Julia Rappold


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What Matters Most
The lawyer Ella Wolf and her childhood friend Florian come from the same place but live in different worlds. He stayed in idyllic Bad Friedlingen and continues to run the organic farm of his deceased parents. For him, the modern milking machine means maximum change. Ella, on the other hand, is about to take the next step in her career in a renowned Munich law firm: one more test and she will become the youngest junior partner of all time! At her best friend's hilarious wedding party, the two meet and get closer than ever! When Ella returns to her home village six weeks later, she has two serious issues in her luggage: Firstly, she is pregnant by "Flo", which nobody but her knows yet, and secondly, she is supposed to push through a destructive construction project for an important client, which of all things is fought by Florian as the leader of a citizens' initiative.
Beckenrand Sheriff
A lifeguard tries by all means to keep his home, an open-air swimming pool, from being closed.
La sala de cristal
Alemania, año 1945, justo antes del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Anna y su hijo Felix, de 11 años, huyen de la bombardeada Múnich hacia el campo. Mientras que Anna sufre haciéndose pasar por una nacionalsocialista convencida, Felix se siente cada vez más seducido por la propaganda nazi y sus partidarios. La película está basada en los recuerdos de la infancia del guionista Josef Einwanger.