La historia de cómo una periodista alemana y un abogado sueco descubren la verdad acerca de la tragedia del ferry Estonia. El barco naufragó en mitad del mar Báltico en 1994, y en esta catástrofe murieron más de 800 personas. Hasta el día de hoy ésta se considera una de las mayores catástrofes ocurridas en aguas europeas...
Rebecca comes from a good home, but still sees little sense in life. She feels left out from her father's new family, she's had an abortion, she's tried to commit suicide, and she hates life in the city. In this condition, she meets Lukas, a gentle, but at the same time, strong-willed and good-looking young man. Lukas and his friends live in a commune out in the woods. They share their drugs and bodies, and beg or steal whatever they have to in order to get by. Rebecca falls in love with Lukas and soon feels more comfortable in the commune than she does at home. Together, they develop a criminal energy that knows no boundaries and leads them to cold-blooded murder...
Berlin's Danny Bach, single and lead singer of a garage band, actually has something better to do than take care of his orphaned 14-year-old cousin from Kazakhstan. But the smart, charming Ekaterina will soon be part of the family. And it hits Danny hard when he learns that the girl is terminally ill. This funny and soulful Christmas film is a sensitive plea for “One World”: the possibility of understanding beyond national and cultural differences.