Ann Lange


Hot Money
Burt, a clever ex-con, has changed his identity and has managed to land a job as a deputy in small town in upstate New York. On the 4th of July, while the drunken Sheriff Paisley is busy with the local parade and festivities, Burt quietly steals a million dollars in cash from the cellar safe in the local rich old widow's house. Unsuspected, Burt makes plans to live the rest of his life in the lap of luxury in a far off place with his attractive girlfriend, local hash house waitress Jeanette. But when a crisis of conscience hits him like a wave of ice cold water, he starts to think twice about his dastardly deed, and how that purloining of the old lady's money is wrongly affecting his friends as well as innocent locals. But will Burt do the right thing?
Un poquito de sexo
Bathing suit model
Michael tiene un gran problema, cada vez que toma un cafe con una chica guapa acaba acostandose con ella. El problema reside en que, muy pronto, se casará con Katherine, una preciosidad con la que vive desde hace años. Tommy, el hermano de Michael, le desafía a que no conseguira mantenerse sexualmente fiel a Katherine después del matrimonio; Michael acepta la apuesta y descubre que el amor y las buenas intenciones no son suficientes: trabaja como productor de spots de televisióny está en contacto con bellísimas modelos y actrices. Demasiado cerca para un hombre casado. Pero Michael pondrá todos los medios precisos para vencer la innumerables tentaciones
Family Reunion
Elizabeth Winfield is a retired teacher, who desperately tries to keep her family together. While she's traveling through the country and meeting her relatives, back in her hometown, a group of shopping mall developers are planning to take over her family land in order to begin their ambitious project. Now she needs to find ways to stop this construction in time before the town's annual festivities.