Marcel Keoroglian, a public figure in Uruguay thanks to his works in carnival, television, radio and cinema, has at home eighteen records of the 1949 carnival that have never been heard. These records were recorded by José Goglian, an Armenian immigrant, who in the 1940s lived in Villa del Cerro (a Montevidean neighborhood made up of many immigrant groups) and who invited his neighbour carnival musicians to his apartment to record them with a phonograph. This documentary is focused on Marcel's passionate bond with the murga genre, as he writes the lyrics for a group that is preparing for the next carnival, while looking for a way to revive the music of these albums that awaited sixty-eight years to be heard.
La murga es una forma de expresión artística del carnaval uruguayo .La misma ha funcionado como un catalizador de las ideas e inquietudes de las clases mas oprimidas de nuestra sociedad a través de la sátira que caracteriza a este genero musical.
Luego de una intensa búsqueda de murguistas sexagenarios, referentes de las nuevas generaciones del carnaval uruguayo , se logra conformar un plantel de 17 integrantes quienes se presentan al concurso oficial de carnaval 2004 . La Matinee nos permite revivir esta historia bajo la dirección de Sebastian Bednarik.