, Dimitri leaves his garrison on the Asian borders of the Russian Empire on the banks of the Amur River. After extraordinary adventures, they both arrive in St. Petersburg, at the court of the Tsar. Having covered more than 9000 kilometers in less than 200 days, this young rider has achieved the most fantastic equestrian feat of all time.
The Sun
victim of explosion
Biographical film depicting Japanese Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) during the final days of World War II. The film is the third drama in director Aleksandr Sokurov's trilogy, which included Taurus about the Soviet Union's Vladimir Lenin and Moloch about Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler.