Made up of nine shorts, Vore Gore (2021) is an anthology that explores the links between sex and violence, consumption and capitalism all under the umbrella theme of voraphilia.
A father and daughter seem to have a shared trauma. One day, The Father puts on a collar shirt goes away on what seems to be a business trip leaving The Daughter at home to snoop around his computer. When she finds an intensely depraved video of him and some sketchy masks hidden away, she is so upset that she brutally kills herself. Upon discovering the body, he is so distraught that it sends him into a fit of depravity.
A father and daughter seem to have a shared trauma. One day, The Father puts on a collar shirt goes away on what seems to be a business trip leaving The Daughter at home to snoop around his computer. When she finds an intensely depraved video of him and some sketchy masks hidden away, she is so upset that she brutally kills herself. Upon discovering the body, he is so distraught that it sends him into a fit of depravity.
Golgota is a film about extreme body art with a very pronounced sexual component. The film is told through a series of title cards per hour. It’s 6 hours in the life of Wendy, a woman with multiple paraphilias who has no limits.
The Girl with the Cutter is an experimental art film and it’s inspired by a true story. Cofi Valduvieux plays a tormented woman who battles the urge to cut herself. She spends her time fighting voices, having visions of a demonic version of herself and trying to figure out the best way to harm herself. With her mental suffering mounting, things start to escalate.
Un lienzo documental que entremezcla el retrato psicológico de la modelo, una prostituta politoxicómana, con el retrato plástico realizado por el artista Alejandro Carpintero. Narra cómo su proceso creativo le lleva a conocer e involucrase en la vida de Anastasia, una prostituta politoxicómana, a la vez que plantea la relación histórica entre los artistas y las trabajadoras del sexo. Mitad documental, mitad masterclass de pintura, la película entremezcla el retrato psicológico de la protagonista con el retrato plástico realizado por el artista. Cine alternativo, underground, barriobajero e inclasificable, es uno de los documentos visuales más auténticos y emocionantes sobre el arte de la pintura que se pueden ver.